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Diary Of A Psychic In Training.

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posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 07:28 AM
Diary Of A Psychic In Training.

First thread, bear with me, hope its ok.

On the night of the 27th January 2010, I finally had a medium round to discuss what was going on in and around my house.

I am 19 now and from as far as I can remember, we have always has some kind of spiritual activity in all of the houses we lived in. The psychic ability seems to run in my family, I have a few cousins that are fully trained and practise regularly, and my mum can sense them and talk to them but she hasn’t got her skills fine tuned yet.

Over the past year since I have started to try to understand the unexplained mysteries of the universe, I have tried meditation, pendulums, inducing out of body experiences etc and I love the fact that we just don’t know for sure, with 100% proof that any of these mysteries are real.

So, the 27th Jan. The man came around to my house and explained who he was and what he does, psychic medium that specialises in demonology. He told us that before he even walked into the house, there was someone stood behind him, as if waiting in line to come through the door. Me and my 21 year old sister have both witnessed this on many occasions where shadows have made it seem like someone had walked straight behind us, we have all heard the door open and close as well. Strange? He also commented about a dog, ours was locked in the kitchen at the time. He asked if we had one, we told him we did, and he said he heard a bark, and saw her run up the stairs just before the door was opened. Very strange as the dog was in the kitchen, as said.

Throughout the nearly 4 hour chat we had with him, he told us some things that were very personal, that know one else could know, some things for me that I hadn’t even told my mum. However some of the little things he said and said he felt, my mum and sister were kind of giving him ammo, he would say one thing and they would say “oh yeah, that will be so-and-so, this, this and this happened” so I was kind of a bit reluctant to believe until he did a kind of palm reading, at which point I was convinced.

Within 30 seconds of looking into my hands and looking at me he told me certain things. The first things he said were, “Love, Money, Motorbikes, Jobs and Confidence”. And I know they seem like the obvious things to say and that he could say some pre-written spiel that could relate to anyone but they way he explained them were so specific to me that I found it hard not to be drawn in.

He told me not to give my heart away, which I have had problems with in the past, I wear it on my sleeve if that’s the right analogy to use, he said I will not find love for about 3 -4 years which is when I will reach maturity, I can believe that and I don’t mind that part. He told me that I was rubbish with money; he said that I see it as a material possession that holds no importance to me other than conforming to the norm. He went on to tell me that I have great potential in whatever I want to do, and that I should have much more confidence as this potential will soon start to pay off and that I will be given the chance I need for a new start. None of my family knows but I have recently been looking for a new job, I found one that I liked the look of but didn’t apply for straight away as I didn’t think they would even look at my CV. It took me 3 attempts to do the application form; I now have a first interview.

He then mentioned the bikes, I said I kind of have a love for bikes and its something I want to achieve, owning a really nice bike. He went on to tell me that it’s not a normal bike he’s seeing for me its kind of and old soft tail, my dream bike would be an old classic American soft tail motorbike. At which point, I was convinced.


posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 07:28 AM

He told my mum when I was out of the room that he thought I was extremely psychic and would love to mentor my and try to tune in my skills as a psychic. I like the sound of that, so I have booked in a few “lessons” if you can call it that and were arranging a few personal readings and a Séance. The readings and the Séance are recorded onto disk, I plan to listen through them and anything I deem good enough will be uploaded onto here. I also plan to post a thread about my lessons, techniques he teaches me, if they work, if they don’t work, if I can pick up on any activity more than usual etc.

I hope you can follow and enjoy my journey with me, look out for my threads, media uploads, comment and question as you wish and I will try to answer.

Mr Webby666

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:32 AM
Be careful. I once met one of these "teachers" who taught me a few things, then took advantage of me and my family. It is pretty easy to do what he did, just look around your house and see the clues for yourself, plus, some have the ability to pick up on thoughts. John Edwards ring a bell? My advice to you is this. Study this phenomena on your own, you do not need anyone to sway your mind. There are many books on the subject, and the internet is also a good source, both good and bad.

posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 08:41 AM
reply to post by autowrench

Thanks for your concern. I have read up quite a bit about the subject as like I have said above, we have had activity for years. I have never been able to zone in on it though.

He seems legit up to this point anyway, part of various churches and groups in the local, national and worldwide area, and is part of one organisation of mediums that arrange fright night kind of things.

However I will take into consideration what you have said. Will you be following my posts as and when? =]

Many Thanks

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 11:52 AM
awesome man, I cant wait to hear what the recordings have to say..
what did he say about the person waiting to get in..
Ive perceived entities watching and observing and I have an Idea what they are but I'd like to know his opinion of the situation. and what about dogs? anything peculiar about them?

honestly like the other guy said, you can do this stuff on your own. I did but I always wanted a mentor and still do... the spiritual realm is ... straight forward.. but you confuse yourself..lots of paradoxes... also be joyful while learning.. discipline, motivation, and wisdom cant hurt either.

May your efforts are fruitful!

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 02:39 AM
If you are a psychic in training maybe you can help me out, just recently I have developed telepathy and undergoing some terrible pain someone is inflicting on me and need help to get rid of it. I have no idea how to shut it off and I need as much info I can get on telepathy cause im freaking the heck out.

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 03:30 AM
My intuition- and im an expert- says that you should be very cautious.

Most medium/psychics - especially those that want to charge you for their services- are taking advantage of you- knowingly or self delusionally- most medium/psychics are self righteous ego driven bastards (my personal experience)

No matter what you decide to do, remember that only you decide what you do with your life. At 19 you are very young and impressionable (god knows I was at that age) so use your intuition and be careful!

If along this journey, you have any questions that you want or need to ask another psychic/medium about- please feel free to U2U me

Good Luck!

[edit on 1-2-2010 by xynephadyn]

posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by judgedrewdy

judgedrewdy, thank you for showing your support. I have my first training sessions coming up at the end of the month so hopefully I shall have some new threads to upadte you about, I hope very much for interesting things to happen or reveal themselves, this is my personal quest!

I agree, I could do it on my own, and like I said in the OP I have tried pendulums before and meditation but I do feel a bit of help is the way to go.


posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by indenial84

indenial84 - I think you’re going about this problem the wrong way. You have this ability to use and help the world including yourself, why would you want it to stop? I think the best thing you could do would to read up well on telepathy and try to hone your skills so you know how to use it properly so you don’t get overwhelmed by it like this.

How does it feel? I’m intrigued to know what it’s like to experience telepathy or empathy in such extremes.


posted on Feb, 1 2010 @ 04:20 AM
reply to post by xynephadyn

xynephadyn - thanks for you’re concern, and don’t worry, I am going into this as a believer, but as a bit of a pessimist as to the teachings. Which is why I have started to document it, if the teachings really do work and I start to develop as a psychic/medium, then I think that will be able to be used as some sort of hard evidence for the paranormal world. On the other hand, if nothing happens, I know that this guy is just stringing me along.

Thank you for your guidance and I shall U2U if I have any questions.


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