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Are movies telling us something?

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posted on May, 28 2004 @ 09:01 PM
I just watched the movie, SIGNS, by M. Knight Shamalan for the 2nd time on cable and I can't beleive how similiar a certain scene in the movie is to the recent Mexico UFO sightings. A series of 14-16 lights moving in unison caught on camera. Both were in Mexico. I ain't saying that this is anything even remotely important, just thought it was pretty interesting that this movie made a couple years ago is mimicked almost the same way 3 weeks ago.

[Edited on 28-5-2004 by mpeake]

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 09:05 PM
yes they are they say give all your money to deadcatsrule

btw...Idon't think so it's just to weird

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:23 PM
Signs was not a documentary. It was just one persons perspective. So it was a bogus flick, that let you hanging at the end.
IE, a waste of movie goers money!

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:26 PM
I don't think movies are trying to tell us something. If they are... That would suck...I wouldn't want a Predator or Alien hunting me down... especially those creeps from Mars Attacks. IF they wanted to tell us, they'd tell us through a press-conference or something, not a movie where nobodys thinking, "Is the government trying to tell us something???"

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:30 PM
Maybe they are trying to make us complacent. So that when people say 'There are aliens' most people will say 'But they are only in the movies'. Wouldn't it be a shock to most people if a spaceship landed and aliens with death rays came out
They would be so numb they'd just sit there and get eaten.
"I didn't expect that - it should just be science fiction !"

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 11:51 PM

M. Night Shyamalan is an artist, not an agent sent to make the world complacent. Come on's art, imagination, it's fun. NOT disinformation. Some of you are looking far far too deep into movies as if they were crystal balls. NOBODY would just sit and allow an alien to "eat" them...that's just immature.

I believe if aliens "landed" the world would fly into a panic and the riots would set civilization back a couple decades.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 11:57 PM
Movies are getting nothing out other than mixed signals on the subject of aliens. According to movies, aliens are usually bad. Either wanting to destroy all humanity, experiment on us, or use us as incubators for their babies. However there are other stories with aliens being good natured friendly folk and the government is out to get them and stop them from communicating with the public.

If there was a signal being given across movies, its that aliens are coming to this planet. Thats it. There is nothing else to be gleaned from them because there is no consistency.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 11:58 PM
It is telling us something. It is telling us that they have been around for millenia. Yes, they make good money for Hollywood, but they also serve that purpose that they are here and have been visiting us. They abduct people, like in the movies. Aliens!--Ha, watch too much alien movies--This is just exactly what "they" want you to say...the Government knows so much more, they have large amounts of evidence stashed somewhere...Are aliens just Hollywood imagination...It's just a movie, or is it?

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 12:03 AM
I remember hearing one time that Steven Spielberg's CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE THIRD KIND, was actually the beginning of a Program to prepare the Human Race for the possibility of Human/Alien Contact. The Puppet Masters were the U.S. Government, and other World leaders. Slowly the idea of inital contact, was introduced in the 1940's, the we would be feed the idea of Contact.

All of this because Aliens had been in contact with our Leaders, (secretly passed down from U.S President, to U.S. president), and the day would come when the Truth would be revealed.

This might have been a David Icke interview, with George Noory, where I heard this.

DISCLAIMER:I do not believe this rot.

[Edited on 04-08-2004 by ladyspiritguide]

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 12:11 AM

Originally posted by Preest

M. Night Shyamalan is an artist, not an agent sent to make the world complacent. Come on's art, imagination, it's fun. NOT disinformation. Some of you are looking far far too deep into movies as if they were crystal balls.
I believe if aliens "landed" the world would fly into a panic and the riots would set civilization back a couple decades.

Agreed on all points. I really don't think M.Night or Speilberg is sitting down to have meetings with the NSA or the State Department to figure out the best way to condition us. I don't think it is impossible, but it seems highly unlikely. It is a fascinating subject to speculate on though.

Movies and TV shows are for entertainment. It is amazing how many "Stargate" scenarios have entered into UFO lore over the last few years.......

I also agree that aliens suddenly showing up would most likely throw humanity into serious disarray. We have seen it in our own history. With the exception of the Japanese, whenever a more technologicaly advanced society has encountered a lesser advanced one, the lesser one usually fractured or disintegrated.

just my opinion

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