posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 06:00 AM
I'm new to ATS and wish to say hello to you.
And, I know how much trolls must annoy you!
And, of course, I'm referring to trolling members and not the greenish variety.
They keep talking on and on in order to put as much garbage as they can into a thread, making it difficult to sort through to the valid and
insightfully contributing posts.
Sometimes they have access to numerous accounts with different IP address and use them to give themselves stars.
They travel in packs of 2s and 3s, and bounce side issues between each other to distract attention away from the points of major controversy that
would make their rich benefactors look bad. (hmm, sounds alot like CNN and FOX along with the rest of main stream media)
Make no mistake, what they do is willful and blatant. They know that they are defending the side of injustice, exploitation and the corporate
They are ugly.