posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 07:43 PM
The coming of God's salvation is an ongoing process, in revelation there are atleast two generations of the Mesjiah mentioned. Jesjuah and his son.
The word antichrist or antichrists aren't even mentioned in Revelation, and elsewhere in the bible it's only used in general terms discribing people
or powers opposing the ruling Mesjiah. When the Mesjiah is evil, which happens, an antichrist would be a good guy, opposing the false christ. However
this is stuff most Christians get rabies from discussing, for they don't want to understand. The second enough people scream there is the Christ!
They will follow, like sheep being gathered by German shepherds. There is One God, but under him there are many good kings and leaders, aswell as a
lot of wicked ones. Some of the good ones are also "wicked" in that they baffle us with unconventional good fortune we would never suspect such a
power to front. The Law is there to se free, not to condemn.