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Documentaries on UK Intelligence

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posted on May, 28 2004 @ 04:49 PM
Anyone know of any documentaries on History channel or whatever on the UK Intelligence Services, new-age technology etc?

All I have found so far is this:

Spy Master: (Discovery Channel)

Echelon: The Most Secret Spy System (On The History Channel)

Echelon is a nickname for a conglomerate of five countries that have developed an information-sharing policy. The United States, Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand have all acknowledged that they effectively spy on each other in an effort to get around laws that prevent countries from spying on their own citizens. This intelligence sharing partnership has prevented numerous terrorist attacks worldwide and has aided the U.S. in its recent conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"Echelon: The Most Secret Spy System" explores the technological aspects of the partnership, which include encryption and hi-tech satellite communication. The show explores the history of listening in on other countries' communications and explains some of the situations in which it's been controversial. A rare interview with NSA Director Michael Hayden discusses the NSA's role in combatting terrorism and the importance of the Echelon partnership to that role. Former spies discuss what they heard when they were ordered to listen in on supposedly private conversations. Finally, the show concludes with a discussion of what role Echelon will play in the ever-changing war on terror.

[Edited on 28-5-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 04:53 PM
damnit you just reminded me.there was a history channel documentary on echelon and the new spy systems that was on today.with some look itll be should check it out the history channel is good for stuff like this.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 05:13 PM

Originally posted by AlphaOfTheOmega
damnit you just reminded me.there was a history channel documentary on echelon and the new spy systems that was on today.with some look itll be should check it out the history channel is good for stuff like this.

Echelon is on again tomorrow: 29 May 2004 Sat 15.00 - 16.00

Please update this post when you see anything else like this for the UK.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 05:17 PM
Hunter... I was just reading your signature..
biometric ID cards are definitely not a sign of a police state... I live in a country where ID cards have been mandatory for all people for ages. They are now upgrading them to Biometric ID cards that carry all your information.. Which, infact, is a good thing
You can go shopping, buy your bus fares, etc, all on one card
And this one card is unique for YOU. No forgeries possible, nothing.

It's not as bad as everyone thinks, I certainly wouldnt mind carrying one around if it helps protect me from criminals and helps clear up identity confusion, and for many shops and places, they lessen their liability (Just refuse to sell booze to anyone not carrying identity cards)

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by browha
Hunter... I was just reading your signature..
biometric ID cards are definitely not a sign of a police state... I live in a country where ID cards have been mandatory for all people for ages. They are now upgrading them to Biometric ID cards that carry all your information.. Which, infact, is a good thing
You can go shopping, buy your bus fares, etc, all on one card
And this one card is unique for YOU. No forgeries possible, nothing.

It's not as bad as everyone thinks, I certainly wouldnt mind carrying one around if it helps protect me from criminals and helps clear up identity confusion, and for many shops and places, they lessen their liability (Just refuse to sell booze to anyone not carrying identity cards)

Have a look at this:

It this today and then something else tomorrow.

We are slowly but surely replacing our liberty for security. To battle this civil unrest problem you have to look at the reasons for why it is caused. You can't keep on fighting the symptoms of a disease by supplying more medicine, you need to get at the plague that causes it at its roots.

If you have a fire in the kitchen and it keeps on happening, you don�t keep on filling your kitchen up with water to put it out every time, you look at why the fire is caused and take it out at the roots.

I apologies for these analogies but I do not agree with you and these explain it real simply.

It is like the 911 attacks, rather than dealing with the reason, which Laden has stated below...

In 1998, on the American ABC network, Osama Bin Laden gave his views very clearly on why he opposed America. Here are some excerpts:-

'I say to them that they (the Americans) have put themselves at the mercy of a disloyal government, and this is most evident in Clinton's administration. We believe that it represents Israel inside America. Take the sensitive ministries such as the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defence and the CIA, you will find that the Jews have the upper hand in them. They make use of America to further their plans for the world... For over half a century, Muslims in Palestine have been slaughtered and assaulted (by the Israelis) and robbed of their honour and of their property. Their houses have been blasted, their crops destroyed.'

