The book: The pythagorean Order of Death can be read here
Many find this book to be weird and scary, and I agree that there are indeed some weird things in there. But I would like to note the possible truths
in this book.
The last page of the book there is a paragraph:
Abstract: Now more than ever we have a chance to look ahead and make accurate preduictions about what the future hold in store for us as ap eople and
for our entire planet. We have it in our power now to destroy the planet and end our species' existence. But we also hold in our hand the fragile
flower of hope for a brighter tomorrow, when peace and agreement, not war and strife, will extend to all corners of the globe.
Since 9-11, the
world has been separating into two time-lines that are gradually diverging more and more everyday. One is "better" and the other "worse".
(The reason I believe that they put better and worse in quotes is because I think they follow the law of one, and as the law of one states: "good
and bad doesn't exist". The reason I think this is because the law of one has been mentioned in the text)
My interpretation:
We have heard many times that 2012, was a window of opportunity and that the NWO was trying to divert us from this fact. If this document is correct,
then our opportunity window is closing by the day, because as we all can see, in these two timelines we are currently in the "worse" scenario
timeline (wouldn't you agree?). Now this doesn't automaticly mean we will head to that road, but at this time messuring "the odds" we are. Now we,
as a people can still change the timeline, but frankly I think it would take a miracle to change anything right now.
Now again if this document is authentic then this would mean that there is a group of people trying to do everything they possobly can to keep the
timeline bad and there is a I would say more neutral group of people that is maybe trying to save is if they see fit.
Bad group:
The group of people that want to keep us in this bad situation without a doubt are our leaders, and it is said that they are decendants of the royal
annunaki family that feeds of of our fear. This bad timeline in there case would be the best, because more fear and strife = more food.
Also bad group, with good intentions:
Now the other group according to the document is able to save us or destroy us, this is there document and in this document you can find allot of
spiritual talk. So i would say this group is highly spiritual and wants good for us people. The only problem is that once you look at what an ideal
society for them includes is one where there is a one world governement or as they like to call it Atlantean democracy. This group gets its knowledge
from ancient civilizations and writings (ie enoch, sumaria, Atlantis, Lemuria...).
What will happen in the year 2012 according to them:
They have a theory or a knowledge of what will happen in that special time. (Now I said 2012 because with it I simbolize the time for harvesting,
there is no indication in this text of any date)
"As the sunspot cycle reaches its 1.100 year zenith, genetic mutations increase."
Now many people in the spiritual/conspiracy movement have talked about this concept, I don't know if it was David Wilcock or who ever but the
principal is that man has evolved many years to become where he is. The last evolution was from ape like beings to intelligent homo sapiens sapiens.
Now in history this event didn't seem to be very gradual, instead it was very sudden and fast. Therefor some people believe that humans evolve in
steps and 2012 or the harvest year is just another of these steps. We will go from "primitive" non-psychics to psychics (not all of us, only the
ones who are ready).
As mutation is occuring to all, but weakening some, those who are weakened benefit from technological crutches using telecommunications media to
suplliment their nascent ESP.
In other words they believe that when this time comes, the people that arn't ready for this harvest will feel weak and will have to stay dependant of
there technological materials to suplliment there nascent ESP (=opposite of ascention to higher relms with possibilities of ESP these people will stay
without these capablilities).
David Wilcock also stated that when harvest commes there will be 2 worlds, one with the ascended and the other world concists of the nascended.
"some wille xperience this as immuno-deficiency, others as huper-activity. Non-psychics will naturally die off, only psychic (extra-sensory)
entient-entities will survive."
Wilcock likes to talk about the fact that we would be flying that we would be telepathical and creating things by imagining them and stuff like that.
And these people are saying something in the same trend.
"after being imagined and before being made real."
This is a technology so I don't know if it is in direct relation with harvest.
Future systems: body-jumping, surfing trans-planetart migration inter-galactic exploration [page 13]
Atlantean democracy:
The Atlantean democracy is a system that is globalised where there is a centralized power controlling money, wealth and religion. It is a society that
controls every aspect of ones life. In this society they split up people in two main groups.
Non-psychic's: These people have only 5 senses and are not what you would call spiritual people. These people are regarded as primitive and would be
the "slave race", they would still get payed but essentialy they are slaves.
psychic's: These people are people with psychic abilities and would become the masters of the "slaves".
Some of the info is confusing, but I thought Id post my thoughts on it anyway, this is not a pushing of David Wilcock's thoughts but I just made
corrolations with what he said.
[edit on 22-1-2010 by colloredbrothers]