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The Pythagorean Order of Death (remarks)

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posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 11:47 AM
The book: The pythagorean Order of Death can be read here

Many find this book to be weird and scary, and I agree that there are indeed some weird things in there. But I would like to note the possible truths in this book.

The last page of the book there is a paragraph:

Abstract: Now more than ever we have a chance to look ahead and make accurate preduictions about what the future hold in store for us as ap eople and for our entire planet. We have it in our power now to destroy the planet and end our species' existence. But we also hold in our hand the fragile flower of hope for a brighter tomorrow, when peace and agreement, not war and strife, will extend to all corners of the globe. Since 9-11, the world has been separating into two time-lines that are gradually diverging more and more everyday. One is "better" and the other "worse". (The reason I believe that they put better and worse in quotes is because I think they follow the law of one, and as the law of one states: "good and bad doesn't exist". The reason I think this is because the law of one has been mentioned in the text)

My interpretation:

We have heard many times that 2012, was a window of opportunity and that the NWO was trying to divert us from this fact. If this document is correct, then our opportunity window is closing by the day, because as we all can see, in these two timelines we are currently in the "worse" scenario timeline (wouldn't you agree?). Now this doesn't automaticly mean we will head to that road, but at this time messuring "the odds" we are. Now we, as a people can still change the timeline, but frankly I think it would take a miracle to change anything right now.

Now again if this document is authentic then this would mean that there is a group of people trying to do everything they possobly can to keep the timeline bad and there is a I would say more neutral group of people that is maybe trying to save is if they see fit.

Bad group:
The group of people that want to keep us in this bad situation without a doubt are our leaders, and it is said that they are decendants of the royal annunaki family that feeds of of our fear. This bad timeline in there case would be the best, because more fear and strife = more food.

Also bad group, with good intentions:
Now the other group according to the document is able to save us or destroy us, this is there document and in this document you can find allot of spiritual talk. So i would say this group is highly spiritual and wants good for us people. The only problem is that once you look at what an ideal society for them includes is one where there is a one world governement or as they like to call it Atlantean democracy. This group gets its knowledge from ancient civilizations and writings (ie enoch, sumaria, Atlantis, Lemuria...).

What will happen in the year 2012 according to them:
They have a theory or a knowledge of what will happen in that special time. (Now I said 2012 because with it I simbolize the time for harvesting, there is no indication in this text of any date)

"As the sunspot cycle reaches its 1.100 year zenith, genetic mutations increase."

Now many people in the spiritual/conspiracy movement have talked about this concept, I don't know if it was David Wilcock or who ever but the principal is that man has evolved many years to become where he is. The last evolution was from ape like beings to intelligent homo sapiens sapiens. Now in history this event didn't seem to be very gradual, instead it was very sudden and fast. Therefor some people believe that humans evolve in steps and 2012 or the harvest year is just another of these steps. We will go from "primitive" non-psychics to psychics (not all of us, only the ones who are ready).

As mutation is occuring to all, but weakening some, those who are weakened benefit from technological crutches using telecommunications media to suplliment their nascent ESP.

In other words they believe that when this time comes, the people that arn't ready for this harvest will feel weak and will have to stay dependant of there technological materials to suplliment there nascent ESP (=opposite of ascention to higher relms with possibilities of ESP these people will stay without these capablilities).

David Wilcock also stated that when harvest commes there will be 2 worlds, one with the ascended and the other world concists of the nascended.

"some wille xperience this as immuno-deficiency, others as huper-activity. Non-psychics will naturally die off, only psychic (extra-sensory) entient-entities will survive."

Wilcock likes to talk about the fact that we would be flying that we would be telepathical and creating things by imagining them and stuff like that. And these people are saying something in the same trend.

"after being imagined and before being made real."

This is a technology so I don't know if it is in direct relation with harvest.

Future systems: body-jumping, surfing trans-planetart migration inter-galactic exploration [page 13]

Atlantean democracy:
The Atlantean democracy is a system that is globalised where there is a centralized power controlling money, wealth and religion. It is a society that controls every aspect of ones life. In this society they split up people in two main groups.

Non-psychic's: These people have only 5 senses and are not what you would call spiritual people. These people are regarded as primitive and would be the "slave race", they would still get payed but essentialy they are slaves.

psychic's: These people are people with psychic abilities and would become the masters of the "slaves".