America�s unconditional support for Israel brought this upon themselves and it is going to happen in my country also. Rather than dealing with this issue, what do you get? More security, more surveillance... more government oppression and tyranny - A global police state!

Even President Ariel Sharon confirmed this when speaking to Shimon Peres on the Kol Yisrael radio station October 3, 2001:-

'Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that... I want to tell you something very clear. Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We the Jewish people control America, and the Americans know it.'

[Edited on 28-5-2004 by The Hunter]

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 07:12 PM
You just gave me some weird felling that l had read what you have just written.Then realised you have posted that last post on a differant thread asking for pictures,now you want T.V info.You obviously have some issues with authority that you cannot prove and are just fishing for anything barely realistic.
Get with the program your better of looking at MI5 web page cause thats about as close as your gonna get with facts about the British security services or S.I.S.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 09:06 PM
im against id cards. i don�t like the idea of them holding information on me. this kind of system will lead to higher numbers of criminal activity as these criminals will be forced into it due to id cards, because these cards will inevitably be issued with past history�s i.e. criminal records, credit ratings [leading to the inevitable "oh im sorry sir but we cant accept you"] theses people will only commit more crime because they cant get access to what the everyday joe with a clean record gets and because its degrading to them. the british have also considered calling these id cards privilege cards [ how pompous is that] as this could lead to cards which enable some more privilege than others adding even more to the divide between rich and poor. im no criminal but i can understand that. id cards are a pointless and embarrassing sign of the times were people have become so uptight about there material worth they will give up there liberty�s to protect them. unfortunately this kind of scenario will lead to me having to give up my liberty�s because of these stupid superficial scaredy cat idiots, who want to live in a police state, these people don�t understand what a police state is they only understand there bank accounts and their next hip purchase. i cant remember who said this but its true "man will never be free until he accepts the responsibility that comes with freedom" or something like that. i think it all comes down very much to a poor vs. rich, haves and have nots. people with brain and people with out brain. its all about survival of the fittest, that kind of mentally is stupid, as on one hand were all supposed to be civilised and on the other we'll do some dreadful things to get what we want. stupid. id cards are a bad idea, anything like it is a bad idea and is one more step down the wrong path. people who go for this sort of thing are the lunatics. there�s this word, which has gone very much out of fashion its called TRUST. but then trust goes straight out the window because I WANT THAT NEW GAGET AND I WILL DO ANYTHING TO GET IT. british media pushes this sort of thing as a good idea. i think its not i think its dangerous and stupid and i would expect more from a country that has achieved so much in the name of equality for all. well that�s my 2 penny�s worth.

posted on May, 29 2004 @ 05:04 PM
Do you have experiance of living in a police state?
You have never been free and never will be free.I.D cards will hold info about you which has been available for the past ten years.Do you think that suppermarket loyality cards are in place for you to gain points.No the info when you pay by debit card is collected and a profile is made of your personnality and habits, example what type of magazines,alcohol you purchase any thing that may be usefull to build personal profile is already shared with other organisation.Your debit,credit cards and bank info together with tax and social security info is already being collated.I.D cards just make it easier.Is it a good thing?
The reason for this is because the authorities need to be able to make a profile to gain an advantage.9/11 proved that more checks are required.If you read the profiles in the media of the terrorist involved alot is mentioned about there activities before 9/11/some info was collated but the true wealth of available info on there activities was never truelly used.The intelligance gathered will unlikely prove conclusive but allows activites to be planned for further investigation.The ideas came from the F.B.I` s psycological profiling of serial killers were a link was realised.
There is no way of ever stopping agencies from this type of intelligance garthering.You just have to trust you govt.If your not guilty you have nothing to fear.

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