posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 12:50 AM
On the 26th of January 223 years ago, Captain Arthur Phillip claimed the land of Australia in the name of King George III.
Since that day, the beauty and majesty of this wondrous country has inspired thousands. Millions have journeyed here to raise their family, to
experience the diverse and plentiful wildlife, and to leave with memories that will last a lifetime.
So, on this day, an entire continent comes together to celebrate. At this very moment a million barbecues are cooking a million chops, steaks and
snags. Families are gathered together, alcohol is everywhere, parties are powering into the night, and every Australian is likely to f*ck you up
should you breathe a word against their country.
Just kidding!
So I invite you all to crack a beer, light the barbecue, throw on a chop and have a great night on behalf of Australia.
[edit on 26/1/2010 by roswell1]