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My expiriences from 10 and up

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posted on May, 16 2010 @ 05:15 PM
I agree that not only is ShadowNinja giving us no reason whatsoever to believe that he is not a complete and utter hoax, but his 'teaching' (like his technical descriptions of his Iron Man suit) is extremely vague and unhelpful.

Yeah, it may help someone slightly, but that's not the point. If for example someone told someone he knew the secret to AntiGravity propulsion and when asked how it works, said "Its electrical and stuff and just read about science and stuff and you will come to understand". Now imagine that that a lot of people follow his instructions, most coming back confused and with more questions, which he refuses to give helpful detailed advise for. Now let's say someone does manage to produce AntiGravity.. does this make the original liar who claimed he knew how to make antigravity legitimate? Absolutely not.

Similarly it doesn't matter if ShadowNinjas honestly generic suggestions like 'listen to music and meditate' works - as these lend no credibility to shadowninja. Remember, the best way to hide a lie/hoax is among general truths and generic statements.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by ac500]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 05:35 PM

Skeptics who come on with a negative agenda are not seekers, do they even understand what yearning for a wonderful equal world without starvation, homelessness, wars, money, and banks is

I understand perfectly well what Cloud Cuckoo Land is. Utopian societies, like those espoused in the Communist Manifesto, are not beyond my understanding.

Do they know or feel a need to raise their frequency and recognize this occurring

Hermetics, my friend. Principles III (vibration) and V (rhthym) are exactly what you're talking about. The occult manuscript The Kybalion has entire sections devoted to these principles. Hermetics is one cornerstone of my own esoteric belief system.

People who are spirtually, metaphysically, intuitvely, philisophically even, positive and sensitives, recognize the feelings of higher vibrations

Yes, we do. I feel the energy, the spirit, and the union between all natural things on a daily basis. I just returned from following the pull of such a spiritual gossamer thread. It lead me deep into the woodlands where I listened to the trees whisper, the deer and the woodland critters play, and photographed a Monarch butterfly for 30 minutes.

Oh, yeah, small reminder for those who don't know: Monarch Butterflies are going to be rare this year up north here. The older generation barely made it to Mexico during migration because of the cold weather. So the newborns are fewer in number, and might not migrate as far North this year. So take the time to appreciate one if you find it. It's probably worked harder in it's short life to get to you, then you will in your entire long life.

experience rushes and ringing in their ears in meditation, notice that joy, happiness and kindness does this to them as well, and look to feel inspired by other people sharing

1. It's called internal air stabilization. All it means is that your eyes have lost their sense of direction and are attempting to establish a new one.

2. Happiness, like laughter, is contagious. Smile at someone and most often they too will smile. Laugh and a lot of people will start laughing too. It's a response from the mnemonic center of our brain. Same reason why when you yawn, someone who sees it will yawn back.

3. I don't discourage the sharing of experiences. What I discourage is the sharing of experiences as proof that something is real. Share all you want, but don't use the first-hand account of someone else as infallible evidence that it must be real.

They actually activate themselves from others shining their lights and experiences, and we kind of do this as a team, which is why write and share our experiences

It is a shame everyone you share with is so gullible. Have you never once questioned anything that any of these strangers have told you? Shadow claiming he has build a prototype Iron Man suit never once seemed suspicious to you?

Those who come onto these kind of threads, to put them down, call them delusional, accuse them of religions

This is a non sequitur. Putting someone down, and "accusing" someone of being religious are not the same thing. I haven't insulted you personally, only your ideas, claims and theories.

My utilization of religious doctrine is my proof, and evidence, that your theories are not original, or inventive.

I am simply doing my homework and showing you where everything you're doing comes from, and why the origins you ascribe to it are inaccurate.

repeated campaign to stomp out the way to freedom, either because they're working for controllers

I work for no one. My spiritual motivations are my own. And that motivation is to uncover the truth by cutting away all the unsubstantiated and obviously false avenues.

or because they're not free inside themselves

Mirror, mirror on the wall, how shiny you are!

are not usually the same kind of people who are seeking and experiencing, and nudging others

Inconsistency Alert!

