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Summarize - How do you view the next 2 years in the US?

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posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:00 AM
So we all have different 'ideas' and 'theories' as to what the truth of everything really is, and based on current knowledge i've been tending to repeat myself in threads because everything kind of 'connects'. Many threads have been brought up, everyone is discussing it not only on ATS but on other boards completely unrelated in topics, family, friends, news outlets (other than the MSMs)...

I've read, read and read about the current events, and based on those this is how i see the next 2 years in the US, based on what I know and believe (you may disagree, thats cool, just post up what you feel is going to happen involving life in the US locally, and politically, etc.)

I see 2010 being a year of war. It's only February and we already have sold weaponry to Taiwan angering China...this can be disputed because some would argue that would only piss China off, but some would also argue Taiwan deserves to be left alone and defend itself, etc. We also have increased military presence in the gulf areas, and beefed up our neighbors weaponry also. What are these signs of? War. Throughout history we have done nothing but kill each other. It's inevitable, as Smith once said. What about martial law? It's so close we can taste it. That's another indicator Obama is fitting the bill of the antichrist, or for atheists or nonbelievers, head of the NWO. Or both, depending on how you see things.

I see the remaining part of 2010 being filled with 'negotiations', rumors of war...and war itself. I see attacks within the US, false flag possibly killing hundreds of thousands. Obama i believe will be the head of it all, with the Black pope or Raj Patel playing a part also. A NWO/one-world-government may be established because of "ongoing attacks" - with the US/Obama being the head. once completed, i see Obama changing from this grassroots i love everyone to an egotistical insane man demanding perfection and praise. This would be the prime indicator he is the anti-christ. From 2010-2012, many things will happen...above are just some of what i see...possible fall of the dollar, possible loss of constitution/civil rights, etc.

There are many possibilities, and i'm sure i'm nowhere near right because it's impossible to predict the far as aliens and things along those lines...i cant comment as i dont think they don't exist, but i haven't seen one so i can't speculate. All i can say is i took time off work to watch the next year. If things get drastically better, I'll re-join the workforce and go back to being a wage slave. Otherwise if S starts to HTF, I will respond with force if necessary. Tough part is relaying this to the majority of people because they would immediately discredit the idea because there is no "Evidence", which is why it's a theory. Other hard part is that we are lied to so often by the government and the media that we have no way to know...they are masters of deception...look at 9/11! There are some people to this day if you tell them it was a false flag they will CONDEMN you and call YOU the terrorist! This is what the powers that be WANT. They want americans to turn against americans, and they accomplished that in so many ways. Prepare for a military and fascist state, or global/one world government. Or both.

What do YOU think the next 1-2 years hold?

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:10 AM
My honest opinion is that nothing huge is going to happen in the next two years. I do agree, however, that Obama is not the man that he says he is. Base the man on his actions not on his words. This is one person that is not duped by his power of speech.

The separation between the middle class and the upper class is slowly getting more expansive, and maybe that's what TPTB want. There has been historical evidence showing that when there is such a huge rift in socioeconomic status, that an impending fight is inevitable. I believe this is going to be the greatest factor in whatever TPTB have in store. Once people start hitting the streets there will be riots, and there will be martial law. But once again, I don't think the government should discount the voice of the people. There are still plenty of people in this country that haven't turned into the sheeple, and it will be this enormous amount of people that the military, police forces, etc. won't be able to handle. Even if only 1/4 of the US' population were to march on Washington tomorrow morning and start a civil war, there would be no stopping it. That's around 150 MILLION people we're talking about. Sure, many people will die, but there would be no stopping the war.

With all that being said, I'm just mentally preparing myself for whatever inevitable outcome there will be. I'd rather die a free man than a slave to the government, and if the time comes, I'll gladly give my life to defend what little liberty and freedom this world has left.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:19 AM
in 2 years from now, we will more than likely be in the early stages of a economic recovery bubble...key word being bubble. All the spending the government is doing now will be taking effect then and that will fuel a pretty decent but short lived superinflation of jobs across the board in construction projects.

