posted on Jan, 22 2010 @ 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Faiol
the reality is that ITS OVER for all the big music and movies distributors ...
I hope your incorrect about that. it would suck to watch all the good movie companys fold up and we are forced to watch reruns of movies produced 20
years ago, or watch some live play/inde film run on a shoestring budget with horrible acting.
What needs to happen is to make it as complex as possible to attain pirate will never stop it, but you can make it soo difficult that the
average joe cannot do it...having a few thousand people swapping files is nothing, its when you have millions doing it with great ease...thats a
as far as these people able to make tons of money on the net by doing things differently...thats not true. people dont pirate to send a message to
the big movie/music industries...they pirate because they want something for free...there is no honorable rebellion, its just easy theft...
a good test of this neighbor made this rather brilliant media editing software package..he put it on the net for absolutely spent 2 years hand coding it and it works perfectly...
he only asked for a donation if you like it...whatever you feel is approprate, be it 100 bucks, or 25 cents...
he has had thousands upon thousands of downloads...and has yet to get a single penny in donations...plenty of "nicely done" messages, and thats
People on the net are rarely honorable...they are thieves, scavengers, and freeloaders.