posted on Jan, 30 2010 @ 04:38 PM
Hi 11:11
I dont have any particular books that are favorites, I have all kinds, from my grandfather's old Boy Scout book to WWI field manual to present day
field manuals. I have books from the 1800's with "recipes" on making soap, to fixing a loom. What I am doing is learning as many skills as I can,
First Aid/CPR certifications, First Responders, When help is delayed, etc. Learning to cook in a dutch oven (and really be able to eat what was
cooked) making ovens out of boxes, trapping, deadfalls, etc. I dont know how many times I decided to try something out and, woops, I really do need
that dohicky, maybe I dont have it, what can I use instead. and so on. Basically dont overlook any books, try out what catches your eye, and practice,
practice, practice. (I think I said the same thing on another of your posts!)
No one book can cover ever sitX, neither is any book useless. The fun is in the hunt
Have fun looking