As the bubble grows, so the bubble shall burst, however this will be past reelection time and it will be 4 more years.

The banks are restructuring exactly...*exactly* the same as they did before this latest burst recession. Up until a few days ago, there was not alot of real talk about goes deeper and more complex than that, but ultimately it comes down to this...there is no change in our bubble and burst economy to date...rollercoaster ups and downs until there truely is some changing...and the change will come once we stop getting sellouts in DC.

Obama/Senate/Congress could sort this issue out, but not in the first term...mostly because there will be tons of flack for whomever sorts it out to begin with and chances of re-election will be almost zero as these megabanks will make the popularity of whomever is sitting in office about as popular as a root canal...and banks/corps own american idealism. The reason you think the way you do, whatever you think, is because thats how you have been programmed..flat out.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:29 AM
hello since it doesn't seem like the mods want 2 stop me i'll first say that this one actually caused a rize? in my blood PressuRe!!! back on topic...can someone PLEASE tell us how 2 say "hi, what can i do 2 help?"...
in chinese! ?, is it better to die like a lion or 2 live like a dog? that could b the ? in the days 2 come for many americans 4 many reasons in the days 2 cum.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by SRHAZE420
Good post.

Well let's see on a personal level,

I'm working longer, harder for less "Team India"
so that my job can be outsourced to India.

When my job ends, that's it, I quit being a slave for Corporate America. I'm lucky I can retire early. Even if I have to move to a trailer in the middle of the desert at least I will be free, warm and able to get a tan.

Weather: We're I'm at we are averaging about one sunny day per every two weeks now. It's getting to be a rare occassion to see sunshine.

Global warming, where? not here
It's so cold the dog moans having to go out potty.

No health care yet. That's a joke anyway. The Pharma and Health Care Companies are some of the biggest lobbyists in DC anyway.

Cameras on every street corner, body scanners that can see you naked,
our freedoms and privacies have been eaten away little by little and yet most everyone walks around like a pod person / glazed over eyes just same old same old. Sometimes I feel like the heroine in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers".

I'm another year older and deeper in debt, one year closer to paying off my mortgage
At least I have a roof over my head and enough food to eat.

Worldwise, something is up, has been for a few years now. But once I move somewhere warmer and slower I'm divorcing the rat race. I may have to hang around the Great Lakes because I do see enough clean water becoming a issue.

We're leaving Iraq - but going full force into Afghanistan. Now start to research who the companies are that profit from war........

A recent documentary on P.B.S. allowed us to listen in on the telephone conversations Lyndon Johnson had with his advisers, Congressional and Senate leaders, and military leaders regarding the involvement of the United States in Viet Nam. It was plain as day to anyone watching, we had no idea as to what we were getting into and no idea has to how to get out. History has a strange way of repeating itself.

Barack Obama is going to send over thirty thousand more soldiers to a country and war the American people are starting to think is a waste of time and lives. The United States never learned one thing watching the Soviet Union retreat from Afghanistan beaten and demoralized after realizing they were beating their heads against a wall. Secretary of state Hillary Clinton has suggested the United states sit down and have meaningful talks with the Taliban regarding the United States leaving Afghanistan and the Taliban has stated, no matter how many troops we send, we are going to lose. If I remember correctly, the Viet Cong said the same thing, but we were allowed to withdraw with honor. Right.

The tribes in Iraq, Afghanistan, and other countries in this region of the world have been fighting each other for thousands of years and will continue to fight long after we are gone.

The attempts by the United states to install democracies in these countries may last for a while, but as soon as we leave, it all starts over again. It did not work in Viet Nam and will not work now.

War? Martial law?

Until the common man wakes up from his slumber and forces the governments that govern him/her to kick Corporations out of the beds of the politicians we're going to continue to have war, famine, bailing out the greedy companies and the rest of it.


