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The Guardian: “Even Charles Manson could beat him now”

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posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:42 AM
Once upon a time there was a President whom, in the beginning, some expected to become the next John F. Kennedy. After a year in office less favourable comparisons seem to take shape.

Quote from the article

"… "I'd have thought in the past that if Charles Manson ran against a Republican in Floyd County he would win," says Bartley. "But Charles Manson could beat Barack Obama here right now. Thousands of miners out of work, the entire local economy in the tank. But he's got a couple of years where he could turn this round. If he does that he could win. If he doesn't, Charles Manson could come in and win"."

Additional quotes:

"… For many the change that Obama promised when he was inaugurated a year on Wednesday has ended up being a change for the worse."

“… The official narrative of Obama's inauguration – the fairytale most of the US media told itself and that the international community wanted to believe – was that after a ­rancorous campaign a divided country came together to celebrate the historic election …. The reality was always quite different.”

“… while racism might inform the intensity and shape the nature of the attacks on Obama they do not drive them. …. have good reasons to be against him that have nothing to do with race.”

"… another said "'Cap' Congress and 'trade' Obama back to Kenya".”

“… A lot of information about Obama's background is missing," says Abigail Billings. "The media in America is not doing any research. They're not asking any questions. They're not reporting any longer. They're now opinionated talk shows. They're no longer offering factual news coverage”.”


About “The Guardian”: “….The Guardian … is a British daily newspaper owned by the Guardian Media Group. Founded in 1821, it is unique among major British newspapers in being owned by a foundation (the Scott Trust, via the Guardian Media Group). …Guardian features editor Ian Katz stated in 2004 that "it is no secret we are a centre-left newspaper". In 2008, Guardian columnist Jackie Ashley … said that "you can be absolutely certain that come the next general election, The Guardian's stance will not be dictated by the editor, still less any foreign proprietor (it helps that there isn't one) …” (Source: )

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by IAmRobot

Obama will be judged in the end on how he does and I will gladly read that writing when its on the wall. So far I would say he is about a C to me.

What's included in this is hardly his fault though and to try and pin it on his just shows how ignorant our country is. The economy was sold down the river before he was in office and we are sitting on the edge of a waterfall into hell. We will see just how long it takes to go over or if he really is a good captain and can pull us back. If it does get turned around it still wouldn't be in all credit to him.

Why is this a story for a UK paper though?

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:58 AM
what does some uk fool have to say about america?

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 01:59 AM

Now the rest of the world is catching on to the illusion of Obamania.
Oh and btw...JR... The whole "hes only been in office a year" crap is getting really old. What happens another 3 years down the line and
nothing has changed? Will he still not be accountable?
I remember 3 months after he got into office people who were defending him were saying "hes only beenin 3 months, give him a year and then we can talk" line.
Well its been a year, and he has done nothing to this country of any value besides drive us deeper into the abyss. How deep do we have to go before we have to push the button to get back up to periscope depth?
The amount of fake monopoly money he has pushed onto the public is more than all US presidents combined.
For some reason he thinks by injecting money that is not backed up by anything, and giving away free healthcare to everyone is going to make our country bounce back.
Unemployment is on the rise, and it is continuing more and more each day.
Welfare recipients has hit the highest number ever.
thats enough for now...
Obama sucks as president. End of Story.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
... What's included in this is hardly his fault though and to try and pin it on his just shows how ignorant our country is. The economy was sold down the river before he was in office and we are sitting on the edge of a waterfall into hell.

We should now have sufficient insight to reckon whether he merely inherited "the waterfall into hell" or whether he’s supporting and aggravating it.

[edit on 17-1-2010 by IAmRobot]

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 02:18 AM
Democrats and Republicans are two criminal gangs. Like the Bloods and the Cryps. When the Democrats are in office, they extort money in the form of outrageous taxes from the people and give to their homeys like ACORN, the insurance industry, and unions.

When the Republicans are in office, they lie to the people and stage false flag operations against the people to go to war on false pretenses so their homeys can make HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Homeys like Halliburton and Xe formerly known as Blackwater.

In both instances the people lose, but one might say they deserve it for being so incredibly stupid to believe that criminal gangs have their best interests in mind.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by Ausar
what does some uk fool have to say about america?

Read the article and find out.

If you mean 'why are they talking about America?', then surely the question should be 'why shouldn't they be talking about America?'

You can't be the self-appointed leaders of the free world, and then expect the free world not to take an interest in what happens there.

posted on Jan, 17 2010 @ 07:33 PM

Originally posted by groingrinder
Democrats and Republicans are two criminal gangs. Like the Bloods and the Cryps. When the Democrats are in office, they extort money in the form of outrageous taxes from the people and give to their homeys like ACORN, the insurance industry, and unions.

When the Republicans are in office, they lie to the people and stage false flag operations against the people to go to war on false pretenses so their homeys can make HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS. Homeys like Halliburton and Xe formerly known as Blackwater.

In both instances the people lose, but one might say they deserve it for being so incredibly stupid to believe that criminal gangs have their best interests in mind.

Very true. Former banker and finacial author Charles R. Morris says that the excesses of the left give rise to the abuse of power, while the excesses of the right give rise to the abuse of wealth. Both can be equally destructive; its a matter of balance and degree.

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