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Our reason for Existence?

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posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 08:31 PM
So I'm not sure if this has been posted before, and if it is I apologize in advance.

But I have been doing alot of pondering about our existence in the universe or our purpose as man in general, and our very key to why we are here. And I came to thinking that what if our only purpose in life, even as a species, is to create a higher inteligence than us? An even better species than us?
I mean think about it, if we are to belive in evolution...etc, and life is always being replaced by better versions of the previous model, then isn't it safe to say that we've reached our human limitations and evolution wether we like it or not will not only allow for a higher inteligence to take the reigns, but it will also DEMAND it?
I know, crazy right? But think about it,really think about it, we are smart but none less a very fragile species, I mean small pieces of metal that we shoot @ each other can kill us, we are very sensitive to radiation,heat...etc,not to mention we have an expiration date for crying out loud! I think the human being and the fact that we were the "1st" inteligent species on the planet, doesn't make us the last and only, and we were put here for that one ultimate purpose, to make Artificial Intelligence.
Now stay with me, when we create AI, AI will inevitably make better AI and so on and so forth(yes,like the Matrix,kinda) which will ultimatly lead to a race of beings, created by us in our image, who not only posses a much greater inteligence than us, but who are technically superiour in every way than us, making us obsolete.
These beings who will replace us will not have any of the Humanly limitations we do, they will not feel pain, they will not know fear, and they will advance just as we did from cavemen.Yes, this will spell the end of humanity, but not the end of intelligent life.
Think about it,these beings of greater inteligence will in a sense be still be life, life created from our life. And just because the human life is gone,life will go on as it always has for millions of years, just not in the first form, (IE. us, the humans) think of us as the Beta version of intelligence. I mean lets be real here, if we are to think that we are as good as it gets, then using that logic, we should still all be driving Model T's and Computers would still be as big as warehouses and people would still think the world was flat...etc.
But I truley think this is our purpose in life, and wether we like it our not,this is destiny. This is why we exist.

Okay, catch all that? Pretty deep and depressing, I know...But anyways, I am in know way saying this is what it is. I am merely stating how I feel life will be in the future. And honestly, how can we continue this way given the human body and it's current limitations? Thoughts? Insults? Postem Below!!

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:10 PM
The tendency is downward not upward. The spirit is such a small part of matter here that consciousness is very slight and force of will is very limited. Degradation is the norm. The "evolution" idea is the super soldier, super nazi ideal that is degrading the world today. We live in a world that is primarily in "devolution". It may not seem so, only because of the tremendous infusion of spirit which began in the 1800s due to the advent of the True Supreme Being.

posted on Jan, 24 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by The_truth_is_stranger

when we create AI

When we create AI does that AI eventually come to ask itself why it exists? What its "purpose" is?

And what answer would you give it?

Why should the answer be any different for us?

I truley think this is our purpose in life

There are people who have children to fill emotional voids in their lives. There are people who create robots to kill. There are people who create any number of things for any number of purposes.

Free will allows you to choose your own purpose.

If you decide that your purpose to to be replaced, who am I to contradict you? Yet I wonder if you might be able to come up with a purpose that would be more fulfilling for you.

[edit on 24-1-2010 by LordBucket]

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