No, don't see it - I think mankind is slowly being brainwashed/mind conditioned to accept totalitarian rule by the large corporations.

I see it getting harder for the majority of Americans to make ends meet.

Possible war and more of our freedoms stripped away.

I don't think disclosure will happen anytime soon. Little gray men are the least of our problems. If they were smart, they would make a sharp u turn and keep going.

The majority of people will continue to accept what is being dished out by the few haves and have mores. while walking around with dazed and confused expressions on their faces.

You can even Launch "Choose Your Own Apocalypse." right here

I don't think disclosure, nuclear war or a internal revolution will occur within the next few years.

We the middle class will continue to bail out the big corporations until there is no middle class.

More jobs will be "outsouced" and nobody will care until it affects them personally.

History just keeps repeating itself.

[edit on 3-2-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:17 AM
I don't think anything MAJOR will happen.

The economy will grow a little then maybe collapse harder (O.K. that's pretty big!).

We will be kept (as usual) in a constant state of fear, mostly from "terror threats" and will continue to lose our rights, bit by bit but nobody will actually do anything about it.

We will continue to work harder and harder to fill the gaps left by "downsized" workplaces.

The cost of living will go up and up which will be compounded by higher taxes on the middle class to repay national debt brought about by the "recession" and, of course, "man made global warming".

The media will continue to distract us by making a song and dance about trivial issues and even stage the occasional "uproar" about the government to keep us thinking they're on our side. These "uproars" will amount to nothing.

We will do all of this willingly as we think we're lucky to live as a middle class citizen in the western world. After all, it has to be better than how all these other poor bastards are living.

Same ol' same ol'.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:21 AM


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 04:24 AM
I see posturing posturing and more posturing on all fronts. I don't see the US causing any trouble until the next election..either Obama will have no fear of not getting elected again, or a republican gets in and goes after countries "like a real president should"

As for economically, I think it will sort itself out in that time, 2 years from now it will start to be better.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:31 PM
Mind explaining how we will pay off our debt when our system includes debt inherently? To the above poster, you should watch the 2nd Zeitgeist film, Addendum. Regardless of your position on the venus project/zeitgeist in general, watch addendum and learn how our monetary system works.

We will never be out of debt, and we will have to pay it back shortly. When we can't or refuse to, that can be seen as an act of war.

I agree also that the masses are being brainwashed by TPTB, corporations, etc into mindlessly accepting totalitarian rule without question - all for the "idea" of freedom - "Hey, uh, we are going to infringe on your civil rights and the constitution cuz of TERRORISTSZZ11!" General public: " that bad? JUST PROTECT ME"

I on one hand don't blame them as a lot of people trust their government. The smart ones see this all coming shortly.

While we all cannot predict in any manner what will truly happen, there are 3 things for sure: War, Martial Law and Debt.

How that all plays out, we shall soon see. Revolution won't occur unless something major hits - IE, a govt program forcing people to get RFID chips to get health care, etc. Its in the health care bill to allow implantable devices...legally they can...just waiting for Obama and his Council of Governors to make the next move..

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:48 PM
I'd also like to say i feel that whats going to happen is, the masses will be brainwashed to think that anyone who challenges any 'authority' - police, feds, dea, cia, nsa, IRS!...any of them...that they are "enemies of the state" and can be imprisoned or killed.

I'm scared...because i know what will happen. The masses will think the people who are fighting for the constitution are "terrorists", and will fight against one another. Sons of Liberty for example...immediately news articles popped up stating "Terrorist or Freedom fighter?" etc...its inevitable! we are doomed. man will destroy man. sad we all can't unite and take the power back.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:53 PM
Just print the most recent posts here on ATS. Then take a sharpie, black out todays date and change it to 2012. Add a few mayan posts and bingo you can see the future.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:53 PM
I don't see anything earth shattering happening. I think we're in a phase where things happen slowly and in 10 years we will look back and say "wow"

On the domestic front, nothing will happen. Obama is already a lame duck and once the Republicans take more seats, whether or not they take one chamber or the other the government will move to a stand-still and the partisan bickering will continue.

