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Ending Wars Is Really Easy

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posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:08 PM
One thing I never understood is why everyone thinks the world is so complicated.

It's actually quite simple and easy.

Every problem has a very simple solution.

Regarding Wars:

In order to prevent ALL wars from ever happening, soldiers should simply refuse to serve their countries.

It's really that simple.

The people that defend soldiers actions and national sovereignty are actually feeding The Ego.

The Ego is the PROBLEM because it makes people think they have pride and nationalism when in reality it's just creating war, famine, death, and destruction.

What's the number one reason people join to become soldiers?

It's to serve their countries and fight for freedom, and defend their borders against foreign enemies. However, that is no longer true in the world we live in.

In the world we live in there's no more "real" wars.

Communication and the Internet have progressed humanity into a level of Consciousness where Truth can be spread very easily and quickly.

The "War On Terror" is one big fake joke. It doesn't even exist.

How can you have a war on a select group of people that can be anybody at anytime?

You CAN'T.

The war on terror is a Secret Covert Agenda to make the entire human race a slave one law at a time.

This isn't World War 2 where there was a distinct enemy to fight. The Allies and Axis powers were clearly defined and national pride was at its highest.

However, the world has reached a point where that no longer applies. Now it's a religious war between Christians and Muslims, and this has really been going on for thousands of years.


If people put away their differences and realized everyone is a human being, then they can fully understand that The Ego is in fact the "enemy".

The people who are in power (only because humanity as a whole gives them that power) are PSYCHOPATHS. They are not after money. Believe it or not, they LIKE blood and death. They are pathological liars. It's like the movie Hostel where rich people pay to have innocent people tortured and killed for fun. They REALLY are insane.

If soldiers simply refused to serve greedy Corporations and the psychopaths that want to monopolize the world's resources and hence control the economy and market, then there would be NO wars.

However, I feel like I'm grasping at straws, since this is not going to happen anytime soon.

The world is entering yet another phase in the human "evolution" which is a BIGGER even more DEADLIER war with NEW KILLING weapons and machines.

It seems that humans never fully evolve mentally. It's always him this, her that, rich people this, poor people that, etc.

I mean how hard is it to see that it doesn't matter if you are an American, Italian, Iranian, Japanese, Somalian, Muslim, Christian, Black, White, Jewish, etc.

At the end of the day everyone is a human, and until people see that simple common truth wars will go on forever.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:12 PM
To quote a greater man than I:
"War is over. if you want it"

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:16 PM
I know what you are saying but there are to many people are forced to fight because our government has left this as the only hope for a job? And if that isn't enough we elect these morons in office every time (40 years or more). Sounds good in theory, I have been saying this since the 60's and we still drink the poisoned water and can never own anything because taxes and license fees and yet we as a people still believe for we are fighting for Freedoms crap.

Keep having children so these political morons can use them in war to keep their investors stocks raising and the war machine going. What else are we going to do that every 54 cents of a dollar of taxes is funneled into war effort what else could we do with that besides killing brown people....... I can't think of a thing!


posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:23 PM
...okay... lets say every soldier out there puts down their weapon, changes out of their uniform and walks away from whatever Armed Service they are in...

...what do they do for employment then?
...their families eat how? Mortgages are paid how? Bills covered, kids put through school, retirement saved for how?

Believe it or not a nice decent percentage of those supposed 'ego-driven' soldiers are actually just doing it for a pay the bills, raise their family, to further their educations with additional training/study scholarships and the like etc etc

Add to that the multitude of supporting infrastructure that keeps the 'Military Machine' ticking.
The Admin, the cooks, the cleaners. The weapons manufacturers, vehicles, food, utilities. The producers of everything from armour to boot polish to paperclips to cotton to sew on buttons.
All would experience HUGE lay-offs...more millions out there jobless.

...unless of course millions of jobs just miracle themselves out of thin air I'm picking the efficacy of such a move will last until the first unpaid bill and foreclosure notice...

Oh, Wars may cease.
The battle-lines may no longer be in another country...but given we humans are such a reactive species I'm picking the battle-lines will then be drawn in our own neighbourhoods with a skyhigh unemployment rate and the inevitable social, family and personal pressures that brings...

[edit on 2-2-2010 by alien]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

Originally posted by Emerald The Paradigm
In order to prevent ALL wars from ever happening, soldiers should simply refuse to serve their countries.
It's really that simple.

No sir it is not really that simple though I respect and agree totally with your sentiments.

In the British army refusing to serve your country is called “refusing to soldier on “ and when a soldier does that, very bad things can happen very quickly.