Shadow said everyone is really an alien, and no one is a human. You said some of us are not the same as those who are awake.

Inconsistency Alert!


Alright, time to go cook some food for myself. Have a good evening everyone. Keep on gazing at the sun, and listening to music. Obviously aliens older than time would only be able to reach us through music and the sun. Since, you know, the two things as old as the Universe itself are music and our sun.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 05:39 PM
Everyone is responsible in life, for doing their own soul work, their own progression, because this is actually what this is about. In fact, if you were to push the envelope and stand outside asking for contact, but were not ready or aware, and positive enough, I wouldnt recommend doing that at all. Quite frankly that is not wise.

This is his thread, where he is sharing his unusual experiences but nudging awareness in others as well, for we're all cosmic. Its actually for like minded people. As most threads are.

Also, I don't read negative posts. First few times, but don't see any reason to allow someone to unload their negativity, mindset, and personal insults and attacks, on me, or anyone else really.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:05 AM
Question for you, Shadow (or Unity I suppose - though she ignores anything that I post on here now):

According to your beliefs, extra-terrestrial beings are responsible for the existence of the human species.

At the same time, the human species are all extra-terrestrials ourselves.

Through "raising frequencies", "listening to music we like", "meditation", and "loving" we can Wake Up to this secondary reality.

Does this mean that these things, meditation, music, vibrations, and the emotion love, are not human things?

Do humans not vibrate, make music or love?

If humans could love, make music that was enjoyable, and experience vibrations; then we would be no different than your extra-terrestrial beings.

Do you understand what I'm trying to ask here? It's a bit hard to explain.

Basically, I suppose since these things are so vital to us becoming a member of the extra-terrestrials, it would be impossible for these things to be human in any way.

How would you respond to that?

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99
This is his thread, where he is sharing his unusual experiences ...

Shareing experiences, sharing experiences, sharing experiences... stop that!!

I'm tired of people using "sharing experiences" as an excuse to allow lies.

If I started a thread about my (false) "experiences" with the secret cloud kingdom of purple elephant tribes and tell the tale about how my purple elephant friend told me that UFOs are really just disguised flying elephants, and that it is our destiny to find and embrace our inner elephant soul, for we are all truly elephants and it was the elephants who created us as a genetic experiment thousands of years ago...

... you couldn't say I was lying, by your (il)logic - because I would just be "sharing my experiences", after all. And who would you be to tell me that this elephant kingdom is not real?


posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:43 AM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

Here is a question then good man.

What is human??? and What is not???

Ask your self that question the things you describe and portray are stated as human yet also there is a different way to the side of things. So what does truly human mean???

Yes ETs are responsible for creation of the human kind yet the creation is different to what you think it is. Let me call it an upgrade on behalf of some and the body you occupy right now is a mere low grade. That you are as much as we know occupy right now, so we can say humanity got downgraded. After the initial causes of war and several other interests on the side of darkness. So Yes indeed we are extraterrestrials occupying bodies/ vessels and yet at the same time there are original humans that have advanced to other places also races. Well I could presume for that reason being there really are no proper original humans left yet there are other systems left as well. Hmmm this is a pickle that requires more memories returned.

Meditation was actually introduced to monks by the ETs as a telepathically communicative way of contact and connecting to ones HS. Also music must be done in frequency which is a different to the standard human hearing so specifics are made. Connecting with ones self is merely a guide and a helping hand from your HS to for fill what you came to do here. However, we must also take into account that in the general ways of view. So there is much to understand what you call human can be not human at all. Also there is a different love my friend. The good old fashioned human chemical love and also love which comes from within of the light from HS. Different love and thus different explanation human also non human.

So take into account of what is human and what is not

Love and Light

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by ShadowNinja
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

Meditation was actually introduced to monks by the ETs as a telepathically communicative way of contact and connecting to ones HS.

