posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 04:03 AM
your missing the point expatwhite yes few scientist are murdered with no connection to a conspiracy but have you really looked thoroughly of the
sites ive posted ! the scientist im questioning is the ones with a research , finding a cure finding antidote , or A assistant possibly getting ready
to blow a whistle! like Jeong H. Im, a protein chemist ! found something in cells >? maybe a cure or treatment of cancer ! (we can go back and
forth all day on this )
one scientist discovered free energy and was going to revile his findings before he was brutally murdered! as in the site i have posted Mallove was
well respected for his knowledge of cold fusion Dr. Eugene Mallove,
but what im saying is if a Scientist get so Close of discovering , finding a cure that close! then Wham they get Killed! freak of nature , cover up,
normal accident or looking like one ! Steve Quayle has a interest as i do when your saying about bbc
you have not looked in new york city alone ! verses a country
do what i do ! look deeper ! into it ! research the scientist that was murdered or the accused or other victim and see if something is wrong in the
puzzle ! as the pieces do not fit just right