posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 10:18 PM
I know we are all devastated by the recent events of the Haitian quake. But has anyone really asked, why the media and US government is making such a
huge deal out of this? I know i'm going to get verbally abused for that statement but think back to the tsunami in Indonesia. Yes, aid was sent,
people around the world grieved, But to this extent? i don't think so. There seems to be an underlying goal to this media and social hoopla. i think
i figured it out.
In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson took control of the Haitian National Bank by sending in marines, who removed $500,000 of its reserves "for
safe-keeping" in New York. The assassination of the Haitian president a year later finally prompted President Wilson to invade Haiti with the aim of
protecting US assets and preventing the further strengthening of German influence in the region.
in short, we took over the Haitian monetary system. The US had a vested interest. we owned the country. this was cut short in 1934.
Being a true American capitalist, i can say with some degree of certainty, there is know way we just up and left our investment to fend for itself.
now comes the tricky part.
if we believe that the quake was influenced or flat out created by the US gov. then how difficult is it to believe that we did it all for money.
The big push now, is to bring alot of money into haiti to help with the rebuilding of a poor, distressed nation. but the fact of the matter is, is it
a time to re-enslave a people. Make them slaves to the IMF and IADB.
the simple fact of the matter is. By causing the quake and making an entire nation of people helpless. the US and other interested parties can walk in
and hand out houses and ipods and demand the nation and its people to industrialize and work to pay off the money. of course it wont look that way. i
can see the reports on the news. American companies opening new factories under the guise of "Helping out". giving these poor people the means to
buy food and housing. it will create a sub culture of the American blue collar worker (if they are lucky **cough sweatshops**). And while all of
America is out of work, we will be sending more jobs over to Haiti. God bless em'
i know this seems a bit misconstrued, i am exhausted and i will edit this once i get some rest. But i hope that i give a few facts that get others
gears turning. the one thing that i have really come to realize about our government, is nothing is done with limited scope. Even when something seems
stupid and pointless, there is the grand scheme to keep in mind.