Love and Light

Hey there SN (and Unity),

As you are aware this is my first post on your thread ... however, I have been keeping a close eye on it. You might also be wondering why I continue to ignore your private messages ?

Well, let me explain very briefly that since our first meeting (on ATS) ... and quite interesting, initial discussion about 'Past-life Memories' (a subject that I am passionate about as you are well aware) ... it would seem that you have gone off on some kind of comic-book fantasy tangent ... that quite frankly I wanted no part of.

I have spent my entire career as a Past-life Regression Therapist (16yrs), trying to explain the reality of the process (as a result of my own 'spontaneous' experiences in this field and the research I carried-out to back-up the reality of my experiences)

And I have to say to 'Unity99' (in your adult role as friend and self-appointed guardian of SD) ... I am quite alarmed by the fact that your encouragement in his fantasy has the potential to be very destructive to SD's sense of reality.

Now, I feel I can speak openly about this without fear of contradiction because I myself have experienced a lifetime of what would be classified as 'weirdness' in the spiritual realm ... that said we must remind ourselves of the vital importance that 'balance' plays in such circumstances.

After reading this entire thread there seems to be no sense of balance whatsoever ... and that can be a very dangerous thing !

Unity99 ... like you I am aware of SD's issues in the physical world and this is all the more reason why you as said 'guardian' should be helping him to determine the vast difference between 'physical realm' ... 'spiritual realm' and the wonderful world of 'BS' ... at the moment the edges seem to be blurred on all counts.

Now having made my point I would like ask if you can provide a link to the comment you made above about meditation and the monks etc ... I find that very interesting.


posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:40 AM
reply to post by woodwytch

I dont have his kind of experiences, in the least. But he has them intensely and they don't go away. Most people don't listen to him, but I have never shut down the communication lines, and have encouraged he meditate, connect to his HS, and to request of his HS, and set the intention strongly before sleep to not be taken to various places at night.

He's gone from strong energy and able to do scan you, wherein I had to recieve protection, to having his skills capped, for he was too angry, to literally battling the shadow in himself with negative monitoring, some of it I was aware of. To speaking from a very positive space.

He has progressed in a positive manner for someone who probably will never stop having experiences, and even gets tested a great deal. His level of maturity with iron suits and whatnot, well to me he's a kid. That he associates with Naruto because he had something dark inside that he has to conquer yet overcomes it as a strong positive, actually Naruto is a fairly brilliant anime, my kids all like it, and the author has a story that teaches, the strong need for honor, friendship, your village, and positive values.

As I said I don't have his experiences, nor do I have oobes. He has visited me during his. And I am very inutitive, and know when he's here. He, or some entity with him, tried to pull me out of my body, which I found very alarming.

I do give him advice, but don't clip his wings. He's old enough to share on his own. The Atlantian memories, I would like to bring up, that he did on your thread.

The name he suddenly called you, you wrote and told me was one of your names. You answered my few u2u's, I save them all, so I don't think that comment was directed to me. Theres another here who I've shared experiences with a year ago, actually was with him during his nightly experinces and could describe what was done to him and why he had the wounds on his head. And after that he began to remember them. He had missing time the same night my son did, and we all were abducted and woke up with wounds and burn marks. After our mutual friend got me to ask for one of my contacts to identify, as J'Anus, the others were L'Arna adn Deir'dre'a', he had asked me to.

Then, I turned around and tried to get my friend to identify as well. He said he couldn't could I try instead. Well, I said, you know if you're going to go around calling yourself something that just came to me out of the blue, its ok with me. A name came. Sha'a'el.

When I told SN that my other friend was Atlantean too and had strong memories of it and the battle, and the association with Dragon along with his name, SN name him. Sha'ri'El. (I might have missed one letter there).

He has some very strong psi abilities and things trigger memories with him. I am certainly not going to tell him what to say or not, when he posts, or clip his wings so to speak, he's sharing from his own unique place.

