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are we the new Nazi?

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posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:11 AM
i must start this with this statement:

ok now for what has just kind of ocurred to me, i've been reviewing a lot of those videos on you tube about NWO, NAU and overall all the lies that we are been told. and one thing kind of just poped into my head are we committing acts of genocide against the arabs have we become the new army of darkness unwithingly?

its a bit of a scarry thought as i serve in the military and will most likely be going to afganistan probably by the end of the year.

I dont have any qualms about getting into a fire fight i must kill to survive and i will hold true to my oath.

But now i have this nagging feeling that things are not going to get better for anyone and that yeah something is on the horizon.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:14 AM
Operation Paperclip and the modeling of the CIA on the SS of Nazi Germany set the clock ticking for the USA's decent into Fascism.....BAD!!!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by razor1000
i must start this with this statement:

But now i have this nagging feeling that things are not going to get better for anyone and that yeah something is on the horizon.

This is the reason I left the military, do your time, if you get out, stay out.

We call others war mongers, yet we survive on war. What we do as ground forces anywhere else, and verily to the people we fight, is murder,sanctioned but non the less murder. however when we return, we can not commit these sins, no matter what the situation is i.e. someone is Fng with your family or robbing the corner store and you let fly like its Fallujah. We leave to protect those that live day to day as we do, by the gun, gang bangers, militia, and 2nd amendment citizens, they can't protect themselves like that, they go to jail for MURDER! As some returning soldiers have found when they unleash the acceptable wrath they where used to overseas on a citizen here. Remember where you came from and the US is not a zoo. and you as a soldier are not a Zoo-Keeper, your a human with a gun hunting other humans.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 05:46 AM
National Socialism

this topic is probobly just as taboo as to speak about the holocaust but whats even more eye popping is that its something most nations live and strive under.

but lets do a mind game and change the word nationalist to patriot as easy as 1 2 3 or a b c and now you have an accepted form of political ideology.

so can you be a patriot and belive that society (nation) should work as a whole and strive for prosperity? ofcourse you can

but does that make you a nazi ? according to the defenition and what the words mean,


why is it then taboo to speak highly of national socialism ?

could it be that zionism is natzism,


i rest my case

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 06:29 AM
Sorry to say this but YES.
America scares the # out of me to be honest , you guys are at the forefront of bringing this world to its knees . Now , maybe I should be thankful for that , after all nothings going to change until its all collapsed.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 06:39 AM
I'm not afraid of christian or muslim crusaders, if challenged my trusty battleaxe Skullsplitter will lash out and split some skulls. And if worst comes to worst I'll be feasting in Valhalla with my brethren!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 06:41 AM
I really don't think America is the new Nazi.. If you are something it would be something new.. It was never as simple as just killing Jews, many other races, creeds, colours are religions where thrown into the mix..

The way I see the Nazis is they split out those they did not want in their society.. If you were not physically perfect you did not fit.. If you spoke against the government, you did not fit, on and on that list goes.. as it would for any race seeking purity.

I can not see America taking that route.. and to feel the burden that you are Nazi's is a false one to place on your shoulders to carry.. it will wear you down in time.

People tend to use the Nazi label to easily and it is begining to lose meaning for the absolute horrors it really implies.. like exterminating disabled german children, or Jehovah's Witnesses alongside the many other horrific acts.

You probably could consider yourselves Nazi's if you start down the path of purifying your nation... until then, perhaps you are just uncomfortable with war for the sake of war. Which is good, becuase as a nation you can still change that... As in my opinion it would be impossiblty hard to change away from being a Nazi..

Just my opinion... hope it helps and good luck sorting out your feelings.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 06:50 AM
I think the US has decided we are the world's police force, baby sistters, stern uncle, and teacher all in one. Very arrogant, when you get right down to it.

A lot of that comes from the fact that we are (or were) a superpower; so when someone needed help, the superpowers would step in.

Over time that perception has changed. Now I think our government has decided that the interests of the US naturally take precedence over the interests of every one else.....and that's a bad thing. Now we have the elite few with hidden agendas and using those agendas to war monger.....and that's a terrible thing.

I don't know if the US are Nazis, but the government is turning into something..... and that scares me, too.

We the people need to get more involved and oust those in charge......

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 07:03 AM
if America was National Socialist wouldnt we be allies with the Islamic Fascists? Like Germany and Italy?

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 07:09 AM
Not only are we the new Nazi, we were the old Nazi as well.

