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Is this happening to anyone else?

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posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by djbj597922

I find it very scary the numbers who immediately say ‘go to your doctor’ or ‘seek psychiatric help’…why??? Heaven help anyone who acts with compassion and emotion and actually feels. Quick rush for the medication, the pharmaceutical cosh as there must be something mentally wrong….lmao.

OP…No doubt you are acting as we are all meant to, feeling as we all should feel…It’s about suddenly becoming authentic and very real. You are like a wonderful butterfly emerging from a long sleep in a cocoon…congratulations.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
reply to post by djbj597922

I find it very scary the numbers who immediately say ‘go to your doctor’ or ‘seek psychiatric help’…why??? Heaven help anyone who acts with compassion and emotion and actually feels. Quick rush for the medication, the pharmaceutical cosh as there must be something mentally wrong….lmao.

OP…No doubt you are acting as we are all meant to, feeling as we all should feel…It’s about suddenly becoming authentic and very real. You are like a wonderful butterfly emerging from a long sleep in a cocoon…congratulations.

I have to agree with this post.

THIS surge of emotion is happening to many people right now.
And for good reason
I know several people personally.
They are not crazy - or depressed.
Take a look around you.
Just for a start - We are probably being hit with
more electromagnetics than our bodies can handle -
We are facing some of the most changing and challenging times ever.

The world is not what we thought.
There are lies upon lies to contend with -
We are watching it all unravel.

You are feeling truth.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by spinkyboo]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:30 PM
Sounds like you are waking up to your true self. Spiritually speaking, there is a massive amount of 'light'/consciousness/love inundating the Earth now. This is the time of the mass awakening. From now on, more and more will be having the experience you are having.

Check this out:

Compassion is seeing through the eyes of divinity. It is the action
of our natural state of unconditional Love. Compassion is allowing
without judgement. It is the honoring of each individual's right to
experience anything their Soul or personality desires to experience.
It is seeing everyone's divinity no matter what illusion they are

Compassion is empathizing (feeling) and knowing what it's like for
others from a position of your own experience of suffering.
Compassion is seeing and feeling your own and other's suffering, and
realizing/knowing that this suffering is a part of everyone's process
of liberation. It is profoundly accepting suffering as a divinely
purposeful experience, that it is an awesome gift that reveals the
core of what we have used to keep us in denial and veil our true
essence of divinity.

The absence of compassion, is due to a person's desire to avoid their suffering. And wrath is typically used to deny it. The actions of
this denial are the countless acts of energetic violence conducted
daily by everyone, including: co-dependency, psychic projection and
attack, (curses, judgement, prejudice, condemnation… ), ignorance and
neglect. Another way to deny suffering is personal power abdication,
or giving your power away to others, typically through victimhood, but
also to gain acceptance, love, favor, nurturance, sex… The action of
this manifests as: ignoring self responsibility and conscience,
(common sense of what is right and wrong, truth and deceit), and
neglect of self and the welfare of others, including our fellow
humans, plants, trees, animals, land…). These acts of "terrorism" all
require a serious lack of compassion.

www.ZaKaiRan. com

Also: "The lack of compassion and judgment towards self and others are the biggest "weapons of mass destruction" on planet earth. They are fuel for the war machine"

So many people are going to be confused and angry as this happens to them. It takes a lot of courage to be compassionate and a lot of work, too, if you've been other than for most of your life. Because it requires a lot of forgiveness of your self and of others.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by blujay]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:39 PM
i'm going the opposite direction of the crowd, cause that's how I like to roll.

Anybody now days hangin out with there kid, and dosn't fear for them is nuts.

In fact anyone who dosn't wake up everyday and openly lament at what a mess we are making of our only place to live. Their the ones who are out of their fracken minds.

To look at your kid in the eyes and know things are going to be messed up for him. Why wouldn't you be crying.

We are a sick buch all stuck here together. We don't know where we come
from and we don't know where we are going.

I would say you have a damn good sense about you.
Are you supposed to be like everyone else and ignore what your feelings are telling you?

Stop playing, you know what's up. You know exactly what you are feeling and I bet I do to.

If this is embarassing you just learn to blow it off. I always say
something like," Oh that, I got a little pepper in my eye, I'll be fine ".

What's going to happen if you go to a psych? He's gonna cure you of being a human being.
Just keep your emotions right like they are.
This world we live in isn't a scary place?
You know it is.

[edit on 28-1-2010 by randyvs]

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:52 PM
I think it's interesting that you are experiencing this. It wont last forever. These things come and go. I would relax and go with it, take it for what it is. Don't try to explain everything in words or concretely. Observe it and quiet your mind if it gets to be to much.