All I can do is tell him to meditate, and seek his HS, even pray to Mother, and try to convince him to set intentions not to go to strange channels for testing at night, because I don't think they're positive or safe.

But I have to disagree with his abilities. Its up to him to learn discernment, though he has been speaking from strong positive for nearly half a year now. I do tell him when he shares things that I don't consider something safe, question what he is shown, tell him when he takes on a negative message that the positive ETs are not like that, and he's gradually peeled off layers of ego. He's had some very negative monitoring.

The connecting to and speaking from the positivve is far more important than anything else, for this is all a test, and Love is the pass.

Edit to add:

I'm a mother, not really a guardian that I know of, but had never encountered a stronger energy signature, though with a really negative tinge, from someone who was not a walk in when I met him, and my mission is positive. To encourage awareness, meditation, awakening and help from the Family of Light. To grow in love and awareness. To become positive, and healed. With his family situation and the negative things our mutual friend said about his past life, I've never known for sure, but suspected some things came from past difficulties and choices, some from his current situation. Either way he needed to meditate and ask for his blocks to be removed, heart chakra meditations I encouraged alot, actually, and asking for things to face, and release to come up.

Though part of his

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Unity_99]

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 07:03 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

The ETs who "created" the current batch of humans, do you know that this was a nerfing, a downgraded dna, a splitting of the hemispheres and shutting them off from memories and abilities and allowing them to be controlled more. That nerfing was done on behalf of the reptilians.

Most of the ETs here have not on humanities side, basically, so to speak.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 07:35 AM
reply to post by LaurenVirgo

Since I no longer read one of the posters, I just read you message. One thing about all things being attributed to ETs. We are all, every single soul in the Universe, what is called ET. This is just one cylce, or DVD run, metaphorically speaking, of this planet, a testing ground and its like groundhog day, you come in to software programs, your suits so to speak that had an original long ago, and can color the scenes differently. Its really quantum wierdness meets the Beyond. So, when some talk about alternative earths, its more like alternative timeline earths, but in the reality of No Time (time being a construct) this is simultaneous. So there are simultaneously from many different cycles, an infinite number of us, or however many cycles earth does, different souls being tested however.

I was told that the original G.W. Bush did a lot better than this one we have now.

One day he'll understand what this about. I highly recommend he do his own constant searching within his heart for his connection to himself so to speak, his Future Selve/Higher Self, and sungaze, which is the projector of the Hologram for this solar system and relates in size to the level of consciousness for this smaller consciousness planet, but is also a phone home so to speak to Higher Self and the Family of Light. It takes time to seek to have blocks removed, and make breakthroughs, for some. He has to make the journey himself.

The positive higher level ETs that visit us and encourage us and wake us up are also our Future Selves and our Family as well. In quantum wierdness metaphorically the infinite roll of film of our lives stretches forward and backwards and each new segment in the film is another us, our Future self. We cannot be in more than one "time" frame at the same time however. This system is very negative but there are still choices each of us can make that pass the test of love and lead us home, so there is a non-interference protocol that is followed, but things are constantly held in check here, for the negative is strong, and I gather it walks a fine line, so they are here to ensure we still have free choice and to nudge and encourage.

Archangels, my walk in friend is one. Also, the names we use here, are not the cosmic names. Michael is Mic'zael. Uriel, Raphael, Metraton, amongst others also have cosmic names. They are mentioned in the scriptures as if they were supporting El, and the annanuki who controlled this planet. Nothing could be farther from the truth, for they are the Freedom Fighters and Protectors. An example, my friend has shared Sodom and Gomorra, which were taken out, because they were annanuki strongholds.

J'ean D' Arc, fought with her small army, Mic'zael at her side, against Land owners and the elite, who were annanuki.

Another who I know is an archangel spent his time pro bono fighting on behalf of natives and winning unprecedented cases for them.

No, can't prove it, but know it. My walk in friend is ple'o'sha'n, and an angel, which is a blessing or job description, not a race.

