posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:57 PM
Oh, btw, the application came in a folder named gneejg. I ran into a bit of a snag on startup this morning, I think due to having malwarebytes
and CA Suite both installed. Windows didn't load all the way and I was left with just desktop background and cursor, no shortcuts, executables, or
taskbar. Several restarts later, I was up and running, or should I say crawling. After uninstalling malewarebytes things were back to normal. I
initially was unable to delete the gneejg folder as well, but ended up getting rid of it, too.
The funny thing with all this is the filename/foldername didn't turn up in either a Google or Yahoo search. The sysguard.exe suffix did, but not the
rest of it.
Thanks again for the help. I've always been able to count on my fellow site members in a pinch. That means a lot to me. Not to go all mushy on you
guys or anything [sniff, gulp! tissue]