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What You Didn't Know About The War - Graphic, You Have Been Warned!

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posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:34 PM
I agree this is propaganda, but of course the events in the video are appalling. Whats wrong in this video is it fails to ask the key questions, why are they in iraq, why is this sort of behaviour rewarded instead of condoned?

I think this video is putting to much attention and blame on the mindless individual soldiers (who unfortunitly know no better) where I feel the spotlight should be on the higher ranking officers who turn blind eyes to these attrocities...

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:35 PM
Looks like we have some sadistic psychopaths running wild over there. They might have become that way because of the stress of the war. I hope they aren't training them to become like that.

I never expected them to be over there for more than a couple years.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by bredd77

No it's not putting the blame on individual soldiers, that is completely false and a deflection. You're first calling it propaganda, then saying it's real and the events need investigation. Then you appeal to emotions by sympathizing for the "individual soldiers". Total BS, sorry.

The whole video discusses the crimes of those who started the war, how politicians continue to support it, etc. etc.

The whole idea, the whole premise of this video, is that the Entire War is completely unjustified and criminal in nature. Therefore, regardless of the "individual soldiers" pure intentions, there Will be crimes against humanity. From the soldiers themselves, from the commanders, from the politicians, everyone, but it all rolls down hill and ends at every citizen in the US.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:42 PM
This is unacceptable. American's soldiers, committing atrocities against other humans.

The speaker mention why Iraq, it is gold mine there. Protect Exxon's profits that is why we are there.

I can not beleive people can be so evil, so careless, so un-human.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:53 PM
Very informative little video that touches on a lot of material. Yes the music and graphics scream propaganda, but what method is left to try to get the 'consumers' of the nations' attention? Is it wrong to use propaganda in the face of the massive 24/7 corporate sponsored multi-billion dollar propaganda machine called the mainstream media? I don't think so:

2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person 3 : ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause; also

Why don't we discuss the material, rather than the delivery, shall we?

Imo, the wars serve no other purpose than the defense of the centralization of wealth and power; something only a few human beings on earth benefit from, while the rest of our lives are spent in increased poverty.

The Military Industrial complex is the terror network on earth, combined with the other massive corporate interests and corrupt world leaders. It's really simple; the larger a corporation or government becomes, the less morality it possesses as responsibilities are brushed off left and right and the corporation becomes a monster on it's own...

As for a paradigm shift, I truly hope people will soon collectively embrace the possibilities of decentralization of wealth and power, while increasing the sense of global brotherhood the internet provides and humanity needs to survive the mass extinction it has set in motion.

There is no reason for less than 5% of humanity to own and control more than 80% of the planet's wealth, resources and means of production, and most of our problems are rooted in this injustice, imo.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:54 PM
First off, I'm a soldier. I don't have the whole story, but hey, I think I have enough to make a few comments.

First. We don't have uranium bullets. We have uranium artillery shells. They're used because uranium is incredibly dense, and thus, is easier to pierce enemy armor with. Yes, we are fighting a war against a country that does not readily have armor. No, I am not justifying the use of said shells, just clarifying.

Second, stop harassing the poster who felt the video was propaganda. While he may not of stated it eloquently, he stated that he felt "it wasn't the whole story." Don't take it from me, but, he's probably got a point. Just because we all indulge ourselves with the mysteries of conspiracy on this website, doesn't mean every single thing that comes out is gold. Deny Ignorance, that doesn't just mean the stuff Big Brother tries to spoon feed you, but also the little stuff from the underground.

Finally, as much as I despise those who go to war and lose all discipline, and find darkness within themselves to rape, pillage, and murder, I despise just as much the fools who think that said darkness does not lie in each and every one of us, just waiting to get out. History proves that throughout the ages, men have done horrible, terrible things during war. It happens. When we go to war, we should expect the same. Thus, when I see a video or a speaker who tells me of the horrors of war, I am not impressed (although still disgusted). What would impress me, is if someone came with STATISTICS showing that these incidents were not in the minority, or even a large minority. That would be impressive. And nothing against the OP or those who believe there is some major crap going down overseas, I'm completely open minded to it, but show me, don't try to evoke needless emotional responses without proof.