Some of the info is confusing, but I thought Id post my thoughts on it anyway, this is not a pushing of David Wilcock's thoughts but I just made corrolations with what he said.

[edit on 22-1-2010 by colloredbrothers]

posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 12:52 PM
I agree that we are nearly out of time. It has been a year since I wrote my book and suggested a third way to go - one that all should be able to get behind.

And yet I feel I have not gotten as far in this year as I had hoped.

What I am lacking is a way to inform enough people that focus on this path reaches the tipping point. IF we can gather awareness in large enough numbers, the world WILL go towards the better.

Otherwise, it will go down.

My book is offered freely, linked in my sig.

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I agree that we are nearly out of time. It has been a year since I wrote my book and suggested a third way to go - one that all should be able to get behind.

And yet I feel I have not gotten as far in this year as I had hoped.

What I am lacking is a way to inform enough people that focus on this path reaches the tipping point. IF we can gather awareness in large enough numbers, the world WILL go towards the better.

Otherwise, it will go down.

My book is offered freely, linked in my sig.

I will check it out.

And yes indeed, to have this all turned around we need people to be more informed about the situation. Alhtough many are already on the right path to understand even more are not.

I am a 100% sure that we (the human race) arn't able to stop this train. We will all be woken up, it will be sudden and it will be hard. But once we do wake up and enough of us survive to see another day, thats when things will finally change to the better. When politicians of the old school of thought die out and new post apocaliptic public takes over, thats when we will be heading in the right direction.

Also I don't think aliens will be in the scenery when all of this goes down, we will not be saved by outside forces, and once everything is going down and hitting the fan, then suddenly people will realize this fact. People of all religion and creed will suddenly understand and everyone will have one goal, to better the world.The brainwashed people that don't understand there own responsibilty will die waiting for there savior. The rest will go on with the newly found knowledge. After a decade or 4 of living in this "new age" we will start to make contact with the outside, and because of this new menatlity of human kind we will be welcomed in to the galactic federation.

Now is not the time for any of this, now is the time to get hurt and to wake up.

[edit on 23-1-2010 by colloredbrothers]

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 10:23 AM
I read your book but it is not real Pythagorean philosophy. You can now read my online material to be corrected -- as it's all about real Pythagorean philosophy:

My online articles, blogbook, masters thesis, and book -- full free preview:

posted on Jan, 23 2010 @ 03:03 PM
Thing is, people don't have to know how close we are to the brink. We need merely to get to the tipping point the awareness that, with energy extracted from the "Dark" Energy of the Universe, we can reverse entropic influence in human society and give abundance to every one of us, opening choices most of us never had before.

All the people need to know is that we can change things and both radically and for the better. And have a place (online) to voice and discuss the issues we have on this planet; i.e., a site on the internet.

I look forward to your thoughts when you have read my book.

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:15 AM
Aloha ATS readers!

As some of you may know, my name is Jonthan Barlow Gee, and I wrote the document under discussion here. This is not the first time one of my documents has been brought up in discussion here without my knowledge, but it's perfectly fine by me; I'm always happy to discuss them directly with anyone. Here's the other thread, which discusses the POD in general, but in specific a document called the "Lemurian Church/Bank."

This is the Most Scariest Illuminati Document I ever read:

Originally posted by colloredbrothers

In point of fact, the link you provided is to only a portion of the complete POD.pdf.

read the POD (2010 edition) on scribd:

download the POD10.pdf free from rapidshare:

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
we are currently in the "worse" scenario timeline (wouldn't you agree?).

We in the POD do not agree. We assert the concept that between 5/5/2000 and 12/21/2012, the "better" and "worse" dimensions are crossing and combined.

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
this group is highly spiritual and wants good for us people.

This is very true.

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
The only problem is that once you look at what an ideal society for them includes is one where there is a one world governement or as they like to call it Atlantean democracy.

Everyone in the POD accepts the concept global government is, at some point, barring our extinction or complete planetary destruction, inevitable. Whether it will be "good" or "evil" depends on the form it will take. The plan for a government based on ideal #-theory, and advanced by the POD as "Atlantean Democracy," would be a global government based on direct democracy, equal pay for everybody, and understanding of esoteric sciences rather than religion. Its Constitutions may have flaws, but these may also be ammended. The POD do not believe "Atlantean Democracy" will ever be practised here on earth, successfully, unless it be on a global scale.

