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Know the truth about HR 3200

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posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 04:23 PM
A new video on the socialist plan to take over our lives in every way possible. This Plan will destroy small business in America. The Health Car Plan is NOT an Option for liberty loving Americans. Watch the video and don't be decieved. Please spread it virally to everyone you can. Please if you agree, flag this. We must spread the word and defeat ignorance if want to change this movement. Health reform is a good idea but this isnt the way to do it. Please Watch the Video before Posting!!


[edit on 17-1-2010 by Barkster]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 04:42 PM
My perspective of Obama changed the moment I saw him name TG to his financial cabinet . I mean the x president of the FED? JFC are you kidding ?
I appreciate you OP putting this out there.
But nothing will surprise me anymore.
These guys are the criminals that Celente says they are. All of them, everyone involved in the bailout, everyone on Wall Street, everyone in Washington.
I don't just tout party lines. Nor do I spout other peoples' ideas without awareness from whence they came.
Somethimes the eloquence of Celente and his team of writers is still not enough to express my feelings about this . In which case it's just time to say:
F#$k these guys , man.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 04:52 PM
This bill cannot be passed fast enough. My parents own a small business, and thus have to pay for their insurance. My dad's policy costs over $20,000/ year due to a preexisting condition. He has atrial fibrillation, but is very healthy in terms of daily exercise, eating lots of fish, and a general knowledge and adherence to a healthy lifestyle. Of course, none of this matters to health insurance companies, who only view people as a means to an increased profit.

Sure this bill could be better, but Palin and the other misleading fear-mongers who spread the propaganda of the health industrial complex tricked people into bashing proposals that would have lead to better care at a reduced cost. The health insurance companies fear competition, and want a system of socialism for corporations, at the expense of capitalism for you and me.

Look at where our current system has left us. We, right now, pay drastically more for a system that yields pure mediocrity:



This bill is a starting point, and can be modified to become even better for the citizens of America. It really is undeniable that a single-payer system is the only one that can both dramatically contain costs and maintain a good standard of care. The problem with the bill is not that it is socialistic, and anyone who says so is illustrating that they should not be looked to as a source of worthwhile information. However, the bill, in my opinion, is a net positive.

It looks like some people are starting to understand that yelling about 'freedom,' which allows corporatism to spread our cheeks for a couple bucks is not freedom at all. Capitalism is one thing, but corporatism is entirely another. Do not be fooled into giving up your own self-interest so that corporations can control and profit off of your loss on individual rights.



[edit on 1/17/2010 by skunknuts]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 04:57 PM
Thanks Dragonmusic, Celente, Bob Chapman, and Max Keiser are Rock Stars of Ecomomic Studies and Knowledge.
Absolutely Great points Skunknuts. however,misinformed about what the bill is trying to accomplish. Watch the video if you think it is still a good bill than possibly you are a socialist at heart and want big brother to command your every breath. sorry I somehow lost this last part of my post while poping back and forth between posts. I didn't mean to condone your point of view exactly but was trying to say you have a few good points. note to self~ be more careful before pressing submit button.

[edit on 17-1-2010 by Barkster]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by skunknuts

Do not be fooled into giving up your own self-interest so that corporations can control and profit off of your loss on individual rights.

That is what this health care bill is doing. I am being forced to give money to big corporations, so they can profit off of me.

I'll choose where I want to spend my money.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 05:39 PM
This Bill fill fail because all of the Teabagger right wing conservatives morons were against it ..

The Opposition forced them to changed the Bill in favor of the Corporations, big pharma and the Insurance Company ..

Good Job Idiots !!!

How do you have the nerve to complain about Obama's (and others) broken promises .. when IS YOU that is not allowing them to change anything !!!

YOu are forcing this admisistration to fail ..

[edit on 17-1-2010 by Polynomial C]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Barkster
Thanks Dragonmusic, Celente, Bob Chapman, and Max Keiser are Rock Stars of Ecomomic Studies and Knowledge.
Absolutely Great points Skunknuts.

It's only Celente I mentioned.
And he is a rockstar of economic studies and knowledge.
How can you possibly think the economists on the msm have any credit at all when they were all so confident about everything just before SHTF?

It's a game and they've got you and your skunkworks buddy believing you can make a difference.


posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 06:03 PM
reply to post by Polynomial C

My goodness you are misinformed. When Obama took office he filled his cabnet with wall streeters, and Bankers, period. If you really believe in the left right paradigm that the NWO has brainwashed the masees into believing in than you need to wake up. Obama has not repealed anything in patriot act instead he has added to it. I suppose you think Al Queda is real and osama is really alive and 9-11 was the work of a bunch of cave dwelling religous fanatics. My goodness man WTFU.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 06:07 PM
"It's a game and they've got you and your skunkworks buddy believing you can make a difference.
Pffft "

WTF are you off about? Bob Chapman and Max keiser are not MSM. You should study up a little before you retort. I'd suggest a you tube search on them and get aquainted with thier views.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by Barkster

One (Of the many) things I dislike about Obama is his Inability to change/Ability to expand Bush's Horrible Policies ..

i do support(ed) his Health Care reform .. it had Public Option .. it was Not perfect .. but Good enough .. But now .. he was forced to change all that .. because of all the wackos Neo and old school conservatives screaming Red Fire!!!

[edit on 17-1-2010 by Polynomial C]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Barkster

"It's a game and they've got you and your skunkworks buddy believing you can make a difference.
Pffft "

WTF are you off about? Bob Chapman and Max keiser are not MSM. You should study up a little before you retort. I'd suggest a you tube search on them and get aquainted with thier views.

I'm not the one who ever mentioned those guys.
You should read up on the posts you respond to.

posted on Jan, 19 2010 @ 01:53 PM
And now what the Liberty Council has to say about it. The Council is a Nationwide public interset religious Cilvil Liberties Law Firm. They insert the interpretation of each part of the bill as it appears in the bill. Can someone p2p me how to embed this?

[edit on 19-1-2010 by Barkster]

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