Just to add on to the top. Stop it with the Peace crap. Yes, needless war is horrible. But to push world peace on the populace, would be the equivalent of a forced utopia. War will only die out after the last man dies. If you really want to push peace, you better be COMPLETELY against conflict. That means drama, argument, revenge. You had better like or tolerate everyone. If you don't do this and you advocate total peace, you're a hypocrite.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Insurgents? agitators? during the US Revolutionary war, these
very same people were called PATRIOTS.
Can you honestly say that if we in the US were under occupation from
some foreign country (say, China), you would do NOTHING??
you would only praise the Chinese for toppling our corrupt political
system? You would probably do anything you could to make life
tough for the occupiers. Hell, wouldn't it be patriotic to fight the
occupiers like the "minute men" during the Revolutionary war????
So why should the Iraqi people be any different?
Aren't they fighting for freedom from their occupiers?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:03 PM
I don't see why people are criticizing this video... it speaks truth, if anyone is ignorant enough to say that America has never committed a Genocide is hugely mistaken, from the Indians to some of the wars in the years since WWII. America is no less guilty of Genocide than Hitler.

The difference?

The Media calls them "civilian casualties"

Yes, in wars there are unintended casualties, Civilians can be often victimized... but there's a point where a casualty is really a murder or atrocity committed by one side.

The Woman at the end of the video is right, America is no more than an empire disenfranchised with it's people. A day is soon approaching when Americans will wake up and realize that their country is spitting image of the country she freed herself of 200 years ago.

Democrat, Republican it doesn't matter anymore!
Has our freedom's or personal lives really benefited from these wars? Other than the fact that we feel better because we're getting "revenge" on Al Queda? Even with the Oil we acquired from the wars, prices were still rising near $150 a barrel, our deficits have grown immensely due to these wars. This benefits no one but the corporations and special interests most of our politicians are bought out by.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Seanbomber

Just to add on to the top. Stop it with the Peace crap. Yes, needless war is horrible. But to push world peace on the populace, would be the equivalent of a forced utopia. War will only die out after the last man dies. If you really want to push peace, you better be COMPLETELY against conflict. That means drama, argument, revenge. You had better like or tolerate everyone. If you don't do this and you advocate total peace, you're a hypocrite.

Imagine that, shooting someone in the face is the same as disliking them. So if I've ever had a cross word with someone... I should be in favor of murder, rape, and theft in a country which has done no ill to mine?

Hard to see why you're in the military with logic like that.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 03:20 PM

Originally posted by arufon
Insurgents? agitators? during the US Revolutionary war, these
very same people were called PATRIOTS.
Can you honestly say that if we in the US were under occupation from
some foreign country (say, China), you would do NOTHING??
you would only praise the Chinese for toppling our corrupt political
system? You would probably do anything you could to make life
tough for the occupiers. Hell, wouldn't it be patriotic to fight the
occupiers like the "minute men" during the Revolutionary war????
So why should the Iraqi people be any different?
Aren't they fighting for freedom from their occupiers?

You seriously don't know what you are talking about. This isn't anything like the revolutionary war. America has no king.

The Iraqis have their own military. They can elect their own leaders. These patriots set off car bombs in markets, behead their own people. Then there is the religous side of sunnis and shiites*.

There isn't a unified beligerent, but small groups with their own agenda. We never planned on occupying the country forever you know buddy. Nothing like the british, think beofre you speak.

Yes the US uses DU round like every other country. They are in tank SABOT, 30mm, and other things.

You people are so ill-informed it's ridiculous. The reason Iraqis got sick was Saddam dumped all the t-72 tanks in the tigris river. As long as you don't breath in DU dust you are fine.

Most of these people speaking are liars, they served in Iraq but not in combat arms. They hardly left the wire.

People on this website have a serious problem with believing things they hear. Maybe it is because they want to believe they're true.

You don't realise if you kill a civilian you have to fill out a AAR and it must be an accident. Many soldiers/marines have been court martialed for commiting crimes. of course you people won't believe me, I must be a liar.

You are so ill informed it's gross. I can tell none of you have served therefore you know very little.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:02 PM
And the worst thing is WE pay for it.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:02 PM
The U.S. is a Corporation. check my signature.