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
This group gets its knowledge from ancient civilizations and writings (ie enoch, sumaria, Atlantis, Lemuria...).

Again this is true. Our historical records begin about 26,000 years ago, and we have detailed accounts of all civilisations since then. Our scientific records allow us knowledge of what existed prior to the "big bang" and what will follow the eventual evaporation of our local spacetime dimension. We have limited capacity to make accurate predictions about future events on earth, by applying a method of remote-viewing combined with the understanding of cycles we have gained through the knowledge of our past historical and esoteric scientific records.

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
there is no indication in this text of any date

Not in the document you'd linked to initially, however in the complete POD.pdf the meanings of 5/5/2000 and 12/21/2012 are explained in depth.


posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
We will go from "primitive" non-psychics to psychics (not all of us, only the ones who are ready).

Again, we in the POD disagree. The POD vision of what will occur in 2012 is that all beings alive on this planet will acquire extra-sensory perceptions at once. Plants will think, animals speak language, and humanity evolve the capacity for instantaneous manifestation. The result will be that each of us will have our own unique time-line temporarily, some of which will self-terminate along the way, until the majority realities reconverge into two parallel time-lines, both populated by the survivors. The "better" world-line will be populated by those who do not manifest martial law and blue-beam scenarios, while the "worse" dimension will be populated by those who do.

I've been discussing this divergeance in time-lines in another thread here on ATS:

"shape-shifting reptilians and you":

But I'll be happy to discuss it in this thread as well if you'd like to learn more.

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
The Atlantean democracy is a system that is globalised where there is a centralized power controlling money, wealth and religion. It is a society that controls every aspect of ones life.

This is inaccurate, in the sense that there is no single ruler in a system governed by "Atlantean Democracy" (based on ideal #-theory). There is a nominal Pope, who is one of 7 "chief executives" (equivalent to the pres and veep in the current US system), and this "Pope" serves as the go-between from the State to the Church, ie. in this system, the Lemurian Bank. The Pope has no additional authority as such, and ultimately the rights and priveledges of ALL members of a society under "Atlantean Democracy" would be identical.

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
the "slave race", they would still get payed

This is a misconstruation. Technically, the "non-psychic slaves" identified by the POD are, presently, the "masses," who exchange their own ESP for value in the economic marketplace, however in the future, would only include those who choose to exist without developing ESP. As such, they would benefit from the banking system with the same wage as a usual citizen, but they would simply choose not to participate in the direct voting system of Atlantean Democracy. We in the POD do not look down on either the capitalistic "masses" now, nor those who choose to remain non-psychic in the future. The POD recognises all living beings as equally infinite in their capacity for sentience.

Originally posted by colloredbrothers
psychic's: These people are people with psychic abilities and would become the masters of the "slaves".

Again, this is a statement that applies to how things are NOW, not to how the POD wishes for them to be in the future under a system of Atlantean Democractic government. The "Pythagorean" wing of the "Order of Death" are only idealists among this group of international psychics. We believe the future can be a utopia without genocide, and that we can all make the transfer to a global government in peace.

Thanks for starting this thread, for reading my writings, and for being sharing your remarks on them here. I'm glad to be here too, to answer any questions. PEACE. - Jon

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by drew hempel
I read your book but it is not real Pythagorean philosophy.

If you'd read the POD documents, then you'd know the OP of this thread didn't write them.

Perhaps you could benefit from reading the POD's biography of Pythagoras:

I do hope you see the connexions between his study of ideal #-theory and our own.

- Jon

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:25 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
I look forward to your thoughts when you have read my book.

