This is the amazing autobiography of a young man who believes he is in contact with space aliens, that he was abducted and taken to another planet for
therapy, that the aliens are God’s emissaries, and that God has charged him with telling the world.
It is hand-written, and hard to read in places, it's long and sometimes loops back on itself. (This was before being typed and edited.) It contains
diagrams and maps. Apparently the Family Radio Network, a religious crackpot gang with short-wave transmitter has caught the young man’s attention
and he wants them to air his story. They don’t want anything to do with him. They’re missing the boat. As he says: “People can decide whether to
believe. I know it’s hard.” Marco. (Editor of Memo magazine)
I have a feeling I am a chosen one for there has been a spiral like twisting floating feeling sometimes when younger, right when waking or before
going to sleep.
I could be leading a double life with screen memories. Do you know of other people who are similar?; for I feel it is my duty to tell the world that
they are from God and coming back soon.
I listen to Family Radio and keep it on all night while I sleep. During the nights 20 - 22 of January 1993 there was a holy spirit that came to me in
the form of what I think were the folks who run the flying saucers and deliver spiritual awakenings through mental telepathy and visual images
transferred into my mind in very vivid dreamlike states.
They were very gentle with me as he and his helpers took me to the extremes of my soul and faced fear and death and anger and guilt, and sexual
feelings mixed with fear. They also turned me into a killer and guilt that goes along with that.
And I loved them very much. He said “Love everybody; your mom, your dad, everybody.” I cried and cried and said "I do, I do,.. everybody," over
and over; for I cried and moaned with heavy breathing for hours.
There were two nights of therapy and two nights of dreamlike states that actually started a little past midnight on the 20th. They visited during the
next two nights, and in the evening hours right before midnight on the 22nd. It seemed like four separate nights, but was within a full three day
period exactly. They only visited off and on during the nights.
There is an unusual coincidence here that I just discovered on this day before Easter. This is that my father’s name is Paul. My dad has been dead
for over three years, and his birthday is January 22. The day I walked with the Lord was the early morning hours of January 22, which was the
highlight of the four-night, 3-day ordeal. January 22 was also the day the President was inaugurated into office for I saw it on TV that morning,
after the big flood during the night; for it rained heavy all night. My dad was a minister, and his father also. My mom’s side of the family is the
The person whom I call Jeeze is a person who is buried in my subconscious, that I have a strong emotional attachment to. Stronger than my mother or
father or anyone, and I would frankly die for this person who since my childhood I had got to know, or this group of people. All I can say is, “It
is them,” the ones who loved me so much. You cannot understand how it all came back for it was buried in my memory, and now I know why I had that
“motherless child” feeling.
I can’t remember what these people look like, but I think one could be a skinny lady, and I think they would say “Don't forget,” for that
thought has come sometimes.
Also, the New Testament preaching of the Gospel of Paul is the main focus of my bible experience, and my spirit dad came and made himself known on my
father Paul’s birthday, and the two days before. Also, notice in Colossians 4:10 (I was reading Colossians, and was half way through before going to
bed, on that very first night, right before they came.)
(visit the link for the full news article)