posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 04:26 PM
This is just a theory so keep an open mind. It's also quite long -sorry, I really need to work on my editing skills !
Ancient texts around the world credit "gods" from the heavens with our creation. The same texts unanimously expouse how the gods were apparantly
split into factions. Their were disagreements, friction and sometimes war. The world belief systems that developed over time seem essentially to fall
into two camps : (1) God is within (2) God is an external force you are answerable to. You could perhaps view these opposing stances as a reflection
of the opposing ideologies the warring ET race taught mankind.
Throughout history, ancient and modern, tales of ET visitation abound in literature from all over the world. It seems they have always been around,
but in more recent times their presence has been shadowy rather than overt.
There are two opposite views of ETs coming from the pages of books , from the screens on our TV and from interviews with experiencers. There is
regular talk of how the PTB could be deliberately (a) attempting to market the notion the Ets are not to be feared and (b) marketing the idea they are
not our friends. It is entirely possible they are doing both, because it sets up a psychological divide across the masses which serves a purpose that
will become clear as I go on.
The "NWO" and it's whole movement tends to be associated with the aim to undermine Christianity and unite the world's religions/replace world
religions with a brand new "one world religion". The concepts of paganism, mystery religion, New Age thought get associated with the "elite" and
their NWO plans and so can be linked to the group in the bible who oppose the aims of the OT "God" and the NT figure Jesus.
Religious types are expecting a false messiah and the attempt to install what they view as a "Satanic" kingdom on Earth. They anticipate these plans
to be halted by the arrival in the skies of their Messiah and his "army" , which kicks off a war culminating in the mother of all show downs,
"Armageddon", a fight they believe their god will win. It is expected that the "false messiah" will mirror the second coming, which logically
means that false messiah and co should appear in the skies en masse just as Jesus & co is supposed to.
If the gods of old are the same beings who occupy the UFO's we see in our skies then it is possible that these beings have been carefully working to
earn trust in readiness to expose themselves at the appropriate time . I would suggest this group are those who will be playing the role of
False-Messiah and co. They have mostly displayed a benign presence, because of course they want humanity to have no reason to fear them. My belief is
that the PTB on this planet will join forces with these beings, showing a unanimous front to "save the world" from its various problems and to usher
in their New World. SHOULD these beings indeed appear as I suspect they eventually will, then the religious lot will of course be in a frenzy as such
events will be the final sign of their lord's imminent return , who is meant to come and crush the NWO/"Satanic Kingdom", overthrow the world
governments and take control of Earth once again. This would take place around three and a half years after the false messiah arrives according to the
biblical timeline.
Now let's consider that when the initial group of gods arrives on Earth, over time it gets "revealed" to humanity that there are many other races
in the universe, some of whom are not well disposed towards humanity and we must all get our heads around that and be prepared, militarily and
psychologically, in the event of an attack. Perhaps there is one specific faction they warn us against........
Now I hark back to something I mentioned earlier - the "campaign" if you want to call it that to influence mankind via books, TV shows, media, films
etc about ETs being the enemy ....think Independence Day, and remember Ronald Reagan's curious little speech about a negative ET presence "already
amongst us". But then on the other hand, there is the movement to trust ET - for example The Disclosure Project headed by Steven Greer, who many
think is a disinfo agent/plant.
It could be that all along, the elite have known about an impending "showdown" in a conflict that has been going on for millenia. In order to
further their aims it would be necessary to try and prime mankind to trust the ETs as they would be planning to go go public about the ETs when the
time was correct, and may already know about a date in time for the "arrival" ...which seems likely if we consider that the movement of the
"elite" with its NWO is sympathetic to the aims of the "Satanic Angels" of the Bible. For the gods to achieve THEIR plans they would have to be in
contact with some humans somewhere up the ladder of power.
AT THE SAME TIME time there would ALSO be a need to market the idea that the ETs may be hostile (Ronald Reagan), a force we may have to fight against
(Independence Day) because the NWO/First group of aliens would be expecting a showdown and need mankind on their side, ready to fight in the war. They
have a huge armada of human engineered "alien" craft by now so a human army in UFO type craft alongside their ET buddies would be quite a force to
reckon with.
Now I am not religious , so I do not subscribe to the fixed and fated reality view of the bible which promises the Satanic Kingdom and false gods will
be crushed. The objective reality in such a scenario as outlined in this thread is that an outcome of a war of this kind cannot be concluded before
the war actually breaks out.
The question of why would the 2nd bunch of ETs wait three and a half years before showing up to vanquish the "bad guys" can be explained thus : The
gods are at war. IF group 2 (the "real jesus" and co) win as prophecied then they will want the humanity who has survived to trust them. A good
couple of billion people expect to have to wait around three and a half years before the second coming so it would not be strategically wise to fail
to follow "prophecy". By doing what mankind has expected from them, as outlined in the bible, far more power is involved - the masses will be
stunned, enthralled by "prophecy coming true ! !
If they were the victors, the masses of traumatized humans would in bits psychologically, with many who were previously unbelievers "converting" in
an instant out of awe and shock. This kind of widespread worshipful allegiance will make their control over mankind easier. We already know what they
plan to do with those who refuse to convert - "bye bye".
I don't think I'd be content to be a survivor in a world that was controlled by EITHER of these factions - I think they each have their own agenda
and neither is really in the interests of mankind.
Anyway, that's my ruminations over, if you've read til the end, well done !
[edit on 17/1/10 by cosmicpixie]