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SuperMan "Real" SuperPowers and the PAradox ((( Why it's hard to Prove )))

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posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 07:11 PM
I FInd this Whole Superman Superpower thing is a Giant PAradox, piggy 3

You find the more you fine tune your Vibration the LEss you want to talk about it. The Only Sisters & Brothers you want to help along are friends with in your own vibrational level of Reality.1

Brothers may say if there were others with SuperNatural Powers why don't they Display this. It's because they had to dissolve there "Child Mind" or "Ego" to get the Soup Powers in the first place. SuperPeople don't need any outer Validation. (No Need to "Showboat" or "Glory Hound themselves" they have the inner truth and its highest form of GOLD ) "Don't dangle your pearls in front of swine" 4

The Paradox is - A Lower Vibration is limited in power but unlimited in Personality & Quirks (Divided light) /// Higher Vibration is unlimited in power but has no need to manipulate energy to achieve "Personal Goals" like laser beam eyes or ability to fly by farting (Because the personal has dissolved into the one (Single unified Light) "if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light" 1

Most people that display there lower talents are still in the lower mind (Charlatans & Swindlers). If you want to meet a smiling girl who can Levitate shining 5 feet in the air (For real) you never will, until you reach a "Cleaner vibration" of Development. And then the PAradox is you won't really talk about it when you do see it. Because now you are now in the great white brotherhood. ( Also the Girl who could levitate would never show a "Lower Vibration" brother because she could be Identified and it would create a lot of Problems for her inner development) (Watch the end of frankenstein) 5

Every Mental Reaction should be an out pouring of Divine love wholeness. (There can be no Aversion there is no other)
-When you see a Spider "Ow look a BEautiful part of the creation family". (you also feel the spider is you. and could never hurt it)
-When you see your Mother "Your Mind & Heart is filled with Gratitude for your lovely body she helped co-create for yall" 9

There should be no aversion to anything because everything is One thing. This is the part that can be hard because most people want to keep there "Jerky personalities" and have superpowers too? (But the "Jerky Vibration" is too dense with inner Conflict to manifest anything but common Physical motion) "Ride the bike potbelly" 2

The other tough thing to understand is people are used to only feeling the "Personal self" & "Personal Body" your consciousness must expand let your mind Be the Sky, the sensation the whole sky as if it's part of the single you. ( and keep expanding universally ) How can you be universal when all your time is spent on personal things like Home life, Job life, tv, Vanity ( "What you do is what you are" ) 6

One Key is there is no such things as personal Power,( Or personal self) Some so called magicians, warlocks or goddess wearing their special clothes, amulets, and crystals are simply creating attention for the "Child Mind" they need to feel special. Some may have a few tricks like that of a qigong or tai chi master. But even that is not a true Super Power. (The True master see's you for what you are but you can't see him, he uses no Cd's or seminars ) 5

Superbeings by John Randolph Price (Talks about Higher Vibration people like this) 3

At least thats my current take on the slow ascending mind into SuperWoman or Superman. Yes i must have a pretty low vibration to say all this on a message board, and be sitting this close to a computer. Hopefully me expand soon! 5

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 08:41 PM
Good thread, S&F.

The bottom line is that when people truly realize any kind of "supernatural" ability that the medical sciences poo-poo, they have already found much more within the same than the entire external world offers them. Once you start an inward path, you must keep following inward. The people that fail to their ego and return to depending so much on external reality are not rewarded except to once again be subject to the external reality that appears as an illusion.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:07 PM
Another reason it is so hard to prove, is because it is usually taking place inside of a deluded, unhealthy mind, and has absolutely no connection with reality.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 09:22 PM
reply to post by TheAnomaloid

If you want the very definition of schizophrenia, look at what society at large is doing and how it works. It's been said before that if society were a single person, it would immediately be institutionalized just because of how many separate and contradictory interests different aspects of it try to maintain. Not to mention the myriad of contradictory ideas it offers.

But nonetheless you are stuck to this machine, and would not be able to live without it, and are in fact nothing without it. If you are not used to meditating I doubt you would even be able to sit by yourself in silence for a whole 10 minutes without becoming nauseatingly restless and bored with yourself. This is how psychologically weak and how much like helpless babies people are who are totally dependent upon society and social knowledge and social gratification. Of course they are going to believe whatever "society at large" tells them.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by PennySaint

Good thread, S&F!, Will read more on this and meditate on it later.

