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My expiriences from 10 and up

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posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 04:53 AM
I too have had experiences, though not exactly the same, but akin to yours. I often have the feeling of being watched, and can sense the presence of beings surrounding me at different times in the day. Until I hit the age of 19 I was very confused about my odd thought patterns. I started to meditate when I was 19. I progressed quickly all on my own, and to this day can achieve an OBE almost at will. I have been into contact with beings while in this state, as I basically go wherever I please. I have had many enlightening dreams, and many horrifying dreams in wich I am in an "astral form" if you will. I have had these dreams all of my life, I have also experienced pain in my frontal lobe area wich moves to my temples occationally. High pitched sounds I hear often. I have been told by multiple people, my age and adults, that I am wise far beyond my years. I would like to discuss some of these experiences, since you seem to have a good understanding of them that I lack
I don't know what time zone you are in but I am in germany right now.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by Geoffrey

I am located currently in Australia and by the sound of it also the feel of your presence was quiet alarming. Prior to the post of your message I felt as if some one was nudging me to go on to my thread. I wonder if it was you or someone you know

I would love to chat to you so I shall be sending you a U2U and then we can discuss much much more.

P.S: I hear high pitched noises very often as well.

In any case check your messages in the U2U I have sent you something.

It will be very interesting to talk with you.

Love and Light see you soon. Sooner then you might think

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by Geoffrey

Well, Shadow Ninja has spent the year pushing limits on his consciousness and meditating frequently, asking, seeking, overcoming the world and negativity in him as well. Its a process. I'm really proud of him. We all need to do this, its how we wake up and find ourselves and searching for what we're meant to do, beyond employment, but our lessons or assignment, how can we make a difference and help others.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by Geoffrey

Hey geoffrey we can chat via facebook just U2U me your name and I will add you.

posted on Jul, 1 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by Geoffrey

Hey bud check your U2U again

posted on Jul, 2 2010 @ 01:44 PM

I feel the same and I have already payed my price. Now I just have to learn how to control what I see and when I see it.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 01:07 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

So are you saying you have the psychic ability of pre-cognition then Shadow? As in, you see all kinds of things about to happen, and then rush off like a superhero to stop them from coming true?

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by ShadowNinja

So are you saying you have the psychic ability of pre-cognition then Shadow? As in, you see all kinds of things about to happen, and then rush off like a superhero to stop them from coming true?

Yes I do have pre-cognition and it happens while I sleep or while I am awake. I do not have control over it and I wish I could. I do not rush off to it due to the fact that when I did try to alter the future. Something bad happened because I was unable to see it from all the angles and it resulted in a accident. I guess things are not meant to be changed and they happen for a reason. But if there is truly a way to control it like in the movie. I sure would like hell want to know about it.

Anyway it is true the way they say that you have to pay a price for a gift/ability like this and I did. It was my dogs death and once that happened my life started changing. So if you think of it the price you pay can be far greater then you think.

Love and Light to you also thank you and a warm welcome to the thread. If you have any tips how I can get a better control/handle of this ability please tell me. It would mean the world to me and I would be internally greatfull to you for the rest of your life.

It is just a fact that when I see these things they happen so suddenly as specially when it happens during the day. Thank you again for the comment and if you know a way I can control it better please do tell.

Love and Light.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

Yes I do have pre-cognition and it happens while I sleep or while I am awake. I do not have control over it and I wish I could

Seems like you've been learning well from all the people who post intelligent things here in your thread.

I do not rush off to it due to the fact that when I did try to alter the future. Something bad happened because I was unable to see it from all the angles and it resulted in a accident

Such a shame, I'm sure a lot of good can come from these types of psychic encounters too. I've known plenty of people who were able to do good by glimpsing beyond the veil.

I guess things are not meant to be changed and they happen for a reason

I believe in free will, and that all things are subjective. We have the ability to do something, or not do anything, in any situation we encounter in life.

But if there is truly a way to control it like in the movie. I sure would like hell want to know about it

That starts by controlling yourself, and your own life first. How can you hope to harness something truly mystifying if you cannot even harness your own self?

