posted on Feb, 11 2010 @ 02:12 PM
Hey there Jacob.
Please, don’t give up on man yet.
I am a Christian & I know my constant Christian toting on this board will probably earn me a bad name, but I don’t care.
According to Christian faith, mankind suffers from a sin nature, which was gained during the original fall of man.
This fall severed our spiritual connection with God, thus we died spiritually that day or ancestors ate from the Tree of Knowledge.
Once Jesus Christ died for us, we have the option of reestablishing that spiritual connection, by accepting him into our lives and acknowledging his
power and his sacrifice for us.
This acknowledgement and acceptance of Jesus allows the Holy Spirit to enter our hearts and begin to slowly transform us – teaching us why things
are wrong and showing us why they are wrong.
Now, some people may say this is just a load of Christian rubbish – but to me it explains so much.
Even if you do not believe in God – we have to admit that mankind has a sickness, which is addiction to sinful deeds.
Our pride and arrogance is what causes so much sadness in the world.
Not money, etc. These are just symptoms of the problem.
The source of Earths problems lies in the hearts of man.
Only through Jesus Christ, in my humble opinion, can our hearts begin to be transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. In my opinion.