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Not exactly true. I do believe in extra-terrestrials, and all manner of religious, spiritual and theosophical things. It's a shame people don't read my early posts on this thread. I am quite lucid and clear when I mention I believe, and have had my own experiences.
As I asked Unity, why do religions and mankind's spirituality have to be extra-terrestrial in origin? Why can't man simply be a wondrous and mystifying species all on it's own? What makes us so illiterate that we had to have some kind of extra-terrestrial teach and instruct us?
I've always believed in mankind's inherent ability to do both great good and terrible evil without some external force being responsible for it.
If you debated, and won, about religion being alien-orchestrated, then the people you debated must not have had a deep grasp or working knowledge of the religions you discussed. I love to debate about "god is an alien" and such. Sometime we should talk about it.
Do you have any evidence for 2012? I've had similar "prophecies" told to me - see my response to Unity - but never has anyone been able to verify the 2012 prophecies.
Please tell me, as close to step-by-step as you can, what you did to receive these visitations. I've been trying using the Unity/Shadow method for a while - as well as other UFOlogists approaches - and have had no luck. It took you 2 weeks, please tell me what you did and I'll see what I'm doing differently.
Originally posted by ShadowNinja
reply to post by ac500
ok I am only going to describe the hand of the suit and if you will not understand it then I am sorry. So keep up with me for now and bare in mind I am only 17.
... [explanation] ...
So please bare in mind with me I am only 17 and in no way am I Toni Stark LOL.
Hmm over the time being sense you are more wiser then me in engineering I would like to ask if you could maybe part take in this. Help me with somethings eventually if I get stuck. But its your choice and not mine so entirely up to you mate.
I dont intend to prove anything to you, about our infinite lives, but share all I know
encourage everyone to do this: drop your credos, clear your mind, and seek within, without preconditioned beliefs
though Love works as a belief, and sungaze alot. Do thank the energy and thank them for any contact or downloads
My friend is very interesting, I recognized him, just from some posts, didn't know who he was at that time but was filled with joy that he was in the world... ...where i knew it was, front lobal right hand side, and I nearly passed out, and had to tell my one freind to stop right now, what are you doing
He told that friend never to do such a thing, for if it had moved even the slightest I would have died. He does all of this while writing to you
The converstation then went on to, the new plane that was coming that now he was at 5 levels of consciousness and soon would be at hundreds of thousands of levels
he held nothing against them, he understood that they were trying to prepare for the shift, and would perish if they didn't, and was told they could aslo go home
Then they talked in a cosmic langauge and he said he couldn't express himself on such a primitive keyboard
This universe is a duality, a school, in structure. The choices we make are what we get graded on. There is a Beyond. In fact, we don't really leave it truly. I'm not going to write a whole bunch more here, but you can check out my threads under my profile
The energy has changed recently, things are going to occur, and no matter what happens, I'm going to see the shift occuring in the twinkling of an eye
Its all about Love
He's not a wickedly proclaimed psychic, he is having expreinces and sharing them, he has energy, but he is also searching and seeking for answers continually, in case you havn't noticed, and that is what its like waking up in this world, for those who question it all and especially for those with experiences, that leads to much questions and a core search for even more answers
I know it was 2 solid years of being pushed nonstop, and reaching out nonstop, and asking many questions and getting swayed by others, seeing things one way, then a more positive way until my energy recognition started recognizing certain people who had the next step, their light activated the right expansinon of memory or direction or thought
He's an experiencer/seeker brave enough to not care what others think, he is hoping his experiences will help others who may be waking up, though when they connect to their Higher Selves, they're not going to have the same experiences. Not everyone has a testing ground like that
His experiences remind me of others I've read about who go to this battle ground or something at night, and I am so glad I don't show up there. I would be telling them all to stop behaving like children and shining light. I tell him to set intentions before sleep to not go anywhere like that at night
Oh, well that's good to know. At least it doesn't seem completely loony to you, then
For me, the reason why I feel strongly about that is because of how I'd felt at such a young age. It's not like I had watched movies that would imply things, and my family surely wasn't talking about it
Well, why wouldn't they lend us a hand? If any of them are are good-hearted beings, I can see why they would want to let us in on a few things. And I happen to think that humans are wondrous! Honestly! I mean look at us
I think maybe because we had our memories wiped, we lost some of our knowledge and abilities. Which would be why we would need instruction. It's a good question
No they didn't know what they were talking about. They were only about 13 years old at the time, lol. Also, I never said I won any of these debates. Usually, I was just too annoyed by them that I would give them a dirty look and walk away. Doesn't really count as winning
You know, truthfully, how does one ever have proper "evidence" related to such a thing? But obviously there are people who have seen things. Seen visions. And a lot of them are very similar. Disasters, destruction, etc
The main thing I think for me is just believing in it and trusting in it. Possibly if there is doubt in you about the subject then maybe things won't be shown to you. The first experience I had, I hadn't really done anything. Only just accepted the knowledge. And the night following that, I had been trying to communicate directly with them. I asked for the communication and wound up with someone in my room. After that I've just been listening directly to what Shadow and Unity have to say. Anyone can meditate and listen to calming music but for me I believe in my Star Family with all my heart
Also Scribe, it looks like you have Shadow figured out all wrong. Wickedly proclaimed psychic? He's quite humble, and really just wants to help everyone. I'd take Unity's word on this one. Something tells me she might know him a tad better than you might
Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
If it all seemed looney-tunes to me, I wouldn't bother seeking out forums where other people like me post their experiences. What is so unfortunate about a place like this is that anything get's accepted as the Gospel truth.