Anyway it is true the way they say that you have to pay a price for a gift/ability like this and I did. It was my dogs death and once that happened my life started changing

This is very melodramatic. Sorry to hear your dog was hit by a car.


Love and Light to you also thank you and a warm welcome to the thread

M'boy, you must be slipping. It's me! Wandering Scribe. I never disappeared from your thread, just was busy for a while.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 01:58 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

ok me slipping I been sick for a week with a flu sorry man. Just feel like sht did not even notice your name lol. Sorry about that hahaha.
In any case it is nice to hear from you.

So what is new??

How you been??

Love and Light.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

Not to worry m'boy. I figure after being under the weather for a week we're all bound to forget about each other, if even just for a moment.

The flu, eh? So the flu even hits those alien-vessel bodies of yours hard to? Here I was thinking it was us human-vessels who were inferior and susceptible to the common cold. Looks like ol' H.G. Wells was right about you extra-terrestrial fellas.

I'm glad that you're glad that hearing from me is a joyous occasion. Happiness ensues whenever the Scribe makes an appearance. Such is the way it should be I'd like to think. The Universe conspires to inspire when I make my presence known.


What is new... Such a simple question, and here is a complex answer:

Life is new. Experience is new. The wondrous revelations from the archetypal side of nature, coalescing with the metaphor of existence have turned my world upon itself.

And, born up from such internal meditations comes mediation with the wholly mental mechanisms of Universal awareness. A new tide in the rhythm of life-mind.

Bliss, m'boy. Bliss.

What have I been doing?

I've been vibin' with the cosmos son, meditating on the world and what's occurring. Seeking that intersection of life/lives that so many of us strive for from day to day. True connection; intermingled emotion, coupled with mischievous devotion. Introducing the flock to all there is to be had in experience here beneath the sun.

And now I'm back to give you a fresh run-around.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:23 AM
Quite an interesting thread you've got going here.

It's tough when you find yourself in a situation like that. Recently something similar happened to me. I got home late from a friend's house and I saw my neighbor's cat in the yard. I tried to get close to her. She got spooked, ran into the street, and got hit by a car
I had that sinking feeling beforehand like I felt (knew?) something just wasn't going to go right. If only I had payed more attention to my intuition. You keep asking yourself "If only I had just done things a little differently, maybe this wouldn't have happened"

Sorry for being all doom and gloom, but I know where you're coming from.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by BaphometsProphet

Thanks mate and you are right because when I had the vision of my dog being hit by the car I thought it was just a dream. Until the sudden reality hit me like a ton of bricks on the day he died and everything from the vision re-occurred like a storm in front of my eyes. I knew even before my mother came to pick me up from school to tell me that he died. I do at times wish I did things differently and maybe I could have stopped it. Life is full of surprises but getting awakened by the grim reality that I have been in a sleep and what happening to me is normal. I was really surprised and as stated the experiences got more interesting and more intense year by year......

Life is full of amazing things and that is the truth to know the truth changes the world and the way you see it.

Love and Light thank you for the comment also welcome to the threat.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by BaphometsProphet

hahaha can't make out your picture

Is it an Onibus

Love and Light

[edit on 3-7-2010 by ShadowNinja]

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

Hahahaha a fresh run-around ehh

You can go ahead I just can not be stuffed anymore sorry to say. I been thinking about things and connecting more lately the more I am shown. The more the loop tightens around my neck confusing me to death at times.

Anyways Love and Light lets stop killing off each other with the run-around and the always attempting take-downs that we do. I just do not see the point anymore I mean you are a man of Light and so am I. We also aim to achieve the same objective to connect and wake up more, yet we still fight pfft I feel like we are a bunch of kids fighting over a favorite toy.

So I am gonna put away my pointy weapons and call it a trues my friend. Cause I really see no need for this to go on.

But yeh Love and Light man Im just gonna keep posting experiences from time to time and be helping people to wake up also provide other help. So just gonna keep on sharing and shining the Love also the Light to people.

[edit on 3-7-2010 by ShadowNinja]

[edit on 3-7-2010 by ShadowNinja]

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

A weeks gap of no posts on this thread and you're back a changed man! Well, seem it atleast.