Phasing is done in a variety of ways. One way this works has to do with our minds, and the signals that are coming in and they also use a technology that shows up, as a flash of orange or white down a vizer. I saw that twice at 7 foot height and 9 foot height repsectively, and knew what it was. The orange flash happened after monitoring and involved 9 foot tall,non human shapes, negatives, out back, twice with a red sticker on the boot making the shape leap out.

The white flash was L'Arna, and it was opposite in that he half appeared, his outline and partial form while I was getting a physical examination. Now I Know that nearly everytime I get a checkup, its a female technician, and there is always a male in full biotech armor/suit guarding her. So at that time, I didn't know he was there, and after he showed me he was there, physically he communicated with me telepathically. His message was this: to love the children, and look after them for he was a father as well, and his family was in another system. That I would go home first, but afterwards at some point arrangements could be made and one day he could show me his planet. That children always come first.

That if and when disclosure occurs, to stand still and wait. There are many sides here and what is in the underground military bases would not be about freedom. That we need to wait for the right group to show up. The one that is concerned with HEALING everyone, has the technology to heal humanity of nearly all their diseases, redistributes all goods and technology is given to the nations, to address starvation, and does not support our monetary, banking, corporate monopoly system or nwo heirarchies, is them.

That Africa is the symbol for this planet in the cosmos. That was last fall.

The reason we can't see them, I've read things about plasma shields and who knows if some use technology like that or not. The most important technology is related the channel they're on. Our technology does not pick up the other channels. There are infinite channel/planes/dimesnions and densities in this Universe, and sub-planes, levels within each channel. Ie. earht is its own DVD, the solar system its own Space-time channel, 3D. Earth, the moon, mars, etc, all have different variations in orbit, and their own space-time, we're considered the lower level, so we see everything, even with the Hubble in 3D, on our channel and subchannel. And there is a spot in our software, "brain" that deals with time, so even if we travel elsewhere, we still have 3D earth time programmed in and need adjustments made to our "suits" or new "suits" to see another channel.

Its quantum.

Edit to add: To Scribe and anyone else with their own strong held beliefs. There are many faiths and ways here on earth, all with their own checkerboard floors, that while they may be distortions, still contain answers and the way of Love. There are two roads in all the mainstream faiths, a more judgmental punitive, one, and Loving, freeing, empowering, compassionate, forgiving one. We are given choices, and the way of Love and Awareness is what passes the test, not what you believe currently.

So, you don't have to stumble upon quantum answers, nor do you have to have experiences yourself, for its your own level of awareness inside that draw this, your own pre-arrangements before you came down.

For some of us here, a part of our test is awakening within the matrix. And its a team effort, like stepping stones, we are drawn to those that assist us.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 09:03 AM
With SN's sharing and experiences, its not up to anyone to show him how to separate his spiritual growth, guidance and epxeriences from distortions. Well, actually that has been told him frequently, but its up to him to follow through and implement them. The family tensions are something that is big and seeking help and problem solving this was also given as advice to him by several including my friends.

He has his own inner nudgings and purpose for sharing, his own moments of trying to prove something, and letting ego step in at times, or what I was worried about, being too wide open and allowing something to "merge" with him versus, himself emerging. Those are not the same things. So, this is his journey, his thread, he's doing it his way, and what I can do is stand up for the things I already know were true in him, which are significant enough.

Some of his visions, are very similar to visions others have shared with me, they're very consistant. Others he hasn't shared yet as well. I am doing all I can through positivity to ensure this kind of thing doesnt happen, that this world wakes up, also should earth changes or manmade events occur, to hold a positive rapid shift over people, to pray and meditate and envision it strongly, that only the most positive and highest good is happening.

From two recent experiences just a few days ago, in the morning and at night, which due to the presence of someone on here, I'm not willing to share on SN's thread, there seems to be a time extension given to spread love, giving to others and awareness.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 11:19 AM


The real danger of pushing for contact can concentrate you in a case that you would rather not be involved in trust me


Right now I am merely an essence of my Higher Self a tiny stone shall we call it. While I am partially here I am in the astral and dimensional planes I am a multi dimensional being and so are all others. For there are no limits this is a vessel and I am merely filling it bit by bit. For this vessel is an empty cup shall we call it that and I am merely poring the the tea in into it. Drop by drop of tea the cup fills until it is full and the full state of the merge happens.

