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Losing Respect for Glenn Beck and Friends: Texas Governor Race

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posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

The Glenn Beck Interview was just awful and the way the MSM news outlets have taken his accusations and repeated them over and over reminds me of the old saying "If you repeat a lie enough times people may accept it as truth " . Associated Press is running a nasty article in particular with quotes from the Glenn Beck show that quote Debra Medina way out of context and the article is nothing more that a big fat lie

Thankfully the people of Texas seem to be smarter than this. Despite Story after story saying she's a truther and her chances are finished I have read comment after comment saying the exact opposite and when I checked online polls they still show her WAY OUT in the lead for Governor
I had no idea. I thought she only had a narrow tie with Hutchinson but according to the local polls she is way ahead.

Talk about a Mass Media Spin Dizzy ! When I went looking for articles on Medina last night I found a combined total of over 800 articles from the Washington post and the Dallas Morning News just blasting Medina as a "truther" just because she said she didn't have a position on the subject but supported the peoples rights to ask questions! The Dallas Morning News even took it a step further publicly endorsing Hutchinson. Talk about your biased media. All over the MSM world political science hacks are being exalted for saying shes finished as major news outlets do their best to debase her character.

But despite the best efforts of a controlled media Debra Medinas' popularity is still on the rise. The shenanigans of Glenn Beck have most definitely back fired and only increased Medina support while costing Beck a chunk of his former audience for underestimating their intelligence. It looks like Medina may well pull off a Scott Brown in Texas!

posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:09 PM
Nielsens shows a drop in Beck viewers.

Google Trends shows a huge spike in page visits to

She is still gaining donations.


posted on Feb, 13 2010 @ 01:24 PM
reply to post by Lemon.Fresh

Damn! I need campaign donations too.

Wonder if I can get a spot on Beck's show?

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh
Go back into my post history.

I have been a defender of Glenn Beck.

Not anymore. I canceled my Insider and Fusion subscription, unsubscribed from his email list, and blocked the charges from buying tickets to his show here in TX.

That is how much this has opened my eyes.

I should have known from the FEMA camp flip flop and the fiasco with The View.

I fee like an idiot.

I apologize to all the people I debated with. I was wrong.

[edit on 2/12/2010 by Lemon.Fresh]

Brother, I'm right there with you! We can only defend so long until the BS just gets where you cant dismiss it.

The bad part is, he has some good info.

I guess they got to him.

Bloody shame, I've listened to this guy for over 10 years. Oh well.

We still got Savage! He may be half crazed but his story hasnt changed!

posted on Feb, 14 2010 @ 05:31 PM
reply to post by felonius

It is disappointing.

He does have a lot of good info . . . but that is what makes him so perfect fo TPTB.

Tell mostly truths interspersed with some non-truths.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:30 AM
He is losing me with all the religion stuff lately.

While I am on board with a lot of the anti-Soros, NWO stuff he is killing me on the inside with all the god business.

Don't get me wrong, believe all you want - I was willing to die for people's right to do so but come on bro, either be a political opinion guy or a preacher one or the other.

He's framing the ideas he has in a way that makes it appear that unless you believe in god and Christianity you have no moral basis upon which to stand.

I take issue with that belief - I consider myself a moral person and don't believe at all.

It's turning me off, literally.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Golf66

He is, for a lack of better words, pandering to the people who identify themselves as the religious right.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Lemon.Fresh[He is, for a lack of better words, pandering to the people who identify themselves as the religious right.

Which surprises me really, he has a huge audiance and they can't all be so religious - meh, to each his own on that I say but there can't be that many in the demo to pander to; at the same time he alienates the middle?

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