posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 10:01 PM
Greetings, I have not posted in a very long time, but I have still been reading threads on this website.
I have no additions to prove that anything will happen on 2012 and I have no theories to say what I think will happen.
But, let's go with the idea that something will like how about a mass power outage that will last for a long time along with the collapse of
Hypothetically speaking let's say that were to happen.
Would not most of our information will be 'trapped' on the internet? (perhaps we could get it again in the future or maybe not) Atleast for a while,
information would be left unaccessable for many people.
Does anyone here think it might be a good idea to back up some information and have a hard copy?
I have another question which relates to the title of this thread.
What if a large portion of our civilization collapses or is wiped out. Will we have an accurate written account for possible future civilizations to
pick up and learn about us?
Is this of any importance to anyone on this forum?
I am not going to share my opinion really. It was a thought that crossed my mind is all. Apologies if this has been brought up before.
Good day/night to you.