posted on Feb, 6 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Its been a few years since i have been in Vancouver.(1972)
The biggest danger from a nuclear weapon is where its set off at.
if some group got a nuke its very unlikely to be a hydrogen device because They are very hard to make and only the major players have the tech to make
A terrorist group is unlikely to have anything over 100 kt due to size and being able to transport anything bigger.
The biggest problem would be a nuke set off in or under water.
and the blast effect would be the least of the problems.
Water blast have a effect called base surge.
Its a cloud of highly radioactive water and steam that travels just above the water. This cloud will spread radioactive material in far greater amount
then a air burst and tends to drop its load on everything it passes over as the steam cools.
This radioactive contamination is long term problem and impossible to clean up.
After this type attack Vancouver would be unusable and unlivable for 30+years.
since its the major port for the west coast of Canada this would be a major problem.