Every vessel varies in its own way that is why it happens differently.
For when you pore the tea quickly the cup overfills fast and the tea flows out of the cup. But when you pore the tea slowly you fill it perfectly to a state that you want it to be drunk at. This happens to our vessels for if we merge quickly the vessel can collapse. But when we pore it slowly drop by drop, we get a perfect balance and the vessel prospers like a perfect Cherry blossom.

For everything must be balanced and not forced for the perfect bloom can prosper into something bad. Also this should be done gently for it is the only way. As a wise man once said to me "Patience leads to understanding and Understanding leads to true knowledge". Thus I am trying to help people fill their cup in and set up a little pool of ripples that gets them started also on their way to remembering.



For I am sorry child you are not ready to know yet.
You have much to grow my friend and it is up to you to realize this.
When you are ready to hear what I saw and heard then I shall tell you.
But for now you are not yet ready to hear or see the true me.

I am sorry for that my friend and pass my hellos to your Higher Self.

Love and Light to all

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 11:50 AM
For I spread my wing in her pure love.

I feel her spirit in the light above.

But she is here with in it all.

For every moment big and small.

She will always love us all.

For she is one with in our soul and we can feel her very own.

But there is no limit set, for it is pure love we get.

Every night,morning,day she watches us from far away.

I bow before thee on my knees and ask for help to spread my wings.

I know I was lost along the path but time it self will rip in half.

There shall be love and bliss and light.

For all will merge into her light.


At 13 I was standing by a window and looking outside for there was nothing. Just an ordinary day for me like always but then I started having pressure around the penal gland area. I started having flashes and things in the sky were shown. I thought I was going crazy what I felt was a strange feeling like they were watching me. So I tried to pin point their location and they were outside. I started collapsing every time the flashes got stronger as if I am being over loaded with information. I started to get a bloody nose and saw drips off blood drop from my nose. I was on my knees by that time barely hanging on. But then something happened I started to feel them even more and the faint voices I heard in my dreams at 9-10 gotten louder.

They said "we are here and we are with you night and day". But they also said " all you believe in is about to change". I then "asked who are you??" and all I got was an odd answer from them. They called them self my superiors/ guides. I started to raise questions but my vision was slowly starting to go. I heard a familiar female voice screaming out "That is enough for now or he will die".

I then hit the floor and all I saw was 4 shapes show up around me. 3 males, 1 female and also a kid Im sure there was a kid. Not just normal walk up but sort of a transportation they showed up. When that happened I saw a distortion in the area surrounding them. At first I saw ripples then shades and shapes it followed by the end of seeing them fully. I then grabbed the female by the leg and faintly asked for help she told one of the males to hurry. She was fairly blond haired looked very well in shape like a personal trainer in a way if we talking physical shape. One of the males was holding a pad and it had my vital scans on it. The female looked mad and stared strictly at the male. Which looked like a leader of the pack, he was well built and was about 2-3meters in height. By that point I blacked out and remember faintly what followed by a medical check up if I was still alive. I honestly swear that there was also a kid they brought along that was poking me with a stick.

This was not mental contact, but only the conversation was mental. The contact it self was physical so physical that when I touched her leg. I felt it her pulse as far as I know I think it was pulse
, skin and the suit she was wearing.

Quite intense in its own way if you truly look at it from all angles.


Yet at the same time we must all wonder who we truly are. For are we light or are we darkness and even though at times it is hard to know. We need to figure that part out within our self.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

What is human??? And what is not???

