posted on Mar, 1 2003 @ 12:38 PM
To be honest, you should've posted your question in the XMB Forum topic...That's where all posts concerning the XMB forumboard are supposed to
First, you have to have a pic...Preferably in GIF or JPG format (mainly because these are the most commonly-used formats on websites). Then you need
to load it up into a graphics program so you can make it fall within the posted guidelines for ATS...The guidelines can be read here:
Once you've got it cropped & so forth, you need to upload it to a website in a non-secured area that wouldn't need an access code or
password...Otherwise, ATS won't be able to call it up & display it.
Once you've got it uploaded, you need to get into your profile edit-mode here at the ATS forums (Control Panel/Options screen). Click on "Edit
Profile". Scroll to the bottom of the page & find the textbox behind "Avatar URL:" (It's just above the entry-areas for typing in your Signature &
Mood) and type in the URL address that will lead to your uploaded pic. Click on the "Edit Profile" button at the bottom of the page.
If you've typed in the URL for your picture correctly, it should now show up when you look at any of your posts.
[Edited on 1-3-2003 by MidnightDStroyer]