posted on May, 20 2010 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by shauny
I have actually stumbled across this video by myself while searching youtube for strange/weird videos and I was as unimpressed by it then as I am
now. An easy way to debunk this would be to preform an experiment to see if the picture itself causes uneasy feelings or it the mention of other
people feeling uneasy after viewing the picture is what causes an emotional response.
Make two groups of people ranging from 10-20 people in each group. Both groups will be shown the same picture of the girl for the same length of
time (although probably for less than one minute and without the music) and be given a short form to fill out after viewing the picture. The only
difference between the groups would be that one group would be told the story of how people become upset after watching the picture for x amount of
time and the other group will simply be asked to observe the picture.
If people in the first group feel upset afterwards but people in the second group do not, this would show that most likely any emotional response
to the picture is caused by the story of people becoming upset and is psychological in nature and not caused by the picture itself. To further test
this theory this experiment set up of two groups could be repeated using a different picture of a person, not necessarily a woman, and the same
results would likely occur.
This is of course only a suggestion, I have not gone to any length to preform such a test nor do I feel the need to. But any one who truly feels
this picture has 'evil' powers/presence is free to use my suggested experiment or any variation of it.
If you reallllllllllly think it needs to be proven.