While germany was paying its war reparations for WWI, it became a ripe place for investment. In comes Rockefeller, Ford, Carnegie, Prescott Bush, just to name a few. They finance hitler and put him into power. Cmon, you actually think Hitler rose to power on his own merits and charisma? He turned out to be the perfect puppet. Hitler was like their district manager of sorts, running the country like a corporation, except that his military commanders carried around cyanide capsules in order to kill themselves in the event of capture so as not to be able to give away their american and english war profiteering bosses. Then, they kill the jews for their money, in the name of racism. Finally, after their puppet, Hitler, is defeated and the war is over, they volunteer to come in and help clean up so that they can help 'clean' the crime scene and program the german people into feeling incredible guilt over the whole thing by clever use of media propaganda, philanthropy and writing the history books. I keep saying 'they' as if it was not us. But, it was us. Those eugenics programs came from the United States. Hitler was just a tool. And, Churchhill was correct in saying that history was written by the victors, a very timely statement.

[edit on 1-2-2010 by stoneysauce]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:05 AM
And why did Hitler need a cyanide capsule anyway. He didn't want to expose his bosses. The question is did WinniethePooh and JamesBond actually rescue him, because he would have popped up later. I believe that they did rescue him, otherwise why drown all those people in the subway, but they probably murdered him right after because he wasn't useful to them anymore. Did McVeigh really die? Why was he so cocky to the end? Maybe he thought he wasn't going to die and they doublecrossed him. Same Nazis.
Nazism, although not by that name, actually started in the US. Hitler was financed by the Rockefellers. IG Farben was their company and they had German roots. But they are people not hindered by nationality. They are above all that. They belong to the country of money and theft and highway robbery. They have hijacked our military into their expanding empire building machine and we are their peons.

[edit on 1-2-2010 by m khan]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:13 AM

Originally posted by razor1000
ok now for what has just kind of ocurred to me, i've been reviewing a lot of those videos on you tube about NWO, NAU and overall all the lies that we are been told. and one thing kind of just poped into my head are we committing acts of genocide against the arabs have we become the new army of darkness unwithingly?

Generally speaking, over here in Europe, we see the legacy of George Bush as having created a modern genocidal empire out of the US while he told the world to get stuffed. Pity really.. and Obama doesn't seem to be changing strategy all that much.

But!! Most people here view it as the US government and a large Minority of Chauvinists in the US that are the problem.. not all of you guys.

As 2 face said in the Dark Knight..

"You can die as the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain"

- and the US became the villain through GWB.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:21 AM
Why did Hitler go after the Jews anyway. His bosses, the Rockefellers, worked with the
Rothschilds to set up the FED, in a cooperative effort to bleed America dry. Maybe they resented them or were trying to get the upper hand.
Operation paperclip was the tip of the iceburg. Our police are trained by DHS who were trained by CIA who were trained by Gestapo and SS. That's why we have a trooper tasering a grandmother to make his training film on "How to Taser Your Grandmother"

[edit on 1-2-2010 by m khan]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:40 AM
"You can die as the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain."

nice quote. its true.. like old men who uphold the status-quo that in youth probably rebelled against in the spirit of life spontaneity and genuine creativity.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:47 AM
I bet the Nazi party had some good ideas. Every party has some good ideas. I think the term is too broad to apply to America. We are doing many Nazi things like invading and saying our system is better so we are going to put it in place in your country. The idea that everything the Nazis did was evil is just wrong. No I am not a Nazi lover. Yes, our soldiers have been made into heartless stormtroopers.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by m khan

After Germany lost WW1 they were ordered to pay large war reparations by the world court/bankers. During the late 20's and early 30's the entire planet fell into a global economic depression which put further strain on the German people. This is why they were ready for someone like Hitler and his socialist party to come along. I think the reason Germans fell for the anti Semitic rhetoric was because the hard times the German people were experiencing could be blamed on the "Jewish bankers" that were imposing the war reparations.

These days here in the US, we have debt and the world is going through a deep recession. Obama talks of expanding social programs and making government more efficient.

The Nazi regime was known for their efficiency but when a single country expends all its resources trying to expand its borders militarily it becomes a losing venture. By the early 40's millions of German citizens were starving and freezing especially during the hard winters. Obviously anyone seen as a member of the resistance would not have been given priority treatment.

"Never again" is a promise that all the world governments should keep and remember concerning world wars and preventable holocausts like that.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by razor1000
are we the new Nazi?


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 10:55 PM
reply to post by thoughtsfull

thank you for that meaningful answer, it is true what you say and its not that i carry that burden on me rather that i feel we may have started down that path with the war on terror.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 11:57 PM
I look at the US as the new France and China as the new Nazi Germany. The French had their own imperial ambitions, yet were never really that successful and ended up losing their empire. The US has practically surrendered to the Chinese without a fight. Being too scared to challenge them on their saber rattling the past 10 years. And Bill Clinton pretty much led a vichy government. The French also had their own problems with their aristocracy which led to the French revolution. This may be just around the corner for the US.

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