I think science has a pretty good interpretation of that, they are called Taxonomic Ranks. Through the use of Taxonomic Ranks an entire type of living organism can be classified into diverse categories based on evolutionary advancements, biological traits and other factors. Humanities Taxonomic Ranks are as follows:

Our domain is: Eukarya
Our kingdom is: Animalia
Our phylum is: Cordata
Our sub-phylum is: Vertebrata
Our class is: Mammalia
Our order is: Primata
Our sub-order is: Anthropoidea
Our super-family is: Hominoidea
Our family is: Hominidae
Our genus is: Homo
Our species is: Sapiens

So, to answer your question: if it doesn't fit into these Taxonomic Rankings then it is not human. If it does fit all of these Taxonomic Rankings, then it is human.


Yes ETs are responsible for creation of the human kind yet the creation is different to what you think it is

O.K. I'm listening.

Let me call it an upgrade on behalf of some and the body you occupy right now is a mere low grade

Despite the terrible grammar, I think I understand your intended message. So, for example, my body is a lousy low-grade shell. But your body is a super-charged alien-shell? Yes?

After the initial causes of war and several other interests on the side of darkness

Let me just interject here, and point out that it is such a shame that your extremely enlightened and highly evolved "alien bodies" were unable to overcome a few petty human-shells; thus preventing the eradication of all of our Higher Alien Bodies.

So Yes indeed we are extraterrestrials occupying bodies/ vessels and yet at the same time there are original humans that have advanced to other places also races

Wait, confused again.

• There are humans being occupied, or possessed by aliens.
• There are evil Dark-siders occupying/possessing humans.
• There are humans who have become other alien races.
• There are humans who are just plain humans.

Do I have this right? I'm just curious if I'm missing any classifications.

Well I could presume for that reason being there really are no proper original humans left yet there are other systems left as well

So scratch out #4 on my previous list, yes?

Hmmm this is a pickle that requires more memories returned

I find it comical that my unenlightened low-grade human vessel — essentially a piece of junk — can stump such a highly regarded alien-human vessel as yourself.


Meditation was actually introduced to monks by the ETs as a telepathically communicative way of contact and connecting to ones HS

Telepathy may be an evolutionary example of arrested neocortal natal development, combined with a rare frontal-lobe over-development that creates neuron spin axis perpendicular to a physical polar magnetic field axis, differentiating the brain as a form of crude holographic generator rather than a mere wave-front collapsing interferometer, as is the case of the rest of us.

Except, you probably didn't know any of that. Considering your alien buddies probably didn't bother teaching you anything about anything. So, go on and make your bold statements and claims. But sometimes someone who knows a little something more about the claims you're making, might know how to put you in your place.

As for meditation... You do realize that mediation is the appropriate terminology for the new-age practice of communicating with higher beings, gods, angels and demons through the use of trance-work and god-form assumption. Yes?

Meditation is a method of stilling, calming and controlling your internal body, mind and elements so that they may be properly aligned with the external world and its elements. Thereby allowing for a healthier, more complete and efficient existence.

M-e-d-i-t-a-t-i-o-n is not M-e-d-i-a-t-i-o-n. Just thought I would finally inform you of that. Considering the misuse of meditation you and Unity have been throwing around on this thread.


Also music must be done in frequency which is a different to the standard human hearing so specifics are made

Is it a higher or lower frequency?

Human hearing can measure from 20 µpa (hearing threshold) until 20 pa (pain threshold). This of course has a complex mathematical algorithm that converts it to the common decibel measurement. However, once again I doubt you even know what you're talking about.


Also there is a different love my friend. The good old fashioned human chemical love

So NOW there's chemical love (called oxytocin, or seratonin, or dopamine, or others). .O.K. Shadow. Whatever you say. I'm glad you've been paying attention all those times I taught you scientific things about your claims.


So take into account of what is human and what is not

I did. In doing so, I annihilated your arguments too.

~ Scribe

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

Scratch some of those you are wise my friend. Hmmm maybe I should start looking at things in a different way. Hey wanna double tag team. Hahahaha I am so lousy at offering peace but yeh in general lets call it a truce and peace.

What do you say??

