posted on Feb, 8 2010 @ 12:35 AM
The first gamma ray burst was detected in 1967 by the Vela satellite.
It is my belief for reasons stated in my original death star thread that these bursts are part of a deliberate program to create controlled global
warming as the technical program in support of the global governance carbon control regime. I have stated that I believe these burst are the cause of
colony collapse disorder in bees, increased whale and porpoise beachings, and I believe they are also responsible for bird and catibou migrations
going off course and butterfly migrations as well.
I have to now seriously consider whether they are causing alzheimers disease.
We know that cummulative radiation damages the brain. So, as my hypothesis states that the pulsing program began in 1967 and ramped up and continued
until we now have about one a day. Thus we woud expect the alzheimers rate to increase with time. That is what the death statistics show. In 1996 it
was the 14th leading casue of death. In 2000 it had moved up to become the 8th leading casue of death.
We know that air acts as a shield for gamma radiation this people that live at higher altitudes should have higher rates of alzheimers.
This is precisely what is seen.
"Scientists have known for some time that people with certain diseases that restrict their supply of oxygen, such as stroke or lung disorders, are
more prone to Alzheimer's and also that people who live at high altitudes are also at greater risk of developing the disease."
Are we seeing a purposeful disinformation campaign to divert attention from the real cause of Alzheimers?
Is all the untold suffering being brought about by the pulsing of the death stars?