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Growing Christian Separatist Movement in US

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posted on May, 28 2004 @ 09:24 AM
I've not seen much about this on major news outlets and wanted to bring it here for discussion.

It appears that there is a growing push for conservative Christians to form an independent nation, seceeding from the USA. The is plan is for large numbers of like-minded Christians to move to South Carolina, Mississippi or Alabama, attain elected positions of power and seceed from the Union. Reasons cited for the desire of an independent nation are the expansion of gay rights, abortion, and a general falling away of Christian values as they view them.
Here is the homepage of the movement:

The key issue appears to be gay marriage. This appears to be the "final straw" as it were, similar to Lincoln's election being the final straw for the South in Civil War Era America.
"The Plan"

After this article on a Christian news site, support for the idea grew exponentially.

What are some of the thoughts on this? Good idea? Bad idea? Does anyone think this could be successful? How would another Civil War, violent or not, effect the nation and the world in general?

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:13 AM
Quite honestly, if they can pull it off without violence, I'm fine with this. I'm not Christian, and so would have no desire to live there, but as long as they don't descend to Taliban-esque levels of religious furor ("You must obey the Bible literally, and, no, you can't leave.") I think that it's their choice.

Unfortunately, the logistics for making this happen in the US are pretty difficult. First, they want a coastal state: This makes sence as it allows them an outlet for foreign trade. Unfortunately, the federal government is pretty tight with controlling its costal regions.

Second, even if the federal government allows them to seceed, there's the matter of existing infrastructure. A lot of this was paid for with money coming from the federal government, and the separatist group would need to come up with a way to repay the current value. This gets more complicated than saying "we'll give you the money you paid for it back" as it has the potential to affect shipping and rail traffic through the surrounding states.

Third, there's the matter of current residents. There will be a lot of resistance from established families that don't want to give up their homes, but do not want a part of this new country. What will happen with these people?

The group would, honestly, be better off finding some less-claimed land on which to found their nation. The problem for them is that they will then have to start from scratch (or much closer to scratch than they'd be in, say, South Carolina), building all of the infrastructure themselves instead of taking over existing infrastructure.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:23 AM
It will never happen. The US giving up land? Never happen as their world dominance would be incomplete.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:25 AM
Quite frankly I haven't heard a thing about it until reading this thread. I went to the link and found this is a relatively recent site (Jan/04 update). After looking their site over, I don't think that I, or most other people, could take them seriously. There "plan" is to get 50,000 like-minded people to move to state to "take it over". This actually sounds more like a plan concocted in a middle school lunchroom.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 10:33 AM
they should change their location to texas... texas has the legal right to seceed and would be a lot better suited.

no matter where they are though the US won't let it happen.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:25 PM
I have no problem with it, but I doubt it would be allowed because the NWO want a unified world, not people wandering around making their own rules. Otherwise they'd just leave us alone to do our own thing - and that's not happening right now is it ?

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:29 PM
This won't come to any kind of fruition. I'm sure its a bunch of hotheaded, hardcore Christians who are making rash decisions and not thinking clearly (which is what many "Bible thumpers" seem to do). Don't get me wrong, I'm Christian, I'm not bashing anyone, I'm just telling it how I see it. Too bad for these guys, it's never gonna work.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 01:59 PM
Read this thread and the article at it's source. They've got the Presidency, the bulk of the military commanders that have been elevated during the Bush years and a very energized voting bloc......why leave? They're on the cusp of owning America.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:05 PM
Ahh, yes, and "they" have gotten to their position just because "they" are Christian. They have no outside talents, they can't do a thing, but because "they" are Christian, "they" are given positions of power. I know, let's just make Christianity illegal, since people are so offended when someone gets into power who actually practices the religion rather then uses it as a label for themselves.

Everything is black and white, eh? No grey area? They disagree with you, so it must be a conspiracy that got them there, because people honest with themselves could only feel the way you do

P.S. a seporate nation is a bad idea, and would never happen.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:25 PM
What the hell is wrong with them? If they don't like it here they can move. How dare they take away land that belongs the PEOPLE of the United States of America.

