Originally posted by easynow
might ?
no might about it , this is a trolling motor designed to discredit and ridicule the believers.
cointelpro agents have a track record of using this technique
Exposing the Covert Counter-Intelligence Program against Extraterrestrial Contactees
I highly doubt that a trolling motorboat is required by intelligence experts in order to discredit and/or ridicule believers and my reasoning is that
nothing of 'the believers' claims has ever amounted to anything credible.
Now before we get around to throwing the toys out of the cradle let's break down believers into their separate categories (if you don't like
categories - then GTFO my internetz).
Channellers - these guys are charlatans of the most brazen order. Not only are they the only ones who can communicate with these 'others' but
they are also rather bad at requesting any useful information. If aliens profile who they are going to communicate with then they must be more idiotic
than a redneck's grandson/nephew.
Abductees - Daddy didn't give someone enough attention and so now we are either resorting to lying or being deluded. Mostly American, these
people live lives they feel are so insignificant that they require something to spicen them up. Rather than do a community development stint at some
developing nation they create an elaborate ploy that only other rousers buy into. The only ones I feel sorry for are the truly deluded.
Aliens + Starchildren Little and green, Indigo, Pleaian, it doesn't matter. These guys feel so removed from society and their families that
they take it a step further and think that they are actually not of this Earth and yet are stuck on it. Now don't get me wrong, I know what it is
like to feel alienated from society, as a 14 year old boy I thought that all of reality could be some plot to get to some secret that I had hidden
deep within my memory and treated existence as such. Thing is the rambling musings of a child are healthy, being adult and feeling the need to
interact your pathetic attempts at existentialism as fact are not.
But I've seen it!!1!(ers) These people are the best of the bunch, and that's not saying a lot. Having seen something that doesn't quite
equate with their supposition of reality these believers fabricate a 'truth' that can't be tested or scrutinised. They take something they can't
explain...and explain it. Now this isn't to put down what they witnessed, this is to state that seeing something you don't know doesn't make it
something you claim to know. There is a wealth of videos of groups, YES GROUPS, of people witnessing Chinese lanterns, fireworks or lightshows that
state, matter of factly, that these are indeed (X) from (Y) here to (A) for the purpose of (B). Fooling only themselves and anyone who believes in
their tall tales of fantasy.
Now these guys only bring the community into the laughing stock of mainstream belief. Heck, I have a good chuckle (and then a cry) at the state of
some of these claims.
Now let's look at the more helpful aspects of the community - those who don't wish to be derailed by the 'believers'.
What's this?(ers) People who have some sort of evidence for something they can't explain. They present it to the community and accept a well
reasoned response from those who are able, and articulate, enough to supply them with an answer. When no answer is forthcoming they accept that there
is not enough data available at that point to determine what indeed it is that they have evidence for. Their evidence based accounts are the lifeblood
of the community as without them there would be nothing to investigate.
Sceptics Skeptics or sceptics exist in any community. Sure some of these guys might think they are sceptical and then are shown to pander to
their own belief systems somewhere along the way- but that's shown to them by another sceptic. Sceptics prick the balloon of belief, magnetise the
feet of fact to the floor and keep the head out of the clouds (or stars). One thing a sceptic loves is to be proven is wrong. Proving one wrong means
you have introduced clever concepts and methods that were previously unknown, thus allowing for science to be better and a more thorough understanding
of the universe to come into being. I strive to be sceptical and admire others who do the same.
Researchers Documenting both sides of the argument researchers allow future generations to associate with the story at hand. Detailing
sceptical and scientific measurements of each case along with claims and possible reasoning from all minds with an opinion at the time these guys try
not to contaminate the evidence and produce a clear, and unbiased, account of each account. Like people who think they are sceptical sometimes their
own beliefs will override their impartiality but someone will pick up on it, and through collaborative teamwork a better version of events will
Causally curious Not knowing what to believe - but happy to entertain all notions these guys are the bread and butter of the UFO community.
Willing to throw out far fetched claims and then retract them without problem when debunked, tying in different hypothesis to the mix to keep sceptics
on their toes, making radical conclusions which those too involved with the problem can't see. These are the folk who make it fresh for everyone all
over again. These are also the people that believers want to milk for every penny. It's our duty to protect these people and keep them as informed as
possible, without pushing our own prejudices upon them.
If anyone was to be coerced by a governing agency it would be the latter half. These are the thinkers, the people who actualise, those who achieve.
The believers are worthless stock who only aid anyone who wishes to conceal anything important from the masses. They are the flunkies. There is no
need to discredit them for they do it themselves.
Now if you'll excuse me, Skinner has buzzed me and said something about Obama upping the campaign against conspiracists by selling aluminium foil
adverts on their internet forums. I better get to the meeting and find out what
TPB want...