posted on Feb, 7 2010 @ 07:55 AM
I was watching sports highlights earlier, and the strangest thing happened. The sportscaster said there was 44 hours left until the superbowl. no
joke. it was "the score" sports network. a very prominent sports network here in canada.
i wonder if there will be 44 "4"'s by kickoff. or maybe the halftime show. or the final score.
oh and i just noticed yesterday that the epic Prince superbowl performance.....was re-creating the story of know...."that"
full on. when the giant white sheet goes'll see what i mean if you know what you're looking at. and the band members.....they even stop
ro.....bah nevermind. how bout that that national sports game eh? you know the one....where you can score one of two ways...the first, you can use
all your resources, all your might, all your knowledge of battle throughout the ages, and brute force your way through your opponents to push the
sphere to its new resting place, oooorrr...see this is the interesting part....or you can use finesse, precision, focus, human reserve, patience,
calm, and.....most of all have the sphere ascend through the skies, into a small, but possible, very very very very very(ill leave it at 5
vary's, you get it)possible to enter passageway. only thing is, once its on its way, you have no idea what could happen on the way to the passage. a
bird could come flying out of the wilderness and strike the sphere....setting it on a new course. and you get no points. boohoo.
i like football favorite teams have been the lions, rams, eagles, and the colts aren't my favorite team yet...but i do like that babyfaced
peyton manning. man isnt he like 50? how is it that he, the head of the colts, has a babyface. i just dont understand how someone who has been through
so much could still look so young. i liked the dolphins for a bit, but they're phasing out, its the colts with peyton manning at the head. it is them
i want to see shine.
oh, and young.....its bath time. scrub a dub dub bitch.