G'day All,
I am a Security Officer here in Sydney Australia; I worked for two years at Cumberland hospital which is the oldest mental hospital in NSW.
One night an alarm went off in one of the oldest buildings, the original mental asylum, in thous days the insane were locked up in small cells like
animals, one woman somehow got lamp oil and burned herself alive in one of the cells so the place is creepy anyway.
My partner and I attended the alarm as routine, we turned off the alarm and checked the building out and found everything as it should be, no doors or
windows open and the alarm working fine.
So we joked about the ghost setting off the alarm again, in this building we would often get phantom activations that could not be explained.
The key pad was located in the reception part of the building and on the counter there is a counter bell to ring if the reception was unattended,
I would often ring it just for fun as I did that night.
To reactivate the alarm we had a few seconds to get out of the building before it would go off again, my partner was punching in the code at the pad
behind the reception door and I was waiting on the other side by the front door.
He activated the alarm and he walked out the reception door so we could go out the main front door together and just then he got to where I was
standing we heard a ringing and a crash.
Now I knew what that sound was strait away, I looked a Mick and Mick looked at me, so we went back in to see what was going on, back to the alarm pad
we went to turn off the alarm again.
I looked over to the reception counter to find that the bell had been knocked off the counter onto the receptionists PC key pad that was about 1 meter
away from where I rang it just moments before.
Now when this happened my partner and I was at least 5 meters away from the counter so I knew Mick wasn't playing a trick on me, the look in his eyes
said the same thing.
Years ago at another place I worked I did see a full body apparition walk out of a sealed doorway; I didn't even know there was a old doorway there
that had been sealed up until the old man walked out of it.
So it goes to show you that all is not just happening in this dimension, there are another worldly realm out there folks.
I bid you all sweet dreams and a good night.