posted on Feb, 9 2010 @ 04:42 AM
Unrest is spread across the globe (including Iran).. which runs deep within every society. Society at the moment is facing many challenges and issues
it needs to resolve, and the almost serf like system of consumer based debt servitude we are all stuck in needs to end if hunamity to flourish
We have lost balance in our approach and are, in my opinion at one of those tipping points in history..
I feel we will naturally hit an event (civil unrest, natural disease ect) which will readjust society and rebalance the level of power the current
establishment has..
However there is also the additional factor that the Establishment can engineer an event (External wars, manufactured disease etc) which will have a
similar effect as a natural event but will have the end result of consolidating the Establishments hold and increase the negative cycle of debt
servitude we are currently in.
I guess it is down to personal choice if you think we are facing a natural or engineered event.. Either way this is not going to be a pleasant ride.