posted on Feb, 5 2010 @ 02:17 AM
I'm glad I'm not a baby anymore... (Well maybe not) but anyway, I can never sleep on my back comfortably, I have trouble breathing when I sleep on
my back, snoring and such. It's much worse in children who are barrel chested.
I can only sleep on my sides, and before I had my back surgery I could sleep comfortably on my stomach now because of that I'm not really supposed to
sleep on my stomach.
If I had a baby, would I make him/her sleep in a certain position? I don't know... I mean, how do other cultures nurse their babies, and are the SID
rates as comparable to those who practice Western medicine?
So far I've seen three arguments for SIDS and Autism... Toxic bedding, Vaccines, sleeping on the back...
Maybe baby knows best, and bedding should be nontoxic and firm enough so that if the baby is on his/her stomach, the baby can still breathe because
the bedding is not soft enough to wrap over his/her nose or mouth, and baby should be kept warm by moderate clothing and warm rooms instead of
What concerns me though is seeing mothers carriage their babies on the streets all swaddled up with blankets with toques over their heads on summer
days... Have you ever used a toque on a summer day?
Brains are supposed to be kept cool, but these mothers are way too overprotective.