You've learnt a few new words, "m'boy" and "son", and they're accompanied by a brand new avatar too! It looks like the symbol for the crown Chakra in a pentagram, then negative mirror line flipped; kind of funny how you have the inverted pentagram on one side, a prominent symbol for Satanism. The negative flip also shows black and white, don't know if its a coincidence or it's meant to present a Taijitu or balance. And if only i could read really small letters, then i'd read what the writing around the outside says too.

How was your vibin' anyway? Learn anything new?

reply to post by ShadowNinja

That's some pretty cool stuff you got there Shadow. So is it just a natural thing or can one learn it?
Know anyone else with the same ability?

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by OrionTri

Mornin' Tri,

A weeks gap of no posts on this thread and you're back a changed man

Well, not necessarily a changed man. Just not as hidden. I've always been capable of "tripping the light fantastic". I just don't let it shine that my movement is in motion with the vibe of my rhythmic mind.

You've learnt a few new words, "m'boy" and "son", and they're accompanied by a brand new avatar too

Ha ha, I think earlier in the thread I used "m'boy" a couple of times. "Son" just kind of felt right as I was typing up the message. One of those automatic-writing elements. So instead of removing it, I left it in when I re-read the passage.

And yes! A new avatar!

It looks like the symbol for the crown Chakra in a pentagram

Aum nashi me. The Om does rest within the ancient symbol for male/female balance and unity, yes.

then negative mirror line flipped

The nature of duality, and it's importance towards our continued existence has always been one of the core tenets of my own beliefs.

kind of funny how you have the inverted pentagram on one side, a prominent symbol for Satanism

Satanism, at it's core, is just the "religion of man". A blend of concepts not so much about rebellion and revolution at Christianity, but more about self-fulfillment.

I do consider myself to be a man-mirror. I have my own lusts, obsessions, materialism and worldly-life to be lived. Living that life to the fullest is what Satanism espouses.

The inverted pentagram also represents the triumph of matter over spirit, anchoring oneself to this world. Whereas the pentagram represents the triumph of spirit over matter, allowing one to transcend planes, and states of being.

Just another way of looking at the pentagram / inverted pentagram symbolism.

The negative flip also shows black and white, don't know if its a coincidence or it's meant to present a Taijitu or balance

Of course. The Yin-Yang symbol has always held weight with me. Taoism, Buddhism, Hinduism and other Eastern thoughts have been highly influential in shaping my perspective of the world. As such, a pseudo-Yin-Yang does appear within the avatar.

And if only i could read really small letters, then i'd read what the writing around the outside says too

It says "la illaha il Allah", no, just kidding. I can give you what it says, but translation won't be given since part of it is a personal mantra which I have placed around ATS in various places to see if certain people are really who they claim.

Here's what it says around both the black and white halves...

Tolaqlo lonsa gon peh ur-aeoviae
Lonsa gon plosi
Gon iaiadix amgedpha
Vau ananaeel tolaqlo pambt
Od il, vau iziziop geh vau ed-nas
Sah oma el, gisa gon ia ial

Thanks for the response, and nice to see you back on the thread as well.

~ Scribe

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

Oh, I am merely here to observe and point out the other side of the coin.

I've always welcomed your posting of events and experiences. Without them I would have no fuel for my posts on your thread.

The more experiences you post with your possible explanations, the more alternative explanations I can post.

It is simple economics.

As an added bonus, if I keep posting on here, maybe sooner or later maybe one of your Predator-cloaked alien family will come and visit me.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
reply to post by ShadowNinja

As an added bonus, if I keep posting on here, maybe sooner or later maybe one of your Predator-cloaked alien family will come and visit me.

~ Wandering Scribe

When I read that I felt like one of my guides just laughed about it and said you got stile lol

Maybe they will but promise to be nice to them. They have visited some people before that I know. So you might have a good chance there

Tip: The spiky blond haired male likes to play cards just a tip to have a friendly game

Love and Light.

posted on Jul, 3 2010 @ 01:43 PM
I'll kill him at texas holdem

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