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 08:40 PM
common sense tells anyone that displaying something like being able to shoot flames from their hands, walk up walls, levitate, fly, ect... is not gonna be in their greatest benefit, depending on their life situation. well unless they are seeking money, and or attention over privacy, ect... thats not even saying the latter is wrong.

if your some poor kid in russia somewhere, with no one but you and your mother living in some slum, and you can fly, your telling me your gonna keep that to yourself knowing that you possibly could use this to finally gain some attention, and MONEY, so you and your mother can live a better life? yeah #ing right, give me a break with that.

"hey, mom, i can fly, but im not gonna use that to our benefit. we will just stay poor together, and you will just have to die from health issues, and ill go into prostitution".

if i could fly tomorrow, i would put on a mask, and or only travel in the early am, and i would be cruising all around. hell, i might just hop on a mask, and do it in broad daylight just to show people the reality of it. although that would turn into debates on if im a robot or not. lol. i wouldnt hide it because of some egotistical bullcrap that i think i should hide "level 3" things from "level 1" people.

i wouldnt display it ( without masking my identity) to anyone outside of a few people i trust, because i dont want the attention. this is a stupid stupid world, and i dont want the attention that a super human would get, but thats just me. i cant say that super powers have any relevancy with ego that much, and people are more confused on how the two interact then anything. even the yogis said you can develop the siddhis without being "enlightened". whatever the hell being enlightened is.

people use "magical tools" to help direct their intention, not because of child like ego's. plus it also can help keep things in secrecy. if people believe you need a magic blue stone from the gods in order to fly, it helps keep the masses ignorant to the fact that, thats just some random blue stone you found walking around one day, and that you fly just by thinking it, and anyone can do it.

its easy to go on the internet and say how you would never do such egotistical things like show off your abilities, or use them for simplistic, egotistical, material gain, when your life is most likely not that bad anyways. how bout i strip you of everything you have now, give you the ability to fly, and throw you somewhere down in china, cleaning your clothes in a trash river. i bet you would immediately be using your super powers to get you out of the slums real quick. well, you can fly, so you will just fly so lets use something like low level telekinesis, like being able to lift a bike a few feet in the air with your mind. point being, you would be speaking a different tune if you had these abilities, and were living a horrid life style.

[edit on 18-1-2010 by jimmy1200]

[edit on 18-1-2010 by jimmy1200]

posted on Jan, 18 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by jimmy1200
common sense tells anyone that displaying something like being able to shoot flames from their hands, walk up walls, levitate, fly, ect... is not gonna be in their greatest benefit, depending on their life situation. well unless they are seeking money, and or attention over privacy, ect... thats not even saying the latter is wrong.

if your some poor kid in russia somewhere, with no one but you and your mother living in some slum, and you can fly, your telling me your gonna keep that to yourself knowing that you possibly could use this to finally gain some attention, and MONEY, so you and your mother can live a better life? yeah #ing right, give me a break with that.

"hey, mom, i can fly, but im not gonna use that to our benefit. we will just stay poor together, and you will just have to die from health issues, and ill go into prostitution".

if i could fly tomorrow, i would put on a mask, and or only travel in the early am, and i would be cruising all around. hell, i might just hop on a mask, and do it in broad daylight just to show people the reality of it. although that would turn into debates on if im a robot or not. lol. i wouldnt hide it because of some egotistical bullcrap that i think i should hide "level 3" things from "level 1" people.

This is why you probably wont be able to fly in your lifetime, nor see another do so, unless you drastically change your views. But then again who am I to say anything?

Regarding the OP, I understand the concept and I think I agree for the most part. Once we start the inner path and focus we can achieve great things.

What people tend to think (like I quoted above) is "Okay well if I can do this, or do that, then how come I don't show it off/use it to my benefit?"

Well keeping it to yourself is still benefiting everyone. We are one consciousness, therefore if I gain a power, we all gain a power. If I move my vibrational level up, technically I'm not just helping myself out, but I'm helping others out as well. This is because time/space is much different in spiritual form, and really this is where it becomes much harder to explain because literally I can't fathom words to describe the things I am feeling/sensing within my own consciousness.

Time to go meditate

[edit on 18-1-2010 by highlyoriginal]

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