They are trying to dissovle the United States Union, and should be delt with as traitors! If they don't get their way through voting, I guarantee they will try do it with violence. If they even try to fight, the US will crush them.

Our nation my be going through tough times, but does that mean you take the cowards way out and turn your back on her? I am ashamed of these people, and all of you should be too. They should be shot!

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:32 PM
First off, this "growing" movement probably went from 4 to 5 people. They're looking for 50,000 people in a country which has over 300 million people, and they haven't been able to fill the quota. I'm a Christian, and I think this is a terrible idea. This is one small sect. This would be like saying David Koresh is speaking for the whole Christian community.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by PolskieWojsko
What the hell is wrong with them? If they don't like it here they can move. How dare they take away land that belongs the PEOPLE of the United States of America.

They are trying to dissovle the United States Union, and should be delt with as traitors! If they don't get their way through voting, I guarantee they will try do it with violence. If they even try to fight, the US will crush them.

Our nation my be going through tough times, but does that mean you take the cowards way out and turn your back on her? I am ashamed of these people, and all of you should be too. They should be shot!

Hmm... Shot for what? For adhering to their Christian values and principles? It might not be a smart thing, what they're trying to do, but I don't think calling for their heads is going to help matters. I highly doubt they'd resort to violence to secede, they are Christian fundamentalists, remember. I dont think they'd resort to violence. They're trying to get away from the depravity in the United States, I don't think they'd combat it with their own immorality.

Let them think they can get away with this, they won't, but it doesn't hurt anyone to let them think they can.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:43 PM

Hmm... Shot for what?

Hmm... Treason?

So they should be allowed to destroy our country because they don't like gay marriage?

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by PolskieWojsko
Hmm... Treason?

So they should be allowed to destroy our country because they don't like gay marriage?

destroy our country? How, by voting? The won't be able to form their own nation in the US. The only thing they can do is vote and pass an ammendment. Democracy. You know, the rule of the majority. If over 2/3rds vote for it, it becomes law. How is using our country's laws destroying it?

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 02:52 PM
Do you really think they would do it peacefully? Give me a break, I can already see 50,000 drunk rednecks(highly doubt they will ever get that far though) with shotguns singing civil war songs believing they are protecting their families by forcefully leaving the union. How hard would it get them to fight?

During the Civil War, the states all voted on succeeding from the union, and they did(Yeah real peaceful to me)! What do you mean by "voting"?

The south lost the war, pull the stick out of your arses and get over it.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 03:00 PM
Polskie, I think you're seriously mistaken in what you think these people are doing...

They're Christians. They're not drunk rednecks with guns (well some might be). They're religious people who don't like what the United States is becoming, how morally corrupt it's becoming, and they wish to separate themselves from the rest of the country. I don't think they're trying to reenact the Civil War, or drag up old vengence. These aren't KKKers we're talking about. They're just a group of people who are very pissed off that gay marriage is going to become legal, and they want out.

They don't want out through violence, they want to do it through the system. They have a plan in place that's apparently supposed to take years, by getting people to vote, and getting representatives in the government. They don't plan on shooting anything that moves and saying see ya later.

You gotta calm yourself down, and try not to fly off the handle and call "treason" because these people want to hold fast to their moral values.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 03:03 PM
And as an addendum...

Originally posted by PolskieWojsko
Do you really think they would do it peacefully?

I think this might answer your question...

Our independence will be achieved by legislative vote rescinding our state�s ratification of the U.S. Constitution. In order to achieve this vote, we must possess a representative majority in both houses of our state�s legislature. This may not be achieved immediately.

Read that a couple times, just so its clear. Yes, I really do think they would do it peacefully. Even though talking about it is really pointless because it's never going to happen.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 03:07 PM
If they do succeed in voting, do you really thing the US is going to let it happen? Violence will be enevitable.

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 03:10 PM
A violent mind always expects violence...

posted on May, 28 2004 @ 03:10 PM
Of course the US won't let it happen. Then I assume these people will try to vote on it more, and maybe eventually leave the US and find an island to live on. I doubt a bunch of Christian people are going to fight the US. But you never know.

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