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60 Aerospace Engineers Call for a New 9/11 Investigation

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posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by impressme

Ok, first what I don't get is why any of these people are more credible than anyone else. None have any background in structural engineering or demolition experience. Second, where is there "opinion"?

I would think by now one of these experts would have sat down and wrote a page by page, paragraph by paragraph critique of the NIST reports. But it is going on 9 years now and nothing. Zilch. Zero. Most of them are obviously long retired so you would think they would have plenty of time on their hands. In any other discipline a paper would be an absolute. But for some reason here all you need to do is put together a 10 word sentence that includes the words "9/11", "collapse" and "new investigation". Don't you think there should be a little higher standard?

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 12:05 PM

Originally posted by impressme

And your NIST simply swallowed the foolishness of the Bush administration instructions and lies, in putting together, their laughable pseudo science that doesn’t stand up to high school sciences.

You're lying through your teeth and we both know it. NIST didn't mention even ONCE any of the politics or methodology of the terrorist attacks. They discussed entirely the mechanical and physical effects of the plane impacts on the buildings. The planes could have been empty drones under remote control from UFOs and the report would have still been accurate.

The problem YOU have with NIST is that it contradicts the particular conspiracy you yourself want to believe...which isn't surprising, seeing that you conspriacy people are all but getting into fistfights over what this "secret conspiracy" even is.

Richard Gage is a man you fear, you fear the very truth that sciences can support and will support.

The moment Gage compared the collapsing WTC towers with a falling box, I recognized this is a guy who didn't know jack s**t what he was talking about. Where the [censored] is the science backing THAT up?

Admit it, Impressme, you'd believe that Bush was conspiring to crash the moon into the Earth if these damned fool conspriacy web sites told you that.

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

You're lying through your teeth and we both know it.

Since when telling the truth is a lie?

NIST didn't mention even ONCE any of the politics or methodology of the terrorist attacks.

Your right, they were paid by the same political culprits that did 911, they slithered in the same snake pit that you defend religiously.

They discussed entirely the mechanical and physical effects of the plane impacts on the buildings.

No, the only things they discussed was how to cover-up what really happened and to see what was the best lies they could get away with in their phony sciences and fraudulent report and hope the American people had been dumb down enough that they couldn’t figure it out for themselves. These men were not acting as scientist they were paid lairs.

The planes could have been empty drones under remote control from UFOs and the report would have still been accurate.

Science has already proved those planes could not have taken down the WTC, regardless if they were under remote control from UFOs, or under the control of toad people on mars. The fact is, science has proved the firers from the airplane fuel and all the office furniture would still not be hot enough to melt the steel in one hour to bring down the WTC.

Perhaps, if you learn to stay away from those DAME FOOLS DISINFORAMTIONIST WEBSITES you might learn something.

The problem YOU have with NIST is that it contradicts the particular conspiracy you yourself want to believe...which isn't surprising, seeing that you conspriacy people are all but getting into fistfights over what this "secret conspiracy" even is.

No, the problem I have with NIST are the outrageous lies they told and trying to use their pseudo sciences to convince their fraudulent report was true.

The problem YOU have with the Truth movement is they have exposed the lies with the work of “real sciences.” It is this science that destroys the OS, which you dearly hold on to. You see the OS crumbling all around you and all you can do in your disbelief knowing full well, our government did 911, is you lash out at the Truthers and the True sciences that proves your government lied to the American people.

The moment Gage compared the collapsing WTC towers with a falling box, I recognized this is a guy who didn't know jack s**t what he was talking about. Where the [censored] is the science backing THAT up?

It is obvious you do not understand analogies, but then what would one expect from one who does not do research.

Admit it, Impressme, you'd believe that Bush was conspiring to crash the moon into the Earth if these damned fool conspriacy web sites told you that.

You already have already admitted to believing into “fairytales” that your "damned fool disinformation websites" tells you.

[edit on 2-2-2010 by impressme]

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