posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 10:53 PM
To make a long story short, I decided a while back to try an expiriment. The reason for it is because after seeing so many conflicting conspiracy
theories, I began to ponder how easily someone can be fooled by a lie, so I candidly decided to create my own, and test how other internet users would
see it. The results surprised me, my picture caused quite a stir on the boards that I showed it on, especially 4chan. It just goes to show you,
don't beleive everything you see." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
I created this using photoshop, and I screencapped every step that I took.
In my posts, I exclaimed that this was an image taken from Hubble in 2005, most of the repliers beleived it, but some immediately dismissed it. I
personally don't understand why people would fake things like this (other than to test how people would react.