If these "aliens" are behind every human spiritual encounter ever - why have I never had a visitation, yet I've explored countless religions and their religious rites - along with all manner of spiritual concepts and exercises?
The question is why it all needs to be them. Sure, Scientologists can lay claim to them - the entire belief structure there is based on Aliens. But the Buddhists, the Christians, the atheist, the Hindu, the spiritualist - there's no need for aliens to be behind it. Just good ol' fashioned human beings blazing their own trail.
As you said in the quote above - you felt one way. So why couldn't the Buddha's feelings, or Jesus feelings be just as valid as yours? If you believe it's aliens because of a feeling, they're just as valid to believe it's God, or mankind because of a feeling.
Why is your feeling above being challenged, but not theirs?
I have no qualms with letting the mind run free and imagine all kinds of possibilities. But, the problem comes with proof of these things. A lack-of-evidence-to-the-contrary does not mean your assumption is correct. You need evidence our memories have been wiped for your assumption to be valid.
Do you have any? Or is this just a personal belief you hold?
Darn. I've been waiting for a long, long time for someone to have evidence of Panspermic Biogensis. I suppose my quest will have to endure longer now.
Shadow says a meteor will crash into Earth. You can't exactly hide a meteor in the vast expanses of space. Show me the meteor.
Shadow says there will be FEMA camps, already are. Show me a pic of a FEMA camp.
Nibiru is a planet heading straight for us, according to 2012ers. It's even harder to hide a planet than it is a meteor. Show me this renegade planet hurtling towards us.
Oh, you do know for visions and prophecies to be legitimate they have to include a date, right?
Originally posted by Wandering Scribe
The problem is that I am a believer. Just as you have become. I believe in the existence of extra-terrestrial beings, and inter-dimensional beings, and religious beings, and all other manner of beings. So my belief contains no doubts. Yet my belief has never lead me to an encounter with Shadow and Unity's blend of alien inter-dimensional beings.
Such is where I cross words with them. If all it takes is belief, I have that. But their aliens remain absent.
The big problem is that Unity admitted someone/something had given her a type of non-surgical frontal lobe lobotomy. Which means her perception, memory, language and judgmental skills have been compromised. She may know Shadow better than I, but how much of what she knows can be trusted if her grapefruit's been damaged?
All in all, you seem like the most logical and intelligent of the big 3 here. I hope you keep up on the postings. I'd like to hear more of what you say before you jump off the logic wagon into the looney bin.
The big problem is that Unity admitted someone/something had given her a type of non-surgical frontal lobe lobotomy. Which means her perception, memory, language and judgmental skills have been compromised. She may know Shadow better than I, but how much of what she knows can be trusted if her grapefruit's been damaged?
Well, I doubt that people are saying everything that happens is ET work. I've had spiritual experiences that very clearly weren't aliens. They were loved ones who'd passed away. Although, according to what I believe about all of this, we're all considered aliens
Well, in this case, the reason why it's them is because of those who have memories of being created by aliens. As for the feelings related to other religions, I really have no right to say their feelings are less valid than mine
If someone feels they truly know the truth, then I wouldn't really discourage them from following their heart. I just know what I've personally felt, and can't really judge anyone else who has had intuitive feelings
I get you. It's a personal belief and there's not really going to be any proof to back me up, until an ET goes on the record and says "Yup, it's the truth"
Haha, I have no clue what that even means, so all you'll get from me on that is "Wha...?"
Firstly if a meteor would be the work of aliens, I'm not sure they'd be keeping it in plain sight. Really the point is that I wouldn't underestimate anyone. And I doubt a FEMA camp would have a readily available 360 degree tour of it, lol. Nibiru...Really, I'm not into that. Not everyone believes that
as far as I've heard there is a timeline. You might consider it broad, but considering there are many things set to happen, I have also heard they won't all happen at once
No, I think you have to be more specific in your belief than just thinking "I believe in aliens." Do you believe in your Higher Self and Family of Light? Do you believe you have a mission to complete here? Do you believe you can gain your memories and that you've lived many past lives?
If not, then that could be why. Because there are many who believe in aliens and want contact, but they're not going to all get that. I've also been told that in order to gain these things, it can't be for selfish purposes such as just wanting to know. I doubt you're being selfish, but you have to want the advancement of our people as well
This woman has spent years and years working to gain her knowledge, if I'm correct. Since there is much talk of proof, what proof do you have that "her grapefruit's been damaged"?
I guess there's a whole basket of damaged fruit then, since there are many others with her ideas. Guess they all happened to turn crazy and believe in the exact same thing. I certainly will not agree with you on this and discredit what she knows, because I believe she has worked very hard to get to where she is now
I am definitely always going to be open to answering questions and discussing things, but in no way, shape or form am I more intelligent than either of these two. I have learned a lot from them. They are very intelligent, and putting aside any belief systems, they are a wise and caring set of people. Then again, maybe I'm in the looney bin