reply to post by zazzafrazz
Jane Espenson, writer on Buffy/Angel, thought Marsters could "shake up the show". I can see that. However, JE has either left the show or was fired
so I don't know how this will all shake down. IMDB has no listing of JM in the show yet the first season is already filmed. From what I have sussed
out I THINK he will come in this Friday on Gemenon. I think he was who Zoe was supposed to meet there. He's supposed to be a foil for Polly Walker's
I can only read so much about this crap or else they start giving away all the info about BSG so that's all the info I have at the moment. I'd
rather watch the stuff myself but that's nearly impossible. I don't own them and even if SYFY still airs it I'd never catch it all in order which
would bother me to no end.
The last show on television that blew my mind was, well, anything by Joss Whedon LOL! Seriously, Buffy, Angel and Firefly are the last shows that got
my blood pumping and made me want to be home to watch it. Caprica is like that, I can't stop thinking about it and I am highly anticipating the new
episodes. Not much on tele is interesting and raises questions about, well, anything, and this does that. Makes it worth watching.
Here's the link to The Caprican, if you like. Read the newspaper from Caprica City.
I like your phrase "They don't know they are in a world on the brink" They do put that across really well
The V-world should get a decent exploration this week as the story revolves around Tamara in the V-world. That place is like 4chan on steroids. As bad
a rep as 4chan has at least it has spawned Anonymous whereas I see nothing redeeming coming out of the V-world, a place where human sacrifice is
cheered. Yuck.
Caprica itself is just a mirror of our own world, albeit it with different customs(polytheism, group marriges, etc.). People haven't changed just the
customs. Funny how this is not, so far, like our own world where it's TPTB mucking things up. Here, a grieving father finds his dead daughter's soul
in a computer and infects a robot with it, spawning a whole world(s) of hurt.
IOW, the whole BSG saga is a case of "# happens". One guy misses his daughter so he accidentally kills off most of humankind. Pretty frakkin wild.