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Question about the dust cloud and the hudson river

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posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:35 AM
reply to post by triplescorpio

Wow, talk about a "9/11 Madness" attack. It happens to the best of us sometimes.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:00 AM

Originally posted by dereks

Originally posted by ugie1028
Since nano thermate/thermite was found in the WTC dust.

Except no thermate/thermite was found in the dust actually... what makes you think it was?

As you can clearly see, even though there is an entire mountain of embarrassingly obvious evidence, the American Way is to just refuse to acknowledge anything other than what you've already decided to believe. This is why people in this society see Jesus in pizza slices and believe that the Holy Spirit wants them to eliminate anyone who doesn't think that feeding the poor is socialism and wealth distribution.

The 9/11 debate isn't a debate. Not anymore. The debate ended in 2005, when it became obvious to everyone that the "conventional wisdom" had no interest in the evidence being presented. No one who's been in this effort for any length of time believes that the OTC crowd actually thinks that the official conspiracy theory is possible. We all know that they know better.

That said, people do what they need to do to make it possible to carry on with day to day life. It's called "intellectual revulsion" and it protects the psyche of the person engaged in it. Of course, just because these conventional thinkers have their need to continue the charade, it doesn't mean that they should be rewarded with their own unfortunate version of a victory. But that's already being worked out beyond the public noise of "truther" conventions and Loose Change (the mini-series) DVD collections. The more notable drops will occur once the retaliation capacity has been stripped. That may take some time.

[edit on 27-1-2010 by NorEaster]

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by ugie1028

ugie1028, first things, first.

Dig up information about those sites, the land, the water, tides, currents, flow of direction, if the area is dredged regularly or not.

New Jersey Water Science Center

All of that information can be found online.

Second, I do not guarantee you will get cooperation from any Government agency, nor do I guarantee you will not end up dead for finding something, so tread cautiously.

Do your own independent research using various sources.

Third, if you research the area, tides, etc, you may find stuff might have drifted, iron or not, or it might be covered in silt.

Fourth, begin asking around locally what type of equipment it would take for underwater salvage operations, diving in certain depths, etc. according to your sourced information as you research.

You can as well get into the Research Forum and do a research thread on this topic.

Ask other ATS Scholar's to assist you, based on your research, investigation, and information exchanges.

Work smarter, not harder.

Oh, and fifth, count on the Government to try stopping you, if you are on to anything remotely close to uncovering anything, because over all they want either to cover up Bush's mistakes, or to embarrass Obama in some way.

posted on Jan, 27 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by bsbray11

Yea kinda went off my apologies bad on me. It was truly a rant however there is an element of true discussion. im yet to see any real clarity or for any real evidence to be presented wich can stand alone . say maybe in court or public forum town hall setting. I would and did appreciate the topic of 9-11. before ANYwhat if scenario some how was given clout. its hard to digest a lot of what people say.. well.. because i was there all my freinds and family were and to hear these blatent lies even if unintentional kinda erks me.
Apologies to the intelligent 9-11 investigator.

no apologies for the cooks presenting wacked out hypothetical fantasy stories that completey contradict any evidence and well reality.

Be Well

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