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New member of the brotherhood of EU

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posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:08 PM
Who think Turkey will ever shapen up their social wellfare and human make the step into the EU brotherhood???????

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:23 PM
I am often addressed as "EU" and upon reading the title of your thread, New Member of The Brotherhood of EU, thought that someone started a new society around my cult of personality, without even asking!

If it will help bring world peace then I suppose I can give my blessing.

Turkey is a secular state with a constitution, so there is hope.

[edit on 2/7/2010 by EnlightenUp]

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:27 PM
I can see them getting into the common defense policy and furthering their economic partnership and even joining the Euro in the future.. but for Schengen and complete EU membership? They could be waiting decades or may never be allowed.

Mid and Southern Turkey is absolutely nothing like Europe.. it doesn't carry any real common European values or traditions.

Anyway, it would weaken EU cohesion for major decision making by adding another massive player in the politics alongside France, Germany and the UK.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:40 PM
I agree with Dermo. It wouldnt be to Europes advantage.

The Muslim invasion is far to much to allow a muslim country any say so in political affairs.

Turkey secular? Not as much as it used to be. The present leader is hard muslim. Had it not been for their military telling him to back off (they have that right) it could have gotten worse.

The only secular parts of Turkey (from what I've read) seem to be the large cities (go figure). The rural parts still tend to the old ways.

Turkey is fine to have as an ally and a trade partner but it is NOT European.

Europe needs a rebirth. To much non-European blood there nowadays. There are far to many towns that used to be native blood that are now cesspools of the trash that moved in for social programs. Sweden, England, France. The list goes on.

When the number one name goes from being (for example) "Fritz" to "mohamed" you have a problem.

I will be expecting flames for muslim bashing now

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:47 PM

Originally posted by swecret
Who think Turkey will ever shapen up their social wellfare and human make the step into the EU brotherhood???????

It will take more than just reform of its legal institutions and human rights/economic issues .

It won`t be enough to just have the political classes & state institutions in sync with E.U countries . It will have to resonate with the man/woman in the street ..

A substantial proportion of the population will have to feel a `shared sense of values` with their fellow E.U citizens .

Of course Turkey will bring its own influence to the Union , which every member state is entitled too ....... its just a case of marrying their culture to the mix .

So do we wait until Turkey achieves these goals - outside the union , .... before joining .
Or do we allow Turkey membership - letting it make the transition from inside ? No doubt there will be teething problems .

Leaving aside the economic reforms/ Kurdish nationalist issues etc necessary ..... the inclusion of a large (approx.70 million) secular Muslim country may very well be a good thing .

But in my humble opinion - such a transition must be managed very carefully .

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:05 PM
reply to post by felonius

Well, stop being a racist, and you won't get bashed for it.

Turkey is staunchly secular. You really should research what has happened in the past when the government has dared to even position itself anywhere towards the brink of religiousness (hint: the army steps in).

Too much non-European blood? I guess they should open up camps in Poland and send everyone there, then? Sounds great!

So what is 'European'? Or are the Poles and Portuguese, the Greeks and the Irish all the same? Oooh - I get it. Scary muslims bad! Brown faces bad! oooohhh!!! scary!!!!

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by felonius
Europe needs a rebirth. To much non-European blood there nowadays. There are far to many towns that used to be native blood that are now cesspools of the trash that moved in for social programs. Sweden, England, France. The list goes on.

When the number one name goes from being (for example) "Fritz" to "mohamed" you have a problem.

I will be expecting flames for muslim bashing now

No. I'll just point out that you're a bad comb-over and silly moustache away from mirroring the attitudes of a very famous Austrian! Kudos to you on your brush with fame.

posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 09:15 PM
reply to post by davesidious

I gave you a star for disobeying ignorance. I highly recommend Felonius try this some day. He needs to stop trying to allign himself with Hitler, Napoleon and Nero.


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