posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 06:15 PM
A lot of you guys (ATS members). I don't understand it when I see a thread talking about "Obama's next move" or "This is what Obama has to do"
or discussing what will change in the white house because Brown was elected. When I read these kind of threads I feel like I'm reading an article on or some other mainstream news website. Folks this is a conspiracy website where we talk about conspiracies, not what the MSM networks talk
about. WE don't believe that Obama can make his own decisions as a president, we don't believe that crap. We believe that a higher power basically
has it all scripted out in order to get their new world order. Some of you think that Obama makes decisions based on his political parties beliefs and
yada yada yada and I wonder why the hell your on these forums? You probably read several threads about the new world order and then post a thread
about how "Obama should pull the troops out" where is your logic? I hope I made sense and was clear about my point, does anyone else feel this way?