But I disagree with the knee jerk "Seek medical help!" etc. So you go see a psychologist because you had a few moments of vulnerability. All they are going to do is pretend to listen to you and prescribe you some ritalin/happy pills. I'd take my chances on my own, and take a whole lot of pain, before resorting to being turned into a robot by modern psychology.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 06:57 PM
hops (from beer) has estrogen in it.

beef contains hormones that are effecting people's moods.

a change in your prostate or pituitary gland, could trigger mood swings.
which would account for other possible answers: disease or aging (slowing of testosterone output), being two of them.

post traumatic stress disorder can present itself as uncontrollable mood swings. so can bipolar disorder.

repressed memory can trigger unexplainable emotional crises.

dietary changes, allergic reactions and sensitivty to chemicals, can trigger mood swings.

and once in a great while, changing your viewpoint on a serious subject, can make you hyper sensitive to emotional input

data overload can trigger emotional responses, which suggests neuro transmitter issues or genetic disorders.

erm, there's about a thousand possible explanations.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by djbj597922

Go see a doctor, and either get some antidepressants, or anti-anxiety drugs, try them, and see if they get you back to center. If not, try something else. If you don't know 'why' then that's your best route. Or a psychologist to find out why (will take a long time), or psychiatrist for stronger drugs.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:04 PM
I also disagree with the ones suggesting you get medical/psychological help. That's a conspiracy in itself! It's a backwards world we live in when what is natural needs to be "treated". For one thing, the system wants people to be "sick" because it brings in the money. Which is why you have so many names for things that either don't exist or that shouldn't be called an illness. But if they can name it, they can prescribe some poison for it, which brings in more money. And if that weren't bad enough, the poison causes a whole rash of other symptoms that will then need to be treated with yet more poison.

So good for you for not thinking of it in a negative light! I do think the other posters are onto something when they suggest it could have to do with your having kids combined with seeing the world for what it is. And we need people to be feeling things. There's no hope for the world if we're all the robots "they" want us to be.

Over the last 10 years, I've noticed that my dad gets teary eyed over various things, too, now that I think about it. I have loads of respect for a man who allows himself to have emotions.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:14 PM
Age I think that is one of the answer, I used to be like you, a mans man, never got upset, never let my emotions get the better of me, but then i had children, and that tends to change things for anyone i think. I became emotional at the drop of a hat when i saw anything to do with kids, getting hurt or even having fun, because it reminded me of my own, when they were having fun, and how it would make me feel if something bad happened to one of them. And then comes the age thing, the more time i have spend around other people the more compassionate and understanding i feel i have become, and maybe that is what is happening to you, I dont think you have to be really old to go through such changes, you just have to experience certain things in your life. recent events in the media can set me off, like the earthquake in Haiti, gets me sad to see the suffering, and the potential take over by the powers that be, and then i feel happy to see people being pulled out of the rubble alive after 15 days, I have a daughter who is 16, so i felt for that poor girl being pulled out, with a tear in my eye.

There is a lot going on in the world at the moment, much of it is confusing and worrying for most of us, all this talk about 2012, and dooms day, Global warming and how that will effect us, high taxes, and people loosing their jobs etc, and being on ATS we are more open to it than we perhaps would otherwise be, so that i should think would play on ones emotions, and have similar effects such as is happening to yourself.

I try to sit back and take it in my stride, never brush things off, but take it all in and try to make sense of it. Not to let it get you down but to go with the flow so to speak. I feel that like most of us you will come to a place in life where you are content and more understanding of others and able to tolerate it more. in short you will be fine. :0)

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:24 PM
reply to post by djbj597922

You're not alone, djbj. Many are going through similar processes, including myself.

I am happy to hear that you value your compassionate heart, and are not looking to simply "shut it off." Breathing, meditation, spending time in nature, exercising, and music are all good tools to help balance yourself so that emotional changes are not too disruptive.

Your heart is also an excellent discerner of resonant truth. As you look for answers, pay attention to what "feels" right and follow your heart.


posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 09:51 PM
well i wouldn't have suggested it might be physical malady if not for the fact i have witnessed first hand the effects of hormonal imbalance, and have seen problems arising from neurotransmitter malfunctions, related to infection and in both cases the emotions are very fragile and easily rise to the surface.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by oneclickaway
reply to post by djbj597922

I find it very scary the numbers who immediately say ‘go to your doctor’ or ‘seek psychiatric help’…why??? Heaven help anyone who acts with compassion and emotion and actually feels. Quick rush for the medication, the pharmaceutical cosh as there must be something mentally wrong….lmao.

OP…No doubt you are acting as we are all meant to, feeling as we all should feel…It’s about suddenly becoming authentic and very real. You are like a wonderful butterfly emerging from a long sleep in a cocoon…congratulations.

It's scary to see your doctor?

If your a certain way for a extremely long period of time, and then something changes mentally or physically with you, it's time to see your doctor.

It could even be a certain cancer!

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 12:18 AM
I noticed the same thing soon after i met my fionce. The last movie we saw together was avatar and i literally rolled some tears in the most touching scenes.

Now after she passed away i feel like a rock. Nothing gets to me, its like my emotions have died away. Only when remembering and longing after her i feel deep sorrow.

I think she made me into a better person. For a grown up man crying in a movie theater is not the most manly thing you can think about, but personally i felt more like a human being back then then now.

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by above

In one of Krishnamurti's books "Conversations on living" he tackles something very similar with a man who talks to him about how he lost his wife and no longer feels emotions, especially the good ones. Once I figure out where I left the book I might U2U that conversation to you.

Plus I wish I could paraphrase it or at least it's meaning... totally lost on me right now I don't dare try, I'll find the book.

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