reply to post by LaurenVirgo
Since I no longer read one of the posters, I just read you message. One thing about all things being attributed to ETs. We are all, every single
soul in the Universe, what is called ET. This is just one cylce, or DVD run, metaphorically speaking, of this planet, a testing ground and its like
groundhog day, you come in to software programs, your suits so to speak that had an original long ago, and can color the scenes differently. Its
really quantum wierdness meets the Beyond. So, when some talk about alternative earths, its more like alternative timeline earths, but in the reality
of No Time (time being a construct) this is simultaneous. So there are simultaneously from many different cycles, an infinite number of us, or
however many cycles earth does, different souls being tested however.
I was told that the original G.W. Bush did a lot better than this one we have now.
One day he'll understand what this about. I highly recommend he do his own constant searching within his heart for his connection to himself so to
speak, his Future Selve/Higher Self, and sungaze, which is the projector of the Hologram for this solar system and relates in size to the level of
consciousness for this smaller consciousness planet, but is also a phone home so to speak to Higher Self and the Family of Light. It takes time to
seek to have blocks removed, and make breakthroughs, for some. He has to make the journey himself.
The positive higher level ETs that visit us and encourage us and wake us up are also our Future Selves and our Family as well. In quantum wierdness
metaphorically the infinite roll of film of our lives stretches forward and backwards and each new segment in the film is another us, our Future self.
We cannot be in more than one "time" frame at the same time however. This system is very negative but there are still choices each of us can make
that pass the test of love and lead us home, so there is a non-interference protocol that is followed, but things are constantly held in check here,
for the negative is strong, and I gather it walks a fine line, so they are here to ensure we still have free choice and to nudge and encourage.
Archangels, my walk in friend is one. Also, the names we use here, are not the cosmic names. Michael is Mic'zael. Uriel, Raphael, Metraton,
amongst others also have cosmic names. They are mentioned in the scriptures as if they were supporting El, and the annanuki who controlled this
planet. Nothing could be farther from the truth, for they are the Freedom Fighters and Protectors. An example, my friend has shared Sodom and
Gomorra, which were taken out, because they were annanuki strongholds.
J'ean D' Arc, fought with her small army, Mic'zael at her side, against Land owners and the elite, who were annanuki.
Another who I know is an archangel spent his time pro bono fighting on behalf of natives and winning unprecedented cases for them.
No, can't prove it, but know it. My walk in friend is ple'o'sha'n, and an angel, which is a blessing or job description, not a race.
Phasing is done in a variety of ways. One way this works has to do with our minds, and the signals that are coming in and they also use a technology
that shows up, as a flash of orange or white down a vizer. I saw that twice at 7 foot height and 9 foot height repsectively, and knew what it was.
The orange flash happened after monitoring and involved 9 foot tall,non human shapes, negatives, out back, twice with a red sticker on the boot making
the shape leap out.
The white flash was L'Arna, and it was opposite in that he half appeared, his outline and partial form while I was getting a physical examination.
Now I Know that nearly everytime I get a checkup, its a female technician, and there is always a male in full biotech armor/suit guarding her. So at
that time, I didn't know he was there, and after he showed me he was there, physically he communicated with me telepathically. His message was
this: to love the children, and look after them for he was a father as well, and his family was in another system. That I would go home first, but
afterwards at some point arrangements could be made and one day he could show me his planet. That children always come first.
That if and when disclosure occurs, to stand still and wait. There are many sides here and what is in the underground military bases would not be
about freedom. That we need to wait for the right group to show up. The one that is concerned with HEALING everyone, has the technology to heal
humanity of nearly all their diseases, redistributes all goods and technology is given to the nations, to address starvation, and does not support our
monetary, banking, corporate monopoly system or nwo heirarchies, is them.
That Africa is the symbol for this planet in the cosmos. That was last fall.
The reason we can't see them, I've read things about plasma shields and who knows if some use technology like that or not. The most important
technology is related the channel they're on. Our technology does not pick up the other channels. There are infinite channel/planes/dimesnions and
densities in this Universe, and sub-planes, levels within each channel. Ie. earht is its own DVD, the solar system its own Space-time channel, 3D.
Earth, the moon, mars, etc, all have different variations in orbit, and their own space-time, we're considered the lower level, so we see everything,
even with the Hubble in 3D, on our channel and subchannel. And there is a spot in our software, "brain" that deals with time, so even if we travel
elsewhere, we still have 3D earth time programmed in and need adjustments made to our "suits" or new "suits" to see another channel.
Its quantum.
Edit to add: To Scribe and anyone else with their own strong held beliefs. There are many faiths and ways here on earth, all with their own
checkerboard floors, that while they may be distortions, still contain answers and the way of Love. There are two roads in all the mainstream faiths,
a more judgmental punitive, one, and Loving, freeing, empowering, compassionate, forgiving one. We are given choices, and the way of Love and
Awareness is what passes the test, not what you believe currently.
So, you don't have to stumble upon quantum answers, nor do you have to have experiences yourself, for its your own level of awareness inside that
draw this, your own pre-arrangements before you came down.
For some of us here, a part of our test is awakening within the matrix. And its a team effort, like stepping stones, we are drawn to those that
assist us.
[edit on 19-5-2010 by Unity_99]