posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 06:11 PM
It amazes me how each of you read what I wrote, but non of you seem to understand what I said... So let me try this another way...
Where does one begin to tell the tale of a lie human lie forced upon him from birth?
When does the truth shine through the lie human lie he once believed?
When does society teach the truth to save itself from the lie human lie?
I say no more, stand convicted of your crime you human soul.
You are a murderer of men, women, children, and all other creatures that walk on this earth.
Yet you lie human lie and pass it down to your children, along with the demons that will haunt your ancestors not yet born.
You are an animal full of rage and anger towards things you do not understand and or deny. You are a beast caged inside your own mind behind the lie
human lie.
I should pity the human soul, except I am ashamed, not of who or what I am.
I am ashamed that our society forces us to keep the lie human lie hidden, buried deep out in the open. We tell our children we are good, peaceful, but
the lie human lie ends there, it begins in our hearts and minds. We are strong yet we weaken every generation after us with the lie human lie we force
our children to learn on their own, and sometimes in the most horrific ways.
I am not ashamed because of the color of my skin, nor do I put value on any name that revolves around skin, for that too is nothing but a lie human
lie. I am ashamed because people believe some how they are different from the white, brown, yellow, red, black skin that surrounds them each day, in
their cities, states, country's, each breathing the breath released from those they claim to hate.
Oh they know the truth, but woe to he who professes the truth out in the open, and damn them to hell who passes that truth onto their children before
the lie human lie can take hold. Condemning yet another generation to be destroyed behind the already damned.
How dare you lie human lie as you deny what you are, the evil that is in every heart, every mind, every soul. How dare you claim superiority over any
other animal, when a bird, cat, dog, snake, and all other creatures act and teach their young exactly who and what they are. While we the disgrace of
Mother Nature dishonor ourselves with the lie human lie we deny out in the open.
The mirror, our reflection upon the water, the truth in every pair of human eyes. We cannot hide it, so we lie human lie.
Every human is capable of murder, maim, rap, pillage, plunder, and yes a word called genocide. Excuse me as I laugh at the word genocide. That word is
nothing more then a way for people to lie human lie about who and what we are. We kill for power, glory, land, money, or just for the fun of it. Do
not deny you liar, you fake, you cowards.
Teach your children who and what we are, teach them before they discover the truth from the evening news. Tell them what and who we are. Don't lie
human lie and claim some higher authority, some higher civilized way of communicating. Tell them the truth or you are damning them to be just like
your ancestors before you.
The blood is not caked onto us, it flows within each of our bodies. Do you not see how each lie human lie has begot another and another? Am I to be
hated because I am black, brown, yellow, white or red? No that is a lie human lie. I am hated because that is what we feel, that is who we are. We
know no other way because the lie human lie has been past down to us, while the truth is always learned to late, then hidden as quickly as
We have courts that make a mockery of who we are, I say to you courts are but a way to make the lie human lie real. While guns, tanks, planes, and
ships are given free reign to do all the destruction they wish, and we praise them because they are our truth, yet we lie human lie behind a banner
called nations. We lie human lie behind a banner called religion. We lie human lie behind a banner called civilized. And I am ashamed.
Speak the truth my fellow humans so that way we deal with the truth of who and what we are. We are killers, destroyers of men, women and children, do
not deny that fact you cowards. Stand up and shout you beast, you animal called human. Tell all the children they are beasts as well, stand and be
brave show them the truth. Give them the knowledge, right now, while we can still protect them from the lie human lie.
Say unto them, child we are descendants of butchers, murders and destroyers of life. Each man has the power to destroy another, and that power is so
weak, so pathetically weak, we must teach ourselves to be stronger then who we are without the lie human lie.
To kill another man, is easy child, to love them when they have caused you pain is hard. To hurt another person is easy child, so very easy. To hug
them when they have caused you pain, is hard and worth fighting for. Because we are natural born killers, I say to you child, know who and what you
are, then work with your neighbors, your human brothers, and fight to live in peace of truth human truth.
Do not fall for the lie human lie regarding color of skin my child. Know this truth human truth, we are all humans, and each is blessed with a skin
color so we may learn to face our fears. Do not ever hate something you do not understand or disagree with child, for that is weak. Fight to
understand all your fellow brothers and sisters, their ways their beliefs, and learn to be stronger then our greatest weakness, so you may pass
this... our greatest strength onto all the children, so they may pass it onto theirs, only then can we throw away the shackles of lie human lie.
(continue next post)