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Canadians Contract GBS After Swine Flu Shot In Same Doctor’s Office

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posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:16 AM
I haven't seen much news on the Swine Flu "pandemic" lately but this story shows that the insanity hasn't wound down yet.

Apparently two women in Canada who recieved H1N1 shots from the same doctor's office , two days apart have come down with GBS and are currently being treated in the hospital.

Canadians Contract Guillain-Barre Syndrome After Swine Flu Shot In Same Doctor’s Office

Two residents of Markham in Ontario, Canada have been diagnosed with the debilitating nerve disease Guillain-Barré Syndrome, after both taking the H1N1 flu shot in the same doctor’s office just two days apart.

The Toronto Sun reports that Donna Hartlen, a 39-year-old mother is unable to walk or chew solid food properly.

Hartlen has no history of illness and was perfectly health until the 29th December when she collapsed and was rushed to hospital.

Hartlen is adamant that the illness stems from a H1N1 shot she received two weeks before her symptoms suddenly appeared.

She became even more convinced this was the case when she encountered Don Gibson in the room next door, who received the same shot just two days before her, from the same GP. He too has been diagnosed with GBS.

“It’s way too coincidental,” insists the slight mom, her words slurred because the right side of her face will not move. “It’s either a bad batch or a lot more people are getting this than they are talking about.”

Her 80-year-old neighbour is equally convinced that the H1N1 vaccine to blame. “It must have been a bad batch,” Gibson believes. “But nobody is saying anything. I know I signed a piece of paper and there’s no liability but it’s pretty scary.”

Prison Planet

Is this just a case of a bad batch of vaccine or the symptoms of a much wider cover-up?

[edit on 2-2-2010 by FortAnthem]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:35 AM
The one case is odd. I have had gullian barre. It does not cause you to collapse and it does not start in the face.

It starts with the toes and progresses it's way up. There is a miller fissure variant, where it works its way down, but again does not cause you to collapse and it affects both sides not one.

Very strange indeed .


posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:35 AM
How awful.

This is the fear that most people have about taking any vaccines, including the one for Swine Flu. For a lot, it's just not worth the risk. And this story proves THAT IT CAN HAPPEN.

I feel incredibly sorry for these souls who were unlucky enough to have their lives ruined by a vaccine for a Flu that for most is nothing more than a health problem that is over with in a few weeks.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by Flighty]

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:38 AM
Did anybody else find it strange that as soon as Swine flu came on the scene there was a vaccine that was immediately available? There seemed to be virtually no time between outbreak and vaccine. Am I the only one that noticed this?

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by Arizonee

You are not the only one who noticed this. There are TONS of threads about that topic. Search Bar is your friend

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