posted on May, 30 2004 @ 04:09 PM
What a load of BS all these sceptical comments are! But first a reply to pobert fenix: Yes, there is a third horse and rider on the right hidden by
trees. But why's that a problem for you?! The horse's feet legs are hidden by the trunks of trees - no problem. Does the 'long slanted board' look
weird? Frankly, no. What looks to your unduly suspicious mind like guide wire is nothing other a long thin mark in the ground. How suspicion will fuel
the imagination!
The argument about horses being likely to be spooked by the creature completely misses the point of this photo. The photographer says he did not
notice the creature at the time he took the picture. Many photos have been taken where a ghostly face or figure appeared on them that was not present
in visible form at the time. This is just another example. The horses were not spooked because they - like their riders and the photographer - did not
see the creature. Simple as that. Like a ghost, IT WAS INVISIBLE. It is so easy to shout "fake" just because the image looked conveniently blurred.
You forget to ask yourself: if this was a hoax, why would the hoaxer make it look like one by deliberately blurring the image he pasted into the
photograph? If he had wanted to make it look realistic, there are dozens of clear, made-up graphics of aliens on the Internet that he could have just
downloaded from websites and pasted into the photograph. Secondly, the creature DOES look as if it is walking, not posing for the photographer. So it
is hardly suprising that its image has ended up looking a bit blurred.
The correct evaluation of this picture is not to shout "PhotoShop" just because you know how you could have fabricated it. That's not good enough,
because the picture offers no firm photographic evidence to support the view that it was hoaxed. Instead of yielding to mindless scepticism, a more
balanced judgement is to view this picturet like so many UFO photographs: impossible to evaluate with any degree of certainty.