I have seen it with my own eyes and it is “very” humiliating and degrading for the soldier who refuses to soldier on. Of course this was many years ago and times have changed but I imagine the penalties are still quite severe?

I really wish it was that simple however

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:35 PM
You're just under 7,000,000,000% correct!
Rounded number of people in the world.

There are is around 80 to 90 million troops in the world.. maybe if this message could reach all of them, and they could look inside themselves to do the right thing.

The world would be a better place... a much better place!

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by alien
...okay... lets say every soldier out there puts down their weapon, changes out of their uniform and walks away from whatever Armed Service they are in...

...what do they do for employment then?
...their families eat how? Mortgages are paid how? Bills covered, kids put through school, retirement saved for how?

Well, there is probably trillions of dollars to be made in rebuilding war torn regions, modernizing 3rd world countries, etc. There will/would be jobs created...just peaceful jobs.

I'm with Green Day on this one...from their song 21 Guns "Lay down your arms, give up the fight"'s so simple...we just need the entire world on board, that's all

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:44 PM
reply to post by Aggie Man

...was waiting for that...

...and all the additional job-losses? How many jobs are we talking about in this rebuilding restructuring? those who would be jobless have the necessary skills to adequately rebuild?
I'm sure there will be many 'Joe Jobs', much opportunity to just pick up a shovel and dig or lug something somewhere. I'm sure there'd be many jobs that are just pure skill-less or semi-skilled labouring...but theres a shyteload more to actual rebuilding of entire societal support systems, of living communities, than that.

Hey - I wouldn't mind if there weren't any Wars at all. That would be spiffy actually. I wouldn't have to worry if I'm ever going to see my family members alive again whenever they get deployed.

I doubt very much its as *simple* as everyone just walking away and sharing a Coke and a Smile...

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by alien

Which is more important?
world peace
jobs for the 90 million soldiers

[edit on 2-2-2010 by tooo many pills]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:47 PM
War sucks and I wish it did not exist but it does so believing in fantasy worlds that do not exist only hurts you. War will rage forever until we are all dead mans heart is very weak. So I say if war is going to happen no matter what you might as well be the biggest bully on the block because if you are not in the end you will loose. It is is better to win.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:47 PM
Reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

Too bad life is NEVER that simple.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:47 PM

Originally posted by alien
I doubt very much its as *simple* as everyone just walking away and sharing a Coke and a Smile...

Well, it all starts with having a positive attitude. Writing it off as impossible, costly, etc...well, that just adds more fuel to the naysayers fire...and is THE limiting factor preventing such a scenario.

Call me an eternal optimist...but I would rather be that than part of the war machine.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:50 PM
We the people of Earth are in great danger! Not from terrorists or natural forces, not from climate change or disease, but from the dark forces of MORON.

Moron, the dark lord of stupidity. The bringer of dumb. The harbinger of delusion, ignorance and darkness. The maintainer of mumbo jumbo, hocus pocus, and gobbledygook, who's shadow we are all born under.

His deciples the morons do his work, spreading dumb, being dumb, and doing dumb. Dumbness envelopes us all in a great dark cloak of ignorance. For these are the dim ages! Belief, and delusion. The pillars of morons evil work abound across the Earth, imaginary beings, unsustainable economics, the destruction of life for profit.

Moron feeds on the fantasy lives of billions of humans, as they grope through the glory of existence hobbled by collective stupidity, blinded by ignorance and crippled by lies. Unless we fight them, morons will destroy us and our home the Earth. Moron will make you and your children stupid. Morons will believe anything and will kill you if you don't believe it as well.

Morons are everywhere and the dark lord moron is making more every day. Now is the time to take sides to stand with the astronomers on the eternal road to infinite study, on the side of light and life and knowledge. To praise the laws of physics and spread the sacred facts. For none will be spared and none will be untouched, on the war on Moron.

Moron, who believes without question.

Moron who has faith but no facts.

Moron who claims that a higher hand guides them to do dumb, and encourages their ignorance. These morons MUST BE STOPPED!! Only morons can destroy life and claim a higher purpose. Morons are base merciless killers, who's dogma, bigotry, prejudice, fear and loathing has doomed humanity to millenia of death and suffering.

We the astronomers must fight moron before his dominion over the people of earth is complete. Before believing becomes compulsory once more, before this brief window of light is snuffed out, and the tyranny of dogma returns. Before morons in the senseless quest for wealth, destroy earth and its life.

We are all born as morons, but by ridding ourselves of ignorance we are saved from stupidity and dumbness. So it is for the world, armed with knowledge, spreading the facts, shining the light of inquiry we fight to save the earth and its people from moron.