Economically things will get better and worse at the same time and then get worse. Interest rates will continue to climb and thus banks will have a greater incentive to lend, putting credit back into the system. Companys who have become more lean and mean will begin to hire. Housing values begin to improve and that sector of the economy will also begin to improve. The next group of billionaires will be made. Folks who have cash right now and are buying 100s of houses will begin to sell them and make a ton of dough. Interest rates over 10% and these folks will begin to make a ton of dough doing nothing.

Average folks will continue to struggle with higher interest rates and higher energy rates. The lucky folks will ironically be those who were those who had to sell their houses or were smart enough to get a fixed interest. Folks with adjustable rates will be screwed. If you or anyone you know has an adjustible rate and is in a position to refinance, do it now. Also better pay off those credit cards and not rely on credit because those rates are going to skyrocket.

In sum its a mixed bag economically, a bit better than it is now because more folks will be working, but not good. I do think there are things you can do right now that will put you in a pretty good position if you have the means to do them.

Internationally it is a mess. The EU will be close to breaking up by the end of 2011 as their economy is worse than the US and won't rebound due to too many structural issues, especially in Southern Europe. Russia and China will begin to cooperate more and will stand-by Iran moving us into a form of a cold war that will last a long time. A weakend US both financially and politically coupled with a weak UK and Europe will stand by as the balance of power shift

Things don't get better until 2012/2014 when we get new leadership in DC

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:08 PM
why guess, Lindsey Williams went over it with a fine tooth comb...
hope you got lots of Vasoline.... or your gonna wish you left the country
before it was too late.... that man is scary.,... youtube Jeff Rense interview with Lindsey Williams... 01/28/2010

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:18 PM
Well, quick list...
1. Economy marginally better.
2. The wars still are going on, with an expantion.
3. Race relations worse than they are now.
4. Illegals don't get amnesty, just a ploy for more votes anyway. However the government expands their benefits resulting in larger influx.
5. Congress and the Senate still largely ineffective. Will be blamed on the Republicans.....even though the Dems will still lock them out of everything with Obamas permission.
6. Another home grown terrorist attack.
7. Gitmo, still open for business.
8. Fairness doctrine resurfaces and is passed.
9. At least one major walk on Washington.
10. Supreme court starts making truely awful decisions, as a way of getting back at Obama.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:24 PM
2 years time, lets see....War still warring...politicians still lieing...gas 1.00 more a gallon....annnnd....your country still going down the toilet...BUTTTT the good news, American Idol will still boast record ratings

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:32 PM
Why do people think the economy will get better in just a couple of years? We've still got a ton of defaults coming our way. We're about to hit the second wave in 6-12 months. It won't stop for a year, plus it takes a while for that to trickle down and effect the economy. In the meantime, inflation will be occurring. We've managed to manipulate the system out of deflation, but I doubt this somewhat even rate can be maintained much longer.

What do I see? Inflation, many more homeless, unemployed, civil unrest, possible martial law, more people losing their minds, etc..

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:46 PM
Zeitgeist Addendum explains, in detail, why we will never escape debt.

IT IS BUILT INTO OUR SYSTEM! The Fed Reserve is to blame. Ron Paul wants to audit the fed which, in a trickle down effect, will end up collapsing the fed reserve...GREAT IDEA! seriously.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by SRHAZE420

There's no trickle down theory with the fed. It'll just be realized that it's a complete sham (most likely). The trickle down comes into play when the end of the fed, brings the end of the U.S. dollar, and the collapse of the global economy. It must be done, anyways. Either stay enslaved and barely get buy for most, or collapse the system and learn our lesson eventually.

Neither route is easy. We need to choose the lesser of two evils. Collapse is inevitable anyways. Might as well do it on our terms, and restructure the way people decide it to be.

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