The whole Iraq War is about resources.

There was a military project a few years back called Desert Storm. It was implemented when G W. Bush was in office.

Desert Storm was in Iraq, if you look at it, the government never really left Iraq.

Will the government leave Iraq, no the Oil is to precious.

Free energy, free people, controlled energy, controlled people...makes sense yeah?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:04 PM
Why is it that when it comes to things of this topic, they always seem to be dramatic extremes? Why do people polarize into one viewpoint? Doing such serves no purpose towards accomplishing anything!

Are there truths in the video? Of course. But why try to pretend or purposely ignore the good that has been done by soldiers, by the wars themselves. And to assume that anyone who is in the military or with a company that is bringing aid or rebuilding is either in on some evil conspiracy or in denial of a conspiracy and still perpetrating wrongs is asinine.

People who believe this brand of propaganda need to realize there is about as much good being done by the military, its members and many of the companies there as there are bad. I personally tend to think, from personal experience, that there is much more good than evil. As such, I think its good to bring up the bad, challenge it and deal with it.

Much like a garden that has weeds growing about, you don't uproot the roses to get rid of the weeds. For someone to put out stuff like this without even acknowledging the good, is as bad as the hippies and such calling soldiers baby killers after the Vietnam war. It only pisses off the people who know that the situation isn't all evil, and makes them look like agitators.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

Because these viewpoints are the ones that aren't expressed on the msm so someone has to do it. So the msm constantly report on how great the war is and in retaliation someone creates a video to show people the darker side of the war and people complain about it? seriously? The entire MSM is deceiving and one sided but when someone else shows another viewpoint they are criticised? What an absolute joke! I turn the TV on and all I see is one sided propaganda so why pick on this?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by SpaceMonkeys

So because the MSM is supposedly all sunshine and roses regarding the war (which is not the case from what I have seen) videos like this should be completely 'everything military/war related is evil and part of a grand conspiracy' ??

Do you see how neither the MSM or this accomplish anything other than to polarize people? That, if anything is the real conspiracy to address.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by SpaceMonkeys

I agree with you 100%

If the world governments wanted to the world to be a better place, they would make it happen, not perpetuate the killing, stealing, raping, and etc.

All homes would be dome homes (the safest structures on the planet), farming would be inside your home (verticle farms), cars would be charged from your garage, and there would be a power room for perpetual energy. We can all dream right?

War does not have a good side (except the U.S. Corporation they love killing, it makes money) IMHO, I can understand killing in self defense, but what war does is a crime is punishable by death.

Charge the U.S. Corporation with crimes against humanity...

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:39 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

So what do you want? a video to show both the good and bad sides? Maybe there are some out there. But if I wanted to create a video and put it on youtube to show the darker sides to the Iraq war then why should I bother putting any rosey bits in there? I would create a video thats straight to the point in getting people to see what they wouldn't normally see on the msm. If thats propaganda then so be it, it's a video with a purpose and it is what it is, it's not as if it's full of lies, it just focuses on an issue, whats wrong with that?

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by SpaceMonkeys

Exactly, it is propaganda. Why is it when its one brand of propaganda, such as the MSM, we should not believe a word and ignore them. Yet when its this or another brand, we should all agree and follow.

I agree with a lot of the points brought up in this video. But to see it presented like this, makes me distrust and dislike the source, and no matter how truthful, not want to support whatever flavor of change they may advocate.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:45 PM
Let's cut to the chase here.

The term "propaganda" has been redefined. The complete bare and technical meaning of the term "propaganda", meaning basically just.. present an idea with a purpose, is not how it is said anymore.

People, today, when they say "propaganda", they mean packed full of lies, ideologies and typically a deliberate veil is pulled over whatever information is being presented. See, 50's communist propaganda, or wartime propaganda in WW2 for both the Axis & Allies.

So, before you fall back on, "Well it's still propaganda, because the dictionary says so." Maybe you ought to think before you speak. If all you wanted to say was, "I think it's a little one-sided and disingenuous." Then that's perfectly reasonable. But to call it propaganda? Please..

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by SyphonX

I completely agree, this video is not what I would define as propaganda, and if people think it is then aren't most things propaganda?

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