posted on Jan, 28 2010 @ 05:57 AM
I wish introduce myself and thank you for providing an interesting and thought provoking site.
A little about myself....I yearn to explore and learn, I crave to contemplate and understand (alas, understanding is not always easy), I remind myself
to see when I look, listen when I hear and feel when I touch.
I am living and working in Sth. China and have been here since 2007, whilst I enjoy living here and have a great affection for the Chinese people I
must say how very much I miss the stars over my native land. I can see more stars on this nations flag than I can see in the average night's sky
here, so I doubt that I shall be producing any U.F.O. images to you in the near future.
As fate would have it, I stumbled upon your site some six weeks ago and have enjoyed reading your posts very much, I shan't mention, or thank, any in
particular, I shall however thank you all collectively for presenting a truly unique collection of views and opinions. I am particularly fond of the
fact that good manners seems to be a paramount concern here, and I look forward to civilised and pleasant interaction with you in future.
Again, thank you Ladies and Gentlemen.