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by ShadowNinja

Unfortunately, friend, there can be no truce. As long as their are liars, and con-artists out there who would feed on the naivety and gullibility of others, I cannot align myself with them. You, sir, are just one such person.

As ac500 has tried countless time to imbue in this thread: lies are often wrapped up in a cloud of truth. Until you cast away the false extra-terrestrial genesis and cosmology, then I'll have to keep pointing out your inaccuracies.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:53 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

You endlessly report your distortions and beliefs, trying to block his sharing. Both you and the one you mentioned are not in truth, you will be discover this one day. In the meantime, read the title of the thread.

You, with all your mystery school knowledge and maturity are showing real ego, trying to undermine SN. It doesn't look very good on you.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

You endlessly report your distortions and beliefs

Scientific fact is neither a distortion, nor is it a belief. Scientific fact is exactly as it states: a valid, proven, testable claim of verifiable authenticity.

trying to block his sharing

Once again, I do not block his sharing. I merely point out that a first-person testimonial, without corroborating evidence does not make for a valid scientific fact.

Both you and the one you mentioned are not in truth

ac500 is an engineer. This means he has studied, worked with, and now utilizes skills required to work with electronics and cutting edge technological machinery.

I am a history fanatic. Meaning that history, culture, anthropology and comparative religions are all well within my range of topics. I am also quite knowledgeable on neurology and various other scientific forums.

Neither of us are "not in truth".

you will be discover this one day

Yes, yes. The day your extra-terrestrial buddies finally decide to quit speaking through ignorant and plainly unhelpful guides.

Well, I won't hold my breath for them to stop using the likes of you and ShadowNinja to preach their claims.

In the meantime, read the title of the thread

I did. And he continues to post his experiences (see a few replies above this one).

The difference is he is no longer "telling a story", now he is directing people on how to live their lives, and what to believe in.

I am merely offering a counter-opinion to his.

You, with all your mystery school knowledge

Biology, astronomy, sociology, pyschology, neurology, evolutionary theory, anthropology, archeology... none of these are the Dionysian and Elysian mystery schools. When I want to talk about the Dionysian and Elysian mystery schools, I will.

and maturity are showing real ego

Do not mistake knowledge for ego, nor rationality for censorship. They are not interchangeable.

trying to undermine SN. It doesn't look very good on you

And who, pray-tell, is watching and judging my appearance?

Is there some alien-overlord who is eyeballing me with enthusiasm because I am challenging your infantile theories? Then let him come down and say so to my face.

Or is it just you who doesn't like me, because I'm not some gullible little id'yit you can pull the wool over? Because, quite frankly, I don't care if you don't like me.

I don't like that you lie and misdirect people. In my eyes, the loss of your approval means far less to me, then my attempt to make sure you're not misleading your followers.

Good day to you.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:23 PM
Just a side-note: I might recommend we try to keep posts as concise as possible. Posts 4+ pages long going on about love, light, and ETs, etc. are pointless posts since few people have to time to read them completely, and all this fluff is evading the real issue anyway.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by ac500]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:27 PM

The difference is he is no longer "telling a story", now he is directing people on how to live their lives, and what to believe in.

Very good point, and an important distinction. ShadowNinja isn't just about experiences - he's posing himself as an authority or having some wisdom or knowledge above the rest of us, and by nature this demands verification (as we can all agree I think that hoaxes do exist).

To ShadowNinja and his disciples: At this point you're practically telling Wandering Scribe, woodwytch, me, and others who realize serious flaws and inconsistencies in your teachings that we're all wrong and you are right. As evidence I quote a clearly arrogant statement indicative to the assertions:

Both you and the one you mentioned are not in truth, you will be discover this one day.

Quite frankly, this is repulsively egotistical and arrogant to think that you can deny people who are for all purposes experts in their fields (woodwytch, etc.), telling them that they don't know what they're talking about.

ShadowNinja either has a LOT of explaining to do, or as we all suspect, this is all a hoax / delusion.

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