Thanks for sharing that. I looked over it briefly enough to notice a few things about its style, as a fellow author, and its content, as a fellow "sentient." First, I try in my own writing to edit more than just spelling, but also grammar, and to not make up neologisms for existing terms (such as "unlove," which strikes me as newspeakish, or "datacube," which I'd guess refers to some form of computer?). I also tend to focus more on analysing the content of other reputable authors to see the terms they use, adapt them to my own understanding of their definitions, and adopt them into my texts, rather than come up with neologisms. I also try to avoid neologisms through acronyms. I have "invented" only three words: "metaform," "holognomon," and "messaliangeler" (a conjunction of "messenger," "alien" and "angel"). I prefer having some historical basis for the theories I speculate in, and enjoy very much reading original historical texts. Also, in terms of my own prefered metod of conveying information, I prefer a non-fiction approach, instead of a fictional narrative as in a novel's story-line. I see you have mixed some paragraphs describing narrative events mis-en-scene alongside other paragraphs which appear to be trance-channeled information (ie. lots of neologisms). I have a friend named Leon who believes fiction can contain the Ultimate Truth, and I can introduce you to him if you'd like; however I disagree. There is no good in positing facts throughout a fictional story-line. That is only casting good seeds on infertile soil. But that is only my own opinion as a writer, and I understand your style is not my own.

- Jon

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 01:57 PM
Ya -- this "Pythagorean" philosophy is FAKE because it relies on the "subcontrary" interpretation of the Tetrad harmonics -- which came from Archytas and Philolaus -- this is the "divide and average" harmonics which is Babylonian, not Pythagorean. You can read -- his Ph.D. thesis: "Ancient Mystery, Magic and Philosophy" OUP, 1996 or so -- for details on how Plato and Aristotle lied about Pythagorean philosophy and these same "subcontrary" divide and average lies were further developed by Archytas -- from Philolaus who claimed to have understood the Pythagorean secrets after he "stole" them. Peter Kingsley's book "In the Dark Places of Wisdom" gives further details on the real Pythagorean secrets. Or you can study the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" translated by Charles Luk -- in China it was called the "infinite spiral of fifths" from the Pythagorean Tetrad -- with yang as 2:3, the Perfect 5th. It's important to realize that Chinese ideograms do not use "divide and average" phonetic language axioms which are dependent on a one to one correspondence of letter and number -- the case in Vedic and Babylonian philosophy as well -- and, of course, later Chinese philosophy which mixed with the former.

To wit:

C to G is 2:3 and G to C is 3:4 which violates the commutative property of the subcontrary mean -- A x B = B x A. I give further details in my "Deep Disharmony" blogbook, chapter 4 -- on Archytas.

reply to post by benpadiah

[edit on 3-2-2010 by drew hempel]

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by drew hempel
this "Pythagorean" philosophy is FAKE because it relies on the "subcontrary" interpretation of the Tetrad harmonics

I still say you should read the biography (it's only 123 pages long). I address the sub-contrary system briefly there, in historical context; but none of the rest of the POD's system even references, let alone "relies" on the subcontrary harmonic. The subcontrary was Pythagorean. Euclid's 47th is not. It was originally Chinese, from the Zhou Bi Shaun Jing, of the late Zhou dynasty.

As a researcher, I always try to at least hesitate before blasting someone as "wrong" or a "FAKE" because they might have more additional information to back their claims up than it seems. I've read Mario Livio's speculation Pythagoras was a Babylonian prisoner, and there learned the inner-priesthoood's secrets of "Babylonian mathematics." I don't agree with that theory though. I tend to agree with Manly Hall's records of Pythagoras in the orient, since they do tend to be supported by the evidence that Pythagoras knew Chinese mathematics.

Also, I'd be happy to read your works, if you promise to read my own, with an objective and open mind. Otherwise, I have no interest in reading boring, stilted, preachy "maths" rants from some wannabe professor. I kind of killed that genre for myself by writing some like that on my own. Then I got out of college, and realised what a waste it had been, since nobody academic cares about mere opinions, and people (academic or not) tend to appreciate indisputable facts presented gently much more than rhettorical jargon, boasts and empty accusations of anyone who questions it.

As such, btw, I recommend you read a little bit about the Zhou Bi Suan Jing on wiki:

If you are totally unaware of its existence, as you present yourself to me as being, you might enjoy it. You might just learn something you did not already know, or be inspired to rethink something(s) you thought you did know for sure.

If you have anything of a solid mathematical nature, rather than vague adjectival verbage, I'd be pleased to look it over for you.

- Jon

posted on Feb, 3 2010 @ 03:21 PM
Please allow me to apologise for my tone in that last post. I may have been a little edgy because I still can't get used to being called a "fraud," a "con-artist" or a "fake" by people with no knowledge of me or any of my writings. If by my words in that post I offended anyone, particularly the poster I was replying to, please allow me to offer, and please accept, my most humble apologies. PEACE. - Jon

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