The Astronomers will bring the miracle of facts, the joy of knowing to the people, gently washing moron from their minds. Illuminating the darkest corners of dumb, lighting up a world of mumbo jumbo with the awe and wonder of the universe, adding to our order until we rid the world of ignorance, and moron is defeated.

Join the astronomers and follow in the footsteps of some really smart people. For every human on the eternal road of infinite study, is one less follower of the dark lord moron.

Join the Astronomers.

We Know.

Praise the Laws


posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:53 PM
Reply to post by Tuatha Dé Danann

No one and nothing will save us from ourselves ESPECIALLY not scientism and scapeegoating.

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:53 PM
When I read the title of the thread the first thing I thought of was Atomic/Nuclear weapons. That would be the easiest and most proven way since it actually has happened before.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by tooo many pills

...hmmm...dunno...ask 90 Million potentially unemployed people if they are feeling all *peaceful* about their impending job prospects...

Peace isn't just a 'state'...its a state of mind, of body, of soul, of family, of context and conditions.
Peace doesn't simply *exist* independent of any other factor.
Peace is the balance of a multitude of factors.

The reality is one of those factors is likely employment.
Is the ability to live a life we may choose - not just for ourselves but for those we care for and support.
You can't just take away one factor without replacing it with something that retains some stability - or else the result is not Peace.

World Peace - wonderful.
Reality - not so much.

We may exist in some way within 'the world'...but we also primarily exist within families, within friendships, within households, neighbourhoods, communities, cities, countries.
We are both collective and individual. Macro and Micro.

So too is *Peace*

No Wars = World Peace.
Nope. Peace has a whole lot more to do with it than solely War.

Peace is also paying that Bill.

Peace is also buying your kid the shoes they need for school.

Peace is also being able to afford to fix the spouting on your house so it doesn't flood in the Winter.

Peace is also feeling some sense of pride, so less sense of pressure, about earning a living.

...and granted...Peace for many is likely not having to do all of that with a gun in your hand in some foriegn country...

...again, theres a great many more factors to Peace than any one single factor, and all factors likely inter-related and affect eachothers....

...hence why I really don't see it as simple...if it was, well, we haven't done it yet.

If it was really as simple as every person on the Earth all being in agreement - well - since when in the history of Mankind has there ever been any occasion where the entire population held a single agreed perspective.

Other than Lady Gaga can't sing for crap.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by alien]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 07:31 PM
I think the reality of ending Wars isn't that simple...really.

In some countries soldiers are punished quite severely and even by death if they decide not to fight.

Who goes first in that "put your guns down" scenario?

And when a soldier, sailor, airman or even policeman lives in a world full of perks like cheap housing and subsidies, why would they jepordise that for the insecurity of a world outside that bubble?

If you want to end wars, think again. THEY won't let it happen and it's THEM we must convince by standing in huge numbers, it's THEM we must poke with our metaphorical sticks and say 'OI! if you can't do what WE ask then GET LOST"

That goes for governments, corporations, public services, and anybody who has authority over other people given to them by US.


It may take a war to end war but to expect the armed forces to just stop is naive. The fighters who risk their lives do so under orders for the same people we need to rid this planet of, although they have it drilled into them that they are protecting us, the citizens and our countries, I think they are actually fighting for agendas concerning resources, control, land, money and all the crap that we're told we need to keep us secure.....the same things they make us pay for , every day, until we die and pass on those debts.

If you want to start the end to wars, we must rid ourselves of everything we're TOLD we need and concentrate on what we KNOW we need.

Take the big boys out of the equation once and for all by leaving them nothing to offer and no reason to fight over it.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 07:35 PM
that wont work because we dont have wars right now

we have massacre, so people in iraq and gaza are just defending their families and their lands ... so, really, u cant call that soldiers, they are just trying to survive

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Emerald The Paradigm

So you basically want us to lay on our backs and give them our country, instead of fighting back to protect and keep our country?

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 09:25 PM
What if they [TPTB ] gave a war and nobody came?

What if they offered jobs and nobody came?

What if they passed out currency and nobody came?

What if they held an election and nobody came?

What if they held every type of church service imaginable and nobody came?

What if they offered hatred and there were no takers?

" " " " bigotry " " " " "

What if they offered everything about our societies that are hurtful and negetive and we declined? PEACE!!

I suggest listening to Imagine by John Lennon without prejudice.

For every reason that you think why it wouldn't work , think of a reason why it would. Chances are good that you will come up with more reasons why it would.


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