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Best survival books?! Any and all welcome!

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posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 08:50 PM
For those who have already purchases their survival books, this may help any readers....

What survival books would you recomend for the following specifics:

General Survival
What to eat, what can kill you?
Best survival book of all time

Dear Lord, any ideas are a blessing for all.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 08:53 PM
reply to post by eleven:eleven

My friend , you made 4 threads on Survivl in a short time.

Do you know something we don't know.

If you look in the Archives for survival, there are threads made with survival guides and books.

Take care .

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by eleven:eleven

Hey champ , you checked your mail? My goodness man I sent you everything youll ever need. its at the top of your page, u2u? check it.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:01 PM
Thanks folks, I got overzealous and created a new thread on a whim...without facting checking ATS or my U2U account.

This is the best sight on earth, thanks for reminding me.

However, I don't want it to die in vain, so if anyone has their favorite survival book. Title and author, thanks in advance.


posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:28 PM
i would recommend "Camping and Woodcraft" by Horace Kephart. He lived in the Appalachian mountains in the early 1900s and wrote down almost everything he knew about survival. His book is an encyclopedia of survival information. Everything from hunting and foraging, to clothing making, to building furniture and log cabins with an axe! Its quite a thick book, but as anyone who has spent an extended period of time in the wilderness knows, you'll have the time to read it if you are out there anyways. Hopefully get some knowledge in beforehand and make sure you bring it with you in a waterproof bag in the event of the brown stuff hitting the whirly thing.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:36 PM
Rock on SAB17. Good words for bad times. That is exactly the thing we are looking for out here. IF anyone has more insight please don't hesitate, even links that are printable are an adequate subsitute.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 10:44 PM
You also might want to look at the NOLS library. They are one of the most well respected outdoor schools in the world, and they have a book for more or less any condition you will face in the outdoors. I would recommend their cookery and cookbooks as well. Tons of good recipes you can cook on a camp stove or fire (since you probably wouldnt be able to fire up the ol' electric range), as well as simple breakdown formulas of how much a person should eat a day according to what conditions they are in, and how to combine proteins, fats, and all other nutrients to make sure you stay alive. Heck they even tell you a rough formula of how much gas you will use per day.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 04:47 PM
overall survival army survival manual after you read that and feel like you need more usmc survival manual and the good thing about them you should be able to find an online version for free bad thing they are both pretty long to read on the computer so if you dont like screen reading (like me i just cant stare at the screen for hours) you can buy print copies of both at most military surplus stores pretty cheap

posted on Jan, 21 2010 @ 03:08 PM
any book by bradford angier, he and his wife chucked the city life, and spent last 20 yrs of thier lives in the boonies.he wrote about 20 or so different books, all good,euell gibons wrote several books foraging free food on the beach and in the woods.military survival books are good but you need latest army manual , it has color pictures of good and bad plants, that is really what you need to keep from getting sick or poisened.

posted on Jan, 26 2010 @ 03:26 PM
Id say for emergency situations. Anything written by ex-special forces. They tend to draw knowlege from a lot of different cultures and weed out the bits you dont need. For long term survival find books by experienced outdoorsmen or women. Dont just read the book. Theres no substutute for hands on experience. I have'nt read any survival books as yet, so i cant offer any names or Authors. The way the world seems to be headed though, i think i'll do some homework

posted on Jan, 29 2010 @ 09:31 PM
The Encyclopedia of Country Living

Storey's Basic Country Skills: A Practical Guide to Self-Reliance

The Vegetable Gardener's Bible

Where There Is No Doctor: A Village Health Care Handbook

Where There Is No Dentist

American Medical Association Family Medical Guide, 4th Edition

Many people recommend the SAS Survival guide (be careful, there are 2 versions and one supposedly sucks) and the US Army Survival Manual. I suppose they could teach the basics but many of the techniques should be learned by doing rather than reading.

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 02:09 AM
I can really recommend -The SAS Survival Handbook-.

It has all your Topics and more covered!

posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:38 PM
Hi 11:11

I dont have any particular books that are favorites, I have all kinds, from my grandfather's old Boy Scout book to WWI field manual to present day field manuals. I have books from the 1800's with "recipes" on making soap, to fixing a loom. What I am doing is learning as many skills as I can, First Aid/CPR certifications, First Responders, When help is delayed, etc. Learning to cook in a dutch oven (and really be able to eat what was cooked) making ovens out of boxes, trapping, deadfalls, etc. I dont know how many times I decided to try something out and, woops, I really do need that dohicky, maybe I dont have it, what can I use instead. and so on. Basically dont overlook any books, try out what catches your eye, and practice, practice, practice. (I think I said the same thing on another of your posts!)

No one book can cover ever sitX, neither is any book useless. The fun is in the hunt

Have fun looking

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