posted on Jan, 20 2010 @ 09:33 AM
Originally posted by above
But as long as one has nukes, everyone must be allowed to have nukes. Simple as Cake.
[edit on 20-1-2010 by above]
Yeah - if that cake is crazy and wants to wipe other countries off the map ( Iran ) or if that cake has a crazy little dictator that starves his own
people ( NK ) or if that cake has been embroiled in many years of civil war ( a lot of African nations )
You see - its not really that simple. In a perfect world no criminals would own guns, meth wouldnt kill you and crazy leaders wouldn't be in
Yes the United States DID use such a weapon - not nuclear but atomic - and yes there is a difference. We used it twice to end a very horrific war.
Such a war has not happened since. Was it a good idea to use them? history has to judge that. Was it in humanities best interest to use them? To stop
a war, yes - to kill so many innocent people? Of course not!
But, the fact that the US did at one time MANY years ago use an atomic weapon cannot in good conscience be used as an argument as to why so many rouge
nations should have access to nuclear weapons.
The king of england once used the beheading of wives as a way around divorce - should we all be alllowed to do so? My ex-wife probably says NO